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i'm trying to remember the name or author of a book that was written up in the times a few weeks ago. about a bartender and his bar, but written in a style like it's notes for a novel to be written later. please help, it's driving me crazy.

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i'm trying to remember the name or author of a book that was written up in the times a few weeks ago. about a bartender and his bar, but written in a style like it's notes for a novel to be written later. please help, it's driving me crazy.
Ablutions by Patrick deWitt
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^^I think most people in this thread love/loved The Road. Blood Meridian has more weight but The Road is still amazing.

I am such a shameless McCarthy fanboy after reading a few of his books. If only there was a Judge cosplay outfit complete with ear-necklace and scalps.

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totally in love with this book right now...planning on reading Bluebeard next


Read Galapagos, Cat's Cradle, and the Siren's of Titan. --My favorites of his

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Just finished Life of Pi and was pretty disappointed after all the glowing reviews and recommendations by friends. The Dutch translation of Bolano's 2666 has just been released, but I'm intimidated by its size. I might pick it up the next time I'm on a long flight.

Now reading:


Enjoyable so far.

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Tisswat, I read Life of Pi in Dutch, and I was somewhat disappointed too, but I think people just praised it so much it had to disappoint. There are may ways to interpret the end though, and I like that.

I read that Jonathan Safran Foer novel too, in Dutch. I don't know. Very much "high literature".

Now finished reading:


This is beautiful. Read it.

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reading savage detectives now. I love Bolano's style of writing, and I find all of his books incredibly comforting in their depiction of the futility of everything. But seeing you guys mention Ulysses made me realize what a horrible reader I am. I read books and almost immediately forget what they're about. Even some of the titles that, if asked, I would say were my favorites, I have trouble remembering even basic plot details. oh well. I have a Neal Stephenson book up next, any one read him? I don't know if it will be my thing.

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Oh yes yes yes yes yes. This is tremendous. Warning: it can be a little hard to keep track of all the Buendias, but not to worry, this actually serves to reinforce the themes of the book. Enjoy some of the most intriguing characters put to page in recent history.

Yeah, at first I was trying to make sure I knew exactly who everyone was and what their familial ties were, what their individual history was, etc.

But I have since lost track and I kind of realized it doesn't matter, new characters arrive and die all the time, but the story goes on anyway.

The writing can be dense, but I think he's fantastic.

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