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Denim Repair


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SExDBxS09, 7.5 months. The problem:


The proposed solution:


(Sunday was a stormy stormy day, so I allowed my obsessive compulsiveness/neuroticism free rein). I decided to finally make use of the red D-BONES tab that I discovered in the coin pocket when I bought the jeans.

Working by headlamp when the power went out:


The end result:



Using leftover denim from hemming, and thread from the original hems.

I'm stoked that I (completely unintentionally) cut and applied the patch-denim on the horizontal bias, whereas the denim of the pocket and leg are vertical - should be cool to watch how it fades differently.

I have a handful more process photos if there's interest

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^well done dkatz!

when using denim patches i always have the problem that the edges start to get lose and fray after some time. does this just happen to everyone or is there a trick to keep the denim patches from fraying?

is folding the edges seems a possibilty , but not easy to do when handstitching. is this the way to go?

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Thanks for the complements! I enjoyed the shit out of the process

  Atzec said:
when using denim patches i always have the problem that the edges start to get lose and fray after some time. does this just happen to everyone or is there a trick to keep the denim patches from fraying?

is folding the edges seems a possibilty , but not easy to do when handstitching. is this the way to go?

I feel you. I actually found I could be pretty successful at folding over the edges of the patch. I made a paper stencil of the patch, traced it onto the denim, then cut it out plus about a 4cm border. I then cut out the corners of this border and folded the resulting flaps behind the patch. I used pliers to set in the creases then used (of all tools...) my flatmate's hair-straightening iron to make the creases as sharp as possible. It actually worked remarkably well:


Unfortunately, as you can see if you look closely on the detail photo of the after photo (patch sewed to jeans), I wound up with some of the denim-edge sticking out, particularly on the lower-right and top-right. This was because when I had already attached the left side, I realized the patch wasn't quite wide enough to cover the area I intended, so I had to unfold a bit of the denim on the right side.

You can see, on the lower-left for example, that folding and creasing the patch before applying does give a nice clean edge when it's stitched on. It does mean you have to push through an extra layer of denim, but all told I think it's the way to go!

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  Medine said:
I don't have any pre-repair photo's, but here it is, i just had small hole i wanted to prevent from getting bigger..



used 1972 deadstock levi's fabric

you did a good job mate, you managed to cover your jeans well :D

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  Atzec said:
^well done dkatz!

when using denim patches i always have the problem that the edges start to get lose and fray after some time. does this just happen to everyone or is there a trick to keep the denim patches from fraying?

is folding the edges seems a possibilty , but not easy to do when handstitching. is this the way to go?

what dkatz said about folding over, but if you don't have an iron or straightener, i just did some simple stitches to secure the fold, and then sewed the patch on.

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Well I don't know how you guys spend your Saturday nights but here was last weeks doings.


Red wine and leftovers



an old Singer 15/19/whatever. I picked it up from a Salvation Army for 27 dollars, dropped some oil in it and it is a goddamned monster.

It was mine back at school in Syracuse, I had no room for it in the car so I gave it told this dude in my apartment building that his pregnant girlfriend could have the machine if she wanted. And I left. And a few weeks ago I went back, for homecoming. Preggers lady went to baby daddy "what if this baby doesn't look like you?"


She ran away, leaving my beautiful machine in the cold dark hallway. And thus my homecoming sewing machine rescue was born.





I always +rep this kind of repair because I suck so fucking bad at it. The sewing machine is my way.



Moleskin/iPhone damage


Reinforced the bottom, patched the corner


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Other pocket just needed some lovin'




Normally I'd have gone for a much more elegant repair than this, but you remember the redwine. You see, the red wine went much faster than the repairs and so I just added some more belt loop I had in the sewing drawer.


And some boring crotch repairs, no pics.

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So despite wildstyle's excellent recommendation of Stanton Tailors, I went to Denim Surgeon. I don't live in the city any more, so when I do have to go in, it's to do other things, and I didn't have any errands that ran that far downtown, so, I thought I'd take one for the team and check DS out.

Here are some before shots:

crotch hole starting:


interior shot (don't know if you can see the denim wearing thin at the seat):


exterior seat:


And here are the repair shots:

cotch hole closed:


interior shot:


exterior seat:


They even overlocked the patch:


I'm happy with what they did, even though it was more expensive than I anticipated. They even used 3 pieces to reiforce the insides, instead of one big piece, so that it'd be less stiff and move better. If you have expensive denim, and you don't trust/can't be bothered yourself with repairs, I'd check them out.

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  tahonng said:
So despite wildstyle's excellent recommendation of Stanton Tailors, I went to Denim Surgeon. I don't live in the city any more, so when I do have to go in, it's to do other things, and I didn't have any errands that ran that far down, so, I thought I'd take one for the team and check DS out.

So here are some before shots:

crotch hole starting:


interior shot (don't know if you can see the denim wearing thin at the seat):


exterior seat:


And here are the repair shots:

cotch hole closed:


interior shot:


exterior seat:


They even overlocked the patch:


I'm happy with what they did, even though it was more expensive than I anticipated. They even used 3 pieces to reiforce the insides, instead of one big piece, so that it'd be less stiff and move better. If you have expensive denim, and you don't trust/can't be bothered yourself with repairs, I'd check them out.

how much did the repairs run you?

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yes, it has been posted and discussed. this thread isn't even all that long, dude.

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  apples said:
SExI04s repiared yoke with 100% polyester Gutterman thread, more pics in scones (http://www.superfuture.com/supertalk/showthread.php?p=2055953#post2055953)

Good job on those repairs. I realize it's just a few stitches, but it looks like you put in a lot of care and effort.

Repairs are repairs, but it aggravates me when they end up looking like the repairer didn't give a shit about being clean and crisp.


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