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ande whall contest thread


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I'm still waiting for the final details but I think I'm Gunna with drawl from the contest so if there is anyone who is 100% committed feel free to replace me.

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  Noodle36 said:
I can't believe we are on the third page right now. What happened to all the enthusiasm?

There's still lots of enthusiasm, but now it's just kind of a waiting game. The denim is ordered, details are coming together, list of 30 is fairly solid. We've filled up over 30 pages just gabbing about the possibilities.

Pretty soon the jeans will be in our hands, and the real fun will begin

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At this point, kind of just waiting on more details to be finalized.

I will say, it seems like we're going to have some people drop out (people are already conceding).

Ande now has ordered a denim roll big enough for 30 pairs. I have a feeling were gonna be at about 20-25 contestants after the dust settles so I really hope we have enough interest to get the number back to 30.

Robotbox is handling this part. Since the denims been ordered, I'd really try to nail down a solid list of 30 because Ande has committed enough denim for it.

Edit: sounds like robotbox is on top of it.

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What is the prize(s) going to be for the best pair?

Bragging rights? Title belt?

How long will this contest run? Judges?

It would be nice if we could get some people on board to donate time/resources to scoring the denim and deciding who has the nicest pair..

Obviously Ande could make the call. If the price does round out to be about $265/pair, maybe we could all toss in an extra $10 to pool together money for a prize. Perhaps a one off 1/1 custom Ande Whall pair, made to order for the winner? Or something along those lines.

Just some things to think about..

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I think alot of us are just waiting to see the final product...

I bet alot of ppl will pull out once the price, details, etc has been finalised...

tbh, Im starting to think the details are going a bit over the top, and losing alot of their functional values... I want a pair of jeans that I can wear, not some abstract piece of denim artwork that I'd rather frame in my bedroom.

EDIT: i really like how with the Deluxe model all the details are sort of hidden and not visible, this contest pair is beasty...

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Hmm.. which details do you feel are over the top? Thus far, the only things that seem for sure is the denim choice, patch, and a couple details on the back pocket(X stitch & hidden rivet).

I don't see any of these things as being "over the top"

And that's kind of the problem I foresee. There is going to be too many people hung up on one small thing, and I really think people that have committed, will back out.

I really hope trying to get 30 people doesn't mess this all up. We had a solid 15, but trying to accommodate 30 is looking like it might cause commitment problems, in the end.

I hope people realize Ande reserved denim for 30 people. He committed to securing the denim roll, without any money from us.

I really hope we don't have too many people flake out. I understand some people were on the fence from the jump, but we need some commitment here, for this to work.

Robotbox - do you have a solid 10 or so people willing to jump in if the list gets down to 20 commits?

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I agree with you stress! I hope people opting out doesn't affect the final number. I wasn't in the 15 but am completely committed to buying this Jean. If it goes back to 15 because we can't get 30 to confirm, I will be quite let down. Life will go on but who wants to live without a bitchin, rare one off Ande repo?

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Noodle36 - I can't see it going back to 15.

Ande secured enough denim for 30 pairs, so we need 30 contestants.

I think you're in man. Now, we just need to see how many people are 100% committed, and then fill the remaining slots left open.

Btw, I wanted an all leather patch, as I've never been fond of the hair-on patches. But Ande's decided on a hair-on patch

Guess what?....I'm in regardless!

I think Ande Whall denim is some of the finest crafted stuff coming from some of the newer designers out. All top notch construction/design. That's why I specifically requested to be part of this contest. I'm not going to let one detail deter me from getting my hands on this contest pair, and obliterating them to shreds, in hopes of winning the damn thing.

I have no worries. Ande will get these hammered out lovely, and I think people that fall back and drop out, will regret it in the end.

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Sorry about backing out it's just like I said I don't think hair on hide is for me it's just not my cup of tea in the least. It almost actually weirds me out I like to admire the leather aging not my patch shedding and feeling like I'm touching a dog or something. I'm sure it's really not that bad but I can't get past it.

I'm really a subtle guy, I'd be more stoked on a super nice denim, nice designed patch and some sort of arcs. I'd rather wild pocket bags and something else ya know.

I realize the point of a contest is like a chance to have a nice one off pair of jeans but like someone mentioned I want a nice pair of jeans I can wear and abuse not a masterpiece.

When you have a contest like this where it's not an already made pair of jeans just tweaked or something like the heavy weight contest you have to expect people to drop out, complain, not be satisfied with every idea, and want something different. There are just to many variables to expect everyone to just say here's 300 dollars I'll be waiting for my jeans in the mail.

