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Beautiful shot!! Have you done anyother work with power lines? I have been gradually doing taking different shots with them. If your interested the latest issue of the magazine Dwell, an architectural magazine, has a great feature based on this one guys work on power lines.

[quote name=bene


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Hi Photography.

Hey rbw...we've missed you...come pay us a visit more often.

I always like your shots like that, Carl. Is this 'exposing for highlights'? My camera's aperture priority so I don't have easy direct control on the shutter speed (I know how to manipulate it, but not the same) so I'm assuming there it would've chosen something real slow. Did you have to photoshop alot for the rich black?

Thats exactly right, just exposing for the high lights. Their is post processing work done in photoshop but i try and keep it to a minimum of the raw convertor, an "S-curve" in curves, and maybe a few layer masks if the image needs attention in certain areas.

Carl, regarding your eastern KY photos, have you look through Doris Ulmann's photographs of Appalachia from the early 30s? Lot of pictures are from around Hazard, KY.

I had not, but thank you for telling me about her.

i shoot in the streets, mostly in toronto. this is from a recent trip to new york.

http://inconduit.com/eye - daily stuff here.

This is very good street photography. Please post more!

Back to the 2-11 shift means back to the high school football...








The kicker after missing the game winning field goal with 30 seconds left...


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heres a couple that vary the eagle rocks the gecko is only about half an inch or so

and the tatto is a speech from Gandhi and reads,

We will make them see their injustice. And it will hurt, as all fighting hurts. We canot lose. They may torture my body, break my bones, even kill me. Then they will have my dead body, not my obedience. Let us take a solemn oath in His name that, come what may, we will not submit to this law.

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Beautiful shot!! Have you done anyother work with power lines? I have been gradually doing taking different shots with them. If your interested the latest issue of the magazine Dwell, an architectural magazine, has a great feature based on this one guys work on power lines.

Here's one that I shot a few weeks ago that my professor didn't really like, but I do.


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. And primed I like the shot of the ipods, I have a still life photo project due next week .. that type of shot would be perfect for a project like that.

Suprisingly, that shot was taking for a still life project im doing at the moment :)

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