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  ColdsnapBryan said:
Ah interesting... I always thought it went New Standards > New Cures > Petite Standards when it came to slim fits.

Yeah, I thought that too until i tried them all/owned a couple of pairs.

ns > ps > nc

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Decidedly let the buyer decide. Many denim enthusiasts will value your jeans higher if the raw denim hasn't touched water.

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How accurate are the measurements on Context when it comes to New Standards? (http://www.contextclothing.com/item.php?id=6)

I've been wearing a pair of black NS in 32 and the waist and from the knee down fits well but the thighs are a little tight. I'm thinking of going up a size since according to the Context chart, the only differences between a 33 and 32 are the waist and thighs, knee/leg opening are the same.

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  nooblet333 said:
Then again, it's pretty disgusting to wear someone's sweaty jeans...

Actually, you'd be surprised how many hardcore raw denim deads would disagree, air them, freeze them, but not wash them. It's all a question of your priorities. People easily disgusted don't wear their jeans for very long without washing in the first place (my experience), let alone buy used ones, washed or not.

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  Nations said:
How accurate are the measurements on Context when it comes to New Standards? (http://www.contextclothing.com/item.php?id=6)

I've been wearing a pair of black NS in 32 and the waist and from the knee down fits well but the thighs are a little tight. I'm thinking of going up a size since according to the Context chart, the only differences between a 33 and 32 are the waist and thighs, knee/leg opening are the same.

not very accurate. just ignore.

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I bought a pair of size 26 PS and hate them. They are way to tight and the leg opening is way to small. I brought them to a pretty good tailor in DC asked her to work her magic and do what ever she can to let them out as much as possible and to try to make them as least tapered as possible. She ended up using the extra material in the selvedge line to let them out. They fit perfect now, except I'd still like the leg opening to be 1/4-1/2" bigger, but thats not that huge of a deal. Some of my friends have told me I'm an idiot for messing with the selvedge line, but I'd rather it be a smaller selvedge line and it nicer, then have a nicer line with a worse fit. Here is a picture of the new selvedge line and let me know what you all think.


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As long s they fit you better, then "destroying" the selvage line shouldn't matter.

Fit > details. If jeans don't fit great then no amount of details (selvage, denim weight, LHT, RHT, type of denim, etc.) will make it look good.

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  nooblet333 said:
Whats the point.. why didn't you just get NS model.. smh

I didnt get the NS because I didn't know. Most people that are new to raw denim read up on them for several months before they make their purchase, as I did. I bought the PS and didnt like them but I allowed 2 months to see how they stretched and still did not like them. After 2 months I couldnt return them so instead of buying another pair of $200 jeans, I made these better.

SMH means nothing. You are saying that in slight disgust, however you dont realize the circumstances.

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  TauKappaEpsilon said:
I didnt get the NS because I didn't know. Most people that are new to raw denim read up on them for several months before they make their purchase, as I did. I bought the PS and didnt like them but I allowed 2 months to see how they stretched and still did not like them. After 2 months I couldnt return them so instead of buying another pair of $200 jeans, I made these better.

SMH means nothing. You are saying that in slight disgust, however you dont realize the circumstances.

this is the apc thread, and so you wont get blasted for stuff like this, but if you give attitude to dudes in other threads youre gonna get slayed. just giving you a warning sir.

I feel your pain with the sizing and the purchasing- find me a denim head who never screwed up once or twice with a pair or two and Ill show you a liar. everybody screws up some. the most important aspect of any garment- shirt shorts denim whatever, is the fit. if they fit you well then rock em. who cares if your selvedge is perfect or not, if they fit you, rep em. and apc stretches like no other, so theyre gonna get loose in time, even in that leg opening youre wanting more room in, just beat em up.

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