I'm sure the jeans will be great, maybe I'll regret it but hey oh well.

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While I agree that you have to expect some people to have issues with certain details, the flipside is the age old adage: you can't please everybody.

I think that, from the jump, it should have been understood that these were going to be a new jean, designed by Ande Whall, and if anybody wanted these to be regular Ande Whall denim, they might as well have purchased a pair from his line off his website.

I think too many people expected to have each pair designed specifically to their own specifications. With 30 people involved in participating, there has to be some compromise.

I just think anybody that committed initially, should be somewhat flexible and ask themselves why they got involved to begin with.

All due respect but, this whole "I don't want a masterpiece pair, I just want a pair to wear" is a rediculous statement. These aren't gold plated, AndeWhallXAndyWarhol denim. There might be a couple exotic details but come on. Live a little. Step outside that box that's so comfortable to be in.

Either way, the people that are still down to give it a go, I salute you. Let's get this contest crackin. It should be a hell of a ride.

Ande - We're ready!!

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^the issue is the patch is very polarizing. Some people clearly hail it, others are not fans/weirded out by it. I signed up for the contest thinking I was pretty down with any detail combination possible, custom contest patch, special denim, invisible wings etc etc., but the hair-on-hide was something I was totally not expecting.

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What's crazy is I'M WITH YOU, in regards to the hair-on-hide patch. As stated numerous times in this thread by me, I've completely passed on pairs for this detail alone.

That said, I'm willing to compromise.

If Ande is that adamant about including it, despite my complete resistance to wanting to own a pair with one on it, I'm willing to give it a try because I'm more intrigued with Ande Whall design, and am willing to compromise on the patch, than use this contest to try to be a co-designer.

Sidenote: anybody looking to design their own one-off pair of denim please see the Double Volante thread. I highly recommend k-san craftsmanship.

Back to the contest discussion:

I understand people not feeling the hair-on-hide patch, as our feelings on it are probably mutual.

I just ask that some of you roll with it, like me, and not get too hung up on one detail.

To people that own hair-on-hide patched denim. Um.. doesn't most of the hair eventually wear off?

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Although two options would be neat it just doesnt seem right then, I just feel like the cOntest should be filled with 30 100% committed fully stoked on every detail on the Jean contestants then 15 committed and 15 half committed/just want to be in a contest/want a super rare 1 off AW pair of jeans.

That's the reason I'm backing out bc I'm not 100% into the jean don't wanna just be in it to say I'm in it, I'd rather rock a pair of jeans I'm way into for the next year and don't wanna take off my body instead of just doing it to update the thread and hope I have the coolest fades.


Best of luck to everyone in it, if the final product is for whatever reason different then what were all expecting then maybe I can grab my spot back!

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I have to agree with Chris, I BET ALOT of ppl just wants a pair of super rare AWs! me included! But that doesnt mean I wont commit... but lots of ppl probably have like 5 pairs in rotation... 100% commitment would mean wearing AWs only. I think that's quite hard to achieve regardless...

BTW, How many ppl actually own a pair with Hair-on-hide... Apart from SC Hawaii and Denim Junky, is there is any thing else with hair-on-hide? I think the stats speak for themselves in terms of mainstream popularity...

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  dawei69 said:
I have to agree with Chris, I BET ALOT of ppl just wants a pair of super rare AWs! me included! But that doesnt mean I wont commit... but lots of ppl probably have like 5 pairs in rotation... 100% commitment would mean wearing AWs only. I think that's quite hard to achieve regardless...

BTW, How many ppl actually own a pair with Hair-on-hide... Apart from SC Hawaii and Denim Junky, is there is any thing else with hair-on-hide? I think the stats speak for themselves in terms of mainstream popularity...

RRLs have hair on hide patches.

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  Gold Soaked Afternoon said:
^ :,-(

was really hoping leather would prevail in the end. no offense to Ande...

I"m feeling for poly, and the people who are trying to get this contest together.

I mean - you are getting a unique denim, with one-off details. Why the hell does the patch matter? Isn't waht matters the shape of the jeans, how that denim wears in, the craftsmanship, and the fact you're getting something unique?

I reckon you're being given too much choice. Ande should have given you a design, said take it or leave it, and cut the numbers down to 15 people who would commit to wear them, week in week out. The dude is ordering in denim for just a small number of pairs, getting you all something unique.... complaining about details is a bit like complaining that the freshly-cooked lobster that was caught for you this morning comes with watercress rather than rocket.

If you want this to be a great contest, you have to show commitment to Ande - it's not just about what he can do for you.

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