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ande whall contest thread


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Remember, Ande gave us options and we are discussing them. Robot and Maldo are doing a great job, no need to start a heated battle. Remember the price discussion for the Eternal contest? We don't need that here. I have 100% faith in whatever Mr Whall delivers but he gave us options and I'm sure he will base some of his decisions on the general consensus. We are all adults so let's just chill. The jean will be amazing no doubt. Peace.

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Cents or Non Cents - thanks man. Just trying to help. If Ande wishes to choose the denim and details, I'm ALL for it. In fact, I REALLY hope he makes the detail choices. Denim too, although the one thing that wouldn't hurt(since he did share the different denim options with us), is for us to get a consensus and see what he thinks. He may choose to go with it, or decide against it. I wouldn't be mad either way.

and, for the people that missed it..

Hey guys. I don't think different cuts is an issue, just what ever people want. The Deluxe was $265 so wouldn't want the price getting over that, depending on what denim however, but will work at that price. There are a few leather guys floating around sufu that may want to produce the patches and get a pair of jeans as a contra deal, just a thought. Will get some info on denim soon.

Choices that have to be made:

1: Denim

2: Patch (leather stamped/lined printed?)

3: Selvage fly

4: Selvage belt loops (Rope or leather lined?)

5: Pocket lining (ticking?)

6: Hem's (Rope or leather lined?)

7: Back pocket stitching (Contrast or dark indigo?)

8: Back pockets (Hidden rivets?)

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In case you missed it, he not only posted details that he said we would need to decide on, he also posted denim options.

Yeah I must have missed it. He posted some cool concepts and some random denim swatches, probably expecting to get a rise out of idiots like you and me. I don't think he was soliciting our opinions although I'm sure he found the discussion interesting. If our king says "we" need to decide something, let's assume he means the royal "we".


Please continue...

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Yeah I must have missed it. He posted some cool concepts and some random denim swatches, probably expecting to get a rise out of idiots like you and me. I don't think he was soliciting our opinions although I'm sure he found the discussion interesting. If our king says "we" need to decide something, let's assume he means the royal "we".


Please continue...


I think you're thinking too much.

I was under the same impression as you, until Ande himself started posting options. And he hasn't solicited our opinion, but he hasn't made any mention of not wanting it either.

keep that idiot stuff to yourself, my son thinks I'm GREAT. : )

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The best part of this (Sufu) is the abIlity to discuss our (the royal we) likes or preferences. Im not feeling the intensity myself because ultimately all of us in the contest are loyal customers/fans/collaborative kindred spirits with the man Ande. I will say that my preference would be the #2 denim but would be more than happy with any of the choices. So my $0.02 keep the discussion going, if we are not here for that, what are we here for. Everybody involved is doing a great job and thank you from me for trying to organize and summarize the key points of this discussion.

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Just got back from an extended weekend up at the hill and this thread had a lot to catch up on. If I do get to be in the contest I would love to leave details up Ande. I guess that counts as abstaining on the detail voting.

Fro the denim my vote is for #1. That shit looks awesome.

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Yea there may be too many cooks in the kitchen here. All the denim looks incredible. Ande, just work your magic!

We're up to 24 confirmed, with a handful of people waiting to hear more info on the jeans. So lookin' good!

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i read in the beginning of the thread people were thinking of things we can include with the contest like they did with the Roy contest. I was thinking what about a post of some sort with all our names on it and a design above it. Would be a cool idea if done right, just something to think about.

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^could do some funky collage or AW contest t-shirts like the heavy weight denim championship.

and on a different, totally newbie sounding note, anyone have experience with KMW rockers and AW sizing? I can still fit into my size 29 rockers (but would probably go with a 30 if I were to buy again), and was thinking of some 32 rakers, but Ande's measurements suggest I may need even a 33. 4 sizes up:confused::confused:

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^could do some funky collage or AW contest t-shirts like the heavy weight denim championship.

and on a different, totally newbie sounding note, anyone have experience with KMW rockers and AW sizing? I can still fit into my size 29 rockers (but would probably go with a 30 if I were to buy again), and was thinking of some 32 rakers, but Ande's measurements suggest I may need even a 33. 4 sizes up:confused::confused:

trust Ande's sizing. I'm a 36 (35 if I size down a bit) in Ande's but a 34 in pretty much any other brand. Vanity sizing has fucked our perceptions what our waist really is.

Just find whatever pair of jeans fits you best and flat measure the waistband. If it measures out as 15", that would be a 30" waist. It's really a fool proof method.

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^could do some funky collage or AW contest t-shirts like the heavy weight denim championship.

and on a different, totally newbie sounding note, anyone have experience with KMW rockers and AW sizing? I can still fit into my size 29 rockers (but would probably go with a 30 if I were to buy again), and was thinking of some 32 rakers, but Ande's measurements suggest I may need even a 33. 4 sizes up:confused::confused:

Maybe rakers aren't the right cut then?

Also the bandana idea sounds awesome

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