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Shoes that look better with age...


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^ Thanks for the pics morse!

bbours, interesting burnishing.

  fre$co said:
I think it is to do with the waterproof construction and commando sole. The boot designed for wetter, muckier conditions.

Cheers fre$co!

Had a chance to try on some Edward Green and Wolverines today :)

EG shoe-trees sell in Aussie for $260...

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DIY modded my Stow and Grasmere boots.

Re-did the Stows, with veg/animal oil and beeswax (got dirty in the rain again though :P).

Didn't want to do the mid-soles on the Grasmere, since they're proper workplace boots...



Thinking about sueding the upper sides on the Grasmere and dubbing it.

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  mikecch said:
DIY modded my Stow and Grasmere boots.

Re-did the Stows, with veg/animal oil and beeswax (got dirty in the rain again though :P).

Didn't want to do the mid-soles on the Grasmere, since they're proper workplace boots...



Thinking about sueding the upper sides on the Grasmere and dubbing it.

Love them , I am looking at black Grasmere as my next purchase and the Stowe look fantastic . I love my Malton but I think the brogue suits the espresso so much better...i'm jealous !!! Like my Malton I see you have a commando soled brogue , it is the best sole by far .

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those Whites are looking so damn good,

after some break-in and dirt with some wear, the honey vibram soles look so well on those...


so nice!!

yes those Bucos engineers are really something..

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bored just some shoes i have

planning to trade with someone who has the NST boot in #8 with the indy #8 below looking for size 9e or 9.5d the indy below is a 9d and never used PM me!

whotes french calf tan bounty hunter


alden indy #8


ravello nst blucher


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i found some made in england doc marten industrial steelies on the bootmarket for a steal a few weeks ago - only lightly worn, and fit well. only issue was, they were that horrible yellow nubuck they often use for timberlands and the like... still for 3 quid i couldn't complain.


anyway, today i thought i'd try giving them a polish (nothing to lose if they ended up fucked) - and look what i got...




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Some great boots on the last page...killer b, I know that those boots aren't to the taste of a lot of people on here, but I really like the finish on those...and Ed, your boots make me want some cordovan footwear real bad...

Had a busy day today - popped over to see David, an old, ex-British Army friend for a catch-up and his eyes lit up when he saw the Lotus I was wearing - it prompted him to run off and produce these beauties below:




Old veldtschoen shoes, "several decades" old, according to him (he's 70 and still going strong). You can't make out the brand but they're in bloody great nick for their age and, "they polish up a treat, when I can be arsed to do it"!

Dave said that the boots were standard wear for British Army officers as part of their "No.2" dress, which is barrack dress, and that some people chose to wear them "in the field", too. He said that they're as waterproof as a pair of shoes could be, and emphasised the importance of the bellow tongue in the construction.

He said that when he first joined up, in 1949, they were issued with a pair of black boots in a similar leather (scotch grain, presumably), but that they had to level out the grain on the boots with the heat from a candle and then polish them up to a mirror shine.

According to Dave, they're had some serious wear but never needed resoling. The Itshide sole shows the wear, but is still going strong:


He commented that he wouldn't trust a High Street cobbler to do the resole on them, so was pretty interested when I showed the resole on the Lotus I was wearing...I left with an unsolicited promise from will that the shoes would be left to me in his Will (!), and a decades-old Barbour jacket with fleece lining and hood...

Then I trotted off to collect these Lotus, won on eBay for a tenner and pictured with my own:


Going to give these a clean and see how they polish up with some TLC.

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  marineabilly said:
Update to my Horsehide Buco Engineer Boots


jeezes, absolutely love these - quoted again since I cant rep

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  CrashTestBrummie said:
Some great boots on the last page...killer b, I know that those boots aren't to the taste of a lot of people on here, but I really like the finish on those...and Ed, your boots make me want some cordovan footwear real bad...

they weren't really to my taste tbh, but i needed some new steel toes for work anyway. they're much better now - and comfy as hell.

i'm all for dressing like a victorian carpenter, but it's a look a bit out of my price range atm... ;)

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Those Alden Context Number 8 Shell Cordovan Tanker Boots are unreal. I know Context's doing a pre-order now and I wish I could rationalize the price for them, so f'ing sexy.

On a side note, regular Indy's now have a leather inner lining and so they have gone up $10-15. I missed the boat on the pre-order of the Roy's from Context. Nice work self.

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