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Miscellaneous Musings (Limited Edition)

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got a decent stack of cash saved up, and pretty much all my bills paid (business). Every year I go a bit apeshit and go on a spending spree, and I REALLY want to this year...but I also don't wanna struggle in Q1 when everything is dead. Fuck...big kid decision time. Really wanna kop a new surfboard and wetsuit, and mebe some jawnz. And maybe a trip to Mexico. And maybe a used motorcycle.

yea...it's gonna be the same deal again.

new car - end of discussion ;)

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nah brahhhh, keep on feedin' me that neg. if it helps you feel better about yourself then I'm all for it.

perhaps one day when we reconcile our differences we can go grab a burger at Pearls, eh chap?

Edited by Bogie
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when I moved out of my apt in september my camera (nikon d40) mysteriously went missing... I thought that maybe during the move it got lost but to be honest I didn't lose anything else, just the camera.

My roommate (that moved in last august, I knew her for a total of 1 month) said she didn't see it.

I kind of lost hope even though my friends and family told me that it was probably her that did it - seeing as she was the only person present in the apartment when I moved out..and it would have been super easy to swipe it in the midst of me moving boxes and painting my room.

I didn't want to blame her because I thought it was a shitty thing to do BUT this bitch JUST put up some photos on facebook of her taking pictures of herself in the mirror with a nikon camera (can see the strap)... I can't make out the model because her finger is in front of it but it is a goddamn dslr and she is not into photography at all - these pictures were all blurry and shit

I casually messaged her and asked her if she had "found my camera" but arghhh I don't know how to go about investigating and/or corroborating if the camera is mine...

damn facebook deleting EXIF data

sufu help what do I do???

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Got pistol whipped and wrestled a gun away n beat the shit outta the bitch that tried rob me last night. Shots were fired it was 30 round clip the other thieven bastard got away


anyone get hit?

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that sounds very shitty, i can imagine the rage I would be feeling if someone had something of mine in their possession.

it's tough to say, someone on here probably has better advice but how badly do you think a mild confrontation could go? I mean you know that she isn't into photography, and that would certainly be backed up by the awful picture taking — how could she possibly rebuke any claims that she didn't take it?

speaking from personal experience, people have been quite snotty in response to me having a dslr, though it's the most entry-level camera you can probably get - my point being i don't think just anyone would spend that much money. ask for her for a receipt or invoice.

or perhaps ask to inspect it, maybe the memory card (assuming there's one in there) contains retrievable content belonging to you; could be hard to do that though.

dunno, again, shitty situation. could always turn to reddit and get an e-gang out to get her.

Edited by Magnetic
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I am half expecting her to say "oh it's my cousin's camera" or some lame cop out like that.

I DO NOT believe that she spent the money for a dslr, even though it is an entry level. Hopefully she is stupid enough to say she just bought it (d40's have been discontinued for a while)

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jj, put on some cholo eyebrows and everything else will fall into place.

I've had a loaded m16 (I'm pretty sure that's what it was) pointed at me once. I was working in the supply building for the base security for the summer along with some other weird kids. Weirdest kid picked it up and pointed at all of us and said some stupid shit. He got fired obviously. He was joking though and I really doubt he would've pulled the trigger. It was one of the security dudes (left at his desk while he went to piss or something) and I'm sure the safety was on and shit. still a weird feeling.

only other time I've seen a gun outside of cops/base security/etc is when this kid tried to sell me an AK (this was back in the states, not on base). I can't remember for how much. I don't think I look like the AK-buying type, but iono. It was funny.

Edited by DÃœM
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it's never happened to me. my wife got held up with two to her head but it was in plain sight where the gun detectors could sense it. goddamnit i was pissed. i'd be in prison right now with zero rights ever again if i we'd spotted them.

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It happend @ my parents house in Sacramento no one was hurt except for me being pistol whipped. Like what chariy said it angered me when he pulled the pistol and even more so when he pistol whipped me so right after he pistol whipped me I grabbed the gun and started wrestling making sure the gun was pointed away at all times while he was emptying the clip. It was an extended handgun clip it had 30 rounds and he shot all of em not sure what kinda gun it was I didn't really get a good look at it.

I'm really not a violent person i rarely get angry and when things start to escalate I'd try to calm people down or break it up. The bitch is in jail now and his friend got away.

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glad your ok! guns are such a diff issue. =/ my brother and brother in law both got guns put to their heads. its a fucked up feeling.

I've had a rifle pulled on me by an israeli solider. fucking pussy ass bitch...being a mom now I'm sure if my son were to ever get in a situation i would be able to rip someone apart limb from limb.

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damn chariy!!!

i love christmas, here is some christmas cheer

That blew my mind.

I'm always the happiest dude in the room, ask anyone :)

It's very rare I get mad. I guess it's because of that, it ends up me snapping into an uncontrollable violent whirlwind.

it's never happened to me. my wife got held up with two to her head but it was in plain sight where the gun detectors could sense it. goddamnit i was pissed. i'd be in prison right now with zero rights ever again if i we'd spotted them.

I can't imagine that shit happening to a significant other. That's like anger from a gun point at you times 210390599521.

we should be bros

Are we not already internet-bros, bro?

It happend @ my parents house in Sacramento no one was hurt except for me being pistol whipped. Like what chariy said it angered me when he pulled the pistol and even more so when he pistol whipped me so right after he pistol whipped me I grabbed the gun and started wrestling making sure the gun was pointed away at all times while he was emptying the clip. It was an extended handgun clip it had 30 rounds and he shot all of em not sure what kinda gun it was I didn't really get a good look at it.

I'm really not a violent person i rarely get angry and when things start to escalate I'd try to calm people down or break it up. The bitch is in jail now and his friend got away.

Serves his ass right. Good work on disarming the dude.

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