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Shoes that look better with age...


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so i need to do a basic shine on some chestnut brown irish setter work boots...i posted pics a few pages back. i have no idea how to do it though, do i clean them first? polish them? shine them? there's no difference between polishing and shining them is there? help me or soon my boots will be scratched to hell and i won't even be able to think about competing with you guys and yer goddamn cordovans

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  heartofsawdust said:
so i need to do a basic shine on some chestnut brown irish setter work boots...i posted pics a few pages back. i have no idea how to do it though, do i clean them first? polish them? shine them? there's no difference between polishing and shining them is there? help me or soon my boots will be scratched to hell and i won't even be able to think about competing with you guys and yer goddamn cordovans

Depends on the leather. Whatever you do don't polish suede, unless you want to do what Bill did with a lighter. I usually go in this order.

- Brush off all dirt and shit crumbs stuck to the stitching of the shoe and sole.

- I use a jersey cloth, usually old t-shirt, and I use a Lexol leather cleaner and I slowly clean the surface of the leather. I let this dry a good hour or so.

- Then I use a Saphir or Lexol leather conditioner and I moisturize the surface with light coats. i also let this dry.

- Then I use a brush or some more cloth to apply some light coats of paste. I let this dry a few minutes.

- With a bit of water, I use another clean cloth and I buff the polish until sparkly.

- Lastly I buff the whole mess with a nylon cloth.

- I use a neutral paste on the outsole, because I like how the color starts to wear off.

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^^ I was about to reply to this too, Heartofsawdust, but Coleslaw's given you a much fuller answer than I could have:o

In other news, I cracked and bought the Schnieder jodhpur boots. Yes they were lots and lots of money (without even considering the unbelievable 3 piece boot trees at 195pounds:eek:, which I obviously didn't buy...), but they fit like a dream and I think they're very elegant. The way I'm justifying it is that the much less nice versions I've tried from C&J, Foster's, Trickers, New & Lingwood et al. are only about 50pounds less. Even Edward Green's I don;t like as much, and they;re another 200pounds again. So I clearly got a bargain:rolleyes:

Photos fresh out the bag, as I want to compare these in a few months after they've softened up.







They're really comfortable already. It's a bot of a task pulling them on, although Mr Scnieder said they;ll soften up a lot and I believe him, but once you're in, the buckle hugs your ankle without it getting looser during the day as laces do.

Another big factor in getting these rather than slightly cheaper ones is that the front parts don;t gape open at the back where they cross over the heel. I think this is partly because there's no loop at the heel for the straps to go through (as other brands' do). This means the straps can sit at the height that fits right on your foot, and it pulls the fronts in nice and tight.

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  fre$co said:

Definitely looks like they were modified for an older person. The crepe sole will make them lighter, and the wedges will correct their orthopedic problem. It sucks that they are huge. they will probably go cheaper because of the wackiness of the sole.

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  Akira said:
Blackbird just came out with their collab with George Esquivel in a boot and shoe



god damn these boots are so fkin beeeeeeeeeeeautiful

if i only had the 800 to spend...they would be mine

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  Tapulah said:
My first post. Just had to weigh in on the LS X SuFu Cigar boot. Yes, Leydon works for me, on double leather sole, speed hooks, definitely plain toe, closed heel.

I hope this becomes real. I can wait three years, no problem.

welcome to Sufu and put your debut post on the friendliest thread.:)

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Im not here too often but im pretty intersted, my vote is gunna have to go for the to Leydon last, plain toe, double leather soles natural color, closed heel and for a change, naked eyelets all the way up. a dress shoe that can be worn every day sounds proper to me

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Nice pics bill. Is that denim floor????

I just paid a visit to my local shoemaker in London. He quoted me £80 for a full resole in leather. I have no idea if that is cheap or expensive. I've also only heard one report about him from my tailor who didn't think a lot of his bespoke shoes. I might give him the benefit of the doubt and have a superleather indy a la GregNYC (Where are you?). This may be of interest to fellow London members.

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  ?uestionmark said:
what happened to you and that other dude that one night fatty? its odd how it all just disappeared and there was no explanation..

oh, i report violated post and comments to the mods to remove all the stupid things that he starts. Just to keep this place more friendlier than other thread. I think i should just ignore him the whole time...

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  fre$co said:
Nice pics bill. Is that denim floor????

I just paid a visit to my local shoemaker in London. He quoted me £80 for a full resole in leather. I have no idea if that is cheap or expensive. I've also only heard one report about him from my tailor who didn't think a lot of his bespoke shoes. I might give him the benefit of the doubt and have a superleather indy a la GregNYC (Where are you?). This may be of interest to fellow London members.

I think cobbler job is more expensive in the UK then the US. For a full leather resole, it is around $65-$120 in my area. But of course, all depends on word of mouth from other.

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  partytaco said:
my vote

modified last, calf skin gusseted tongue, cigar shell cordovan, single leather sole plain toe, eyelets all the way up, close heel trim, heel counter stitching.

This is about ideal for me, although I would take any roundish last. I have a strong suspicion that Alden wouldn't be able/willing to do a gusseted tongue.

I think its evident that among those interested in a cigar boot, there are essentially two camps...sleek dress boot and vintage/work-wear inspired boot, and honestly, I just hope that we don't kill the potential of this boot by compromising it into something mediocre and lacking.

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  YoungPunch said:
Does Anatomica do special orders like Leathersoul does?

If you are in the US, you are looking a 1000+ for anything in shell from Anatomica, if that saves you from having to do any further research.

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  fattybfat said:
Rodeo bill:

your new boot look very slim and pointed toe, especially from the top view. Really beautiful boot. Very nice to have something different than your other regulars.

thanks fbf:) I was looking at my collection last night, and now I've basically got 3 pairs of sleekish boots and 3 heavier more workwear ones, plus shoes. I like how they can change an outfit, since i basically always wear jeans and either Tshirt/jeans jacket or shirt/tailored jacket pretty interchangeably. sleek shoes can bring it up, and heavy ones can bring it down!

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  fre$co said:
Nice pics bill. Is that denim floor????

I just paid a visit to my local shoemaker in London. He quoted me £80 for a full resole in leather. I have no idea if that is cheap or expensive. I've also only heard one report about him from my tailor who didn't think a lot of his bespoke shoes. I might give him the benefit of the doubt and have a superleather indy a la GregNYC (Where are you?). This may be of interest to fellow London members.

thanks! and yup- that;s denim:p

I still haven;t had to get anything resoled in these post-sf days, but when i used to have to get my office shoes that I wore every day resoled the cheapest I could find was about £50, and posher places were asking £80-100. At the time cheap was where it was at, so I went with the 50quid option, but if they'd been nicer shoes I'd certainly have regretted it- they just stitched straight through the insole- it wasn;t pretty! If your guy makes bespoke shoes, ask to have a look at how the soles are put on, and then if it's ok make sure he does the same on yours. Are they closed channel or open? I believe resoling with a proper closed channel is considerably more skilled.

edit- if you decide to go ahead, I'd be very interested to see what he comes up with, and if you'd recommend him! And gregnyc's super indie was great- I'd certainly like the sound of it if you have to resole anyway

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