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Thai Levi's Fakes


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hey guys, im new here

sory if this isnt the right place to post this. be gentle on flaming if it isnt. and i cant find any legit check thread so i figured i post here

i got this pair of levi, not sure what isit and whether isit legit so i thought u might help me out??

but the tags looks weird. cos i have a pair of normal 501 and it says 501-0622

but this one it says 552-0115

the other levis i have has eg 501 - #### (501 model) and so on

thnx alot man

sorry if its the wrong direction and wish u could kindly point me to the right direction to ask for help


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Hello Thailand fakes!

I like this quality, I've got two pairs. one that's Levis and one that's Wrangler. You should NOT pay more than 350 Bhat (about 10 USD). At that price the quality that you're getting is just fucking insane!

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  • 2 months later...

I picked up these Levi's the other day, they're a bit peculiar. They look to be usa made selvage 501's. they're slimmer and more tapered than any 501s ive seen before. i think they may have been tailored.

anyone know anything about these?




selvage coin pocket


selvage belt loop


capital E tab


501 stamped button





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One surefire sign of a Thai fake is extra selvage on beltloops, or visible selvage on the coin pocket.

Other clues: mis-spellings on the wash tag ('nomal cycle'), wrong-size pockets, 501 on the buttons (only found on fakes), hems are made differently, and often these jeans have extra vintage features added for more authenticity. The Batwing logo is usally a sign of fakes (altho some very early LVC had them). After a while you learn to recognise the fabric, even in photos. There are much better fakes out there. I might add some pix to this post at some point.

The shiny leather patch, on the first jeans, is another good sign (there were some 80s Levi's made in Canada I think, with a similar patch, but anything with that design and selvage is bound to be Thai). There are a lot of fake 201 jeans out there too, with the linen patch. Cinchback fakes often have an undersized cinch, in the wrong place.

But... rather than look at isolated details, best tactic is to examine the overall look. Check out the 501 A Visual Guide thread to see what the real thing looks like. It's usually the wrong combination of details - covered rivets on a 20s design, or 60s-style pockets on 50s-style jeans - that indicate a fake.

The two jeans shown here have typical Thai fabric, which is very different to COne fabric, and after a while you can spot this a mile off without even looking at the details.

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Hey Paul, dont some of the recent run of the mill 501s come with 501 stamped on the top button? Im pretty sure I have a pair somewhere. As for thai fakes, I am working on a site containing info from the old sites that have gone down over the years about 501s, and am devoting a whole section to thai fakes and how to spot them. Esp. since eBay seems not to be doing a damn thing about it. The site is only in its most basic stages and although it is live I am not ready to unveil it yet. I want to get all the data keyed in before I start making it into a 'fancy' site.

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The fit is obvious not a vintage one, I guess they took either new selfmade patterns or

pattern of standart levi´s jeans, to me it looks likr a US 511 cut... and I don´t think they had been tailored. If you like that jean and did not pay too much, be glad...

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I've yet to find a pair of fake selvage Evisu. It's become my burning obsession in my pursuit of Thai fakes. I'm not even sure I want to buy a pair, just to confirm they exist. Although with that particular post, I'd strongly, strongly consider it.

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I was just there on Sunday and couldn't find a pair! Lots of OE Evisu fakes though. And like, three places selling Samurai, Sugarcane, and Denime and such.

fake sams and canes? in chatuchak? really? all i saw the last time i was there was tonnes and tonnes of levis. and if i remember correctly there was this denim "stall" called justins..which sold some amazingly washed denim.

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Oh no, the Sams and whatnot were real. I was just surprised to find them at all-apparently there is a pretty strong vintage&repro collector's scene in Bangkok. I've chatted up some of the guys who run stores around town, and they're pretty into it. Sugarcane, Denime, SDA, and such are all quite popular. I DID buy a pair of Denime I thought were fake, but it turns out they might have been some old deadstock. Nobody (including Denime) is sure. I just accidentally ran into three stores in a row on Sunday while just looking around Chatuchak and was kind of surprised, since all I'd seen were the stores around MBK and Siam Square earlier. Justin's is actually as close to a 'chain brand' of denim stores as you'll get here, as far I've seen. They have stalls all over the place, although I've never talked to the guys who work there.

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I've yet to find a pair of fake selvage Evisu. It's become my burning obsession in my pursuit of Thai fakes. I'm not even sure I want to buy a pair, just to confirm they exist. Although with that particular post, I'd strongly, strongly consider it.

Do Chinese made fake Evisu count?? Seen tons of them in Japan.. under $50 at local shopping arcade stores... not sure on the selvage but pretty sure some had it... was a while back..

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