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Miscellaneous Musings (Limited Edition)

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  On 12/10/2013 at 12:01 AM, SSchadenfreude said:

Geometric issey lookin ones was pretty cool

Agree on those as well, but was referencing these 

$T2eC16ZHJIkFHR-CiU+4BR41OrbITw~~60_57.Jseen a du wear 'em and the shape looks really cool (rounder) as opposed to regular roshes.  Plus, they're woven.

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hurrying to somewhere so was using stabilizer strap of messenger bag when super basic swagless bz said "look he even has a seatbelt" as if i wouldn't hear her through my earphones smdh

then i bumped into one of my old teammates from swimming. she looks really good now; working in finance and whatnot. proceeded to look at me from head to toe and go "look at you, in your outfit of the day! you look like a goon... cute!"

i had/have no idea how to feel.


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  On 12/10/2013 at 4:06 PM, dovo said:

she does not understand the meaning of life. 


while she out there lookin good and makin money, we out here posing for each other and showing off our fits, learning about things that no one irl cares about so we can look at them and snicker ( to ourselves of course (unless its a supermeetup) ) when our jargon confuses them. 



dis the life we chose playa. its hard out here. some people wouldn't make it a day on these e streets. internet is too full of nerd e-bullies. 

if you ain't goth ninja'd out, fruit-swaggin, railroad making or hypebeasting 2 the maximum people irl dont really care.

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  On 12/11/2013 at 7:53 PM, wahwho11 said:


pic reminded me a felipe/wood69/weed69.  i wonder how he's doing


y does it remind u of him?  clothing color/rolled condom beanie?  he never owned raf asics plus his half azn side isn't east azn. and he doesn't have a girlfriend let alone female friends.

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