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Artist Denim

Guest KoCHiRO1985

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Hello artistdenin - Yes, depending on shrinkage, 1/4 to 1/2 inch extra? I'm surprised others haven't chimed in. I'd like to hear additional opinions but 11 inch post soak for size 34 waist seems reasonable to me.

Yes, that sounds about right. That would equate to around or about a little more than 10 rise for a 30w right? Also, i think you could be more generous in the top block, gun.:) Maybe somewhere ~11.75 thigh for a 30w. That's just my two cents.

+1 on the cougar fit; my brother has a pair and they're awesome, the only thing i would change is the back rise, because they are on the high rise side.

They have the perfect amount of taper as well.

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Guest artistdenim

so you guys think something like

post soak:

true waist 34"

thigh 12"

front rise 11"

leg opening 8"

for straight cut?


true waist 34"

thigh 12.5"

front rise 11.5"

leg opening 8.5"

for regular cut?

I'm open to suggestion on straight and regular cut, please throw in idea, thank you

package shipped btw:)


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Guest artistdenim

I talked to my tailor today, he will get measurement out as soon as possible, sample pair for straight cut will be finish by next week :)

I will go to Ykk to get back pocket rivet done, will pictures environment there if they let me :)

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PeteZa: for what they offer, these jeans are v e r y attractively priced. Try to get hand-dyed natural indigo selvage denim jeans somewhere else (not to speak of some of the details!).

If you are prepared to take shameless advantage of Gun's friendliness, he just may be generous enough to deduct a small amount for shipping costs.

But please be fair and recognize that you're already getting great value for money as things are.

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Guest artistdenim

As 501cult say, there will be no shipping charge

by the way 501cult, all my other family member are in Germany right now, but I'm here working on straight cut 24/7:cool:

platinum, dude, they fit really nice on you:eek:


and here is what it fit on 619:eek::eek:




package hand deliver, swatch cards sent :)


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Oh, where in Germany are your folks? Let me know if I can do anything for them!

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Guest artistdenim

I really have no idea where they are, probably they are having fun, they haven't call in for a little more than a week:)

And thank you pistol for your suggestion, I will noted that:)

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Eagerly and impatiently awaited, today they arrived, my second attempt at my artistdenims. This time a size 30 rather than the 29 I tried at first.

Once again, so many thanks, Gun, for the way you handled this!

First fit pics, fresh out of the box, before any soak.




Can't say they are 100% comfy at the start, the fabric is kinda rough, and with the tight fit, I do feel it. But I admit, I very much like it that way and am tempted to wear them a few days without actually soaking them. Any thoughts on this, Gun? Am I simply mad?

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I've been wanting some skinny fit natural indigo for a while, and stumbled across this thread today. Talk about awesome timing! The 50% sugarcane fibres should be great for the up-coming Australian summer too!

Needless to say I copped a pair. Now I just hope that my thighs will fit :D

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Thanks for the first feedbacks. In other brands, I normally also wear a W 30. I discussed this with Gun when returning my W 29 to him, whether to go for a 30 or 31.

We mutually decided on the 30, and I will keep them.

Soaking will be done with me wearing them, and I count -again with Guns advice and support- on the stretching factor with continuous wear.

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Guest artistdenim

you have to fight with Aong_sk, 501cult

but I guess you'll win, since you wear them without soaking, I believe the sugarcane fiber is poking you right now, and yes you're madddddd



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*broad grin* from the madman....

Thanks, Gun, and I already pointed out that I was/am hugely impressed with Aong_sk's fit, I think it looks super cool, and that your slim cut jeans should absolutely be worn this way.

I will wear mine for this very night unsoaked and indulge in a bit of masochism, I guess. Then I hope to soak tomorrow, since we are promised an at least moderately warm day, which will make the drying on my body process a little less threatening.

I love these jeans!

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Guest artistdenim
Gun, payment sent on paypal... lmk when you ship it out.. 32X33 in case you forget. thanks!!!

it will takes a few day to alter the length to 33 and I will notify you after I ship em out, thank you:)

*broad grin* from the madman....

Thanks, Gun, and I already pointed out that I was/am hugely impressed with Aong_sk's fit, I think it looks super cool, and that your slim cut jeans should absolutely be worn this way.

I will wear mine for this very night unsoaked and indulge in a bit of masochism, I guess. Then I hope to soak tomorrow, since we are promised an at least moderately warm day, which will make the drying on my body process a little less threatening.

I love these jeans!

you really need a soak:o

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