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Shoes that look better with age...


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I own 4 pairs,8138,1907,1908 and 9011.according to this german RW side http://www.red-wing-shoes.de/index.htm

they are all using last #23,which i find a bit confusing,as the 1907 runs clearly shorter and wider( only modell that came with a removeable insole) than the 8138,while 1908 and 9011 are a bit narrower and longer.

i never wore any shoes in the E widths,but i know for sure that my feet are fairly wide and i have no problems at all fitting a D width in RW.

The main (?) Red Wing Heritage site lists the 8138 as last #23, 1907 as #45 and 1908 and 9011 as #8.


I own a pair of 1907 and 1909 and I know they're definitely not on the same last. Also for Mike147, the 8138 and Iron Ranger are available in EE (at least in the US).

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Man, wish I knew of a place that sells these new Vibergs - I'm not having Any luck. Are they even out yet?

no, the new ones are not out yet, as brett is still experimenting with them.

try contacting viberg themselves. I think you can get custom stuff through them.

you can always try to custom order with viberg, that is the beauty - they take all custom orders from 1 to X pairs!

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these beauties are calling my name...

coleslaw; + rep for those GT's, I wished I could buy a boot like that straight from RW/Alden

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just to clarify a few things regarding viberg boots and the pictures i posted, which were asked in several private messages to me:

i am mainly posting pictures of viberg boots, which were send to me directly from brett viberg, for my interest - but, with his agreement.

he has some projects cooking, so it is interesting to post and discuss the progress.

i am more than happy to answer questions concerning viberg, if i am able to - but, keep in mind that i am not a sales representative of viberg boots.

as far as i know, viberg accepts pretty much all custom boot orders and already provides a huge variety of leathers, soles and setups on their own, but allows also for self-sourced materials and extra wishes.

if needed, i can hook you up with somebody at viberg boots to discuss your next boot, or let brett know of any kind of question you might want to ask. nevertheless, keep in mind that they have an order desk and webpage in place:


by the way, all your comments on the "work-in-progress" pictures are highly appreciated!

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I like that idea, who should we designate to start it up?

i kinda figured someone would volunteer. i mean with the downpour of tears after some Frequently Asked Questions in the thread, this seems like a no brainer. think we could get mizanation to change his first post to look more like the first one in the Samurai thread? it could include sizing info for the more popular brands; RW, Whites, Alden etc. Or should new threads be started for the individual brands? I for one am in favor of anything that makes finding useful information easier. (the point of a place like this i thought.) :rolleyes:

I know we all want to sit on our secrets, but bringing business to our local/hidden/special shop is the best thing we can do for them. I would venture to guess most of them are in business to make money. just ranting sorry.

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super nice, with those laces and that build up on them, they really look vintage! Until you see the bottoms, the tops could pass for 1940's work boots in my opinion....

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sorry if this is a repeat question as I haven't been keeping up with sufu lately.

I just saw some pictures of Wesco boots online and really love the style of the Boss style but I wanted to see if anyone with experience could answer some questions I had about them. First do they size the same as Aldens or Red Wings? Also I noticed they have some different style toe boxes, does anyone know which style is the most flat and round - similar to the 50's style engineer boots? Lastly does anyone know of a retailer in NYC who carries Wesco (even though we are on the East Coast)?

Any help appreciated. Or if you can point me to a forum that discusses these boots in depth that would be appreciated as well. Thanks!!

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I think that they are sized like neither RW or Alden's, but the Boss is a bit roomier. The reason I say that they are not similar is because WESCO's are truly a heavy duty work boot. The leather is not soft and comfortable to begin with, and the break in is pretty brutal, but in the long run is worth it. RW and Alden's are right off the bat comfortable. Alden's especially because of their history of being a dress shoe company. However, that being said I wear the exact same size in Alden's / White's / RW / WESCO's.

Regarding the toe shape, you might be looking for the patrol toe.

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