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awesome eversuns - my gf has one, it's a great camera!

Yeah, took it apart to have a look at its insides just now, the light seal has disintegrated, but apart from that the lenses look to be haze/fungus free. Will just need to make up some new seals and test a battery and it should be shooting in no time.

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I'd look into the Voigtlander R2A or R3A

Check out the film camera thread too (http://www.superfuture.com/supertalk/showthread.php?t=202825)

joelz the second shot in your first post on this page is exhibition-worthy.

Thanks fade to black! i have my page size different - is it the kids one or the silhouette shot?

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Playing around with some test shots for a shoot tomorrow. I just couldn't get the light the way I wanted it. Hopefully I'll figure it out, though. Here's one of the better ones from tonight.

I think I need to reduce the area of the highlights on the side and add more fill. The split lighting going on right now is a bit awkward.


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so im using a t2i fixed 50 1.8 since its the lens with the lowest f stop that i currently own. i can sit pretty close to the baseline but any criticism is appreciated. the gym lighting was all screwy and light was coming on from 2 windows messing up certain shots. cant really justify buying another lens just for my cousins basketball games. dont have that kind of scratch but if theres any techniques or tricks i could try i would appreciate it.


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