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selv.denim destroyed by customs


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Alert. I had a pair of 10-20 year old japanese levi reproduction jeans destroyed by US customs. There was no mention of Levi's on the jeans, no similar pocket stitching. The jeans were in a box of stuff going to the NY art fair-stationary, books etc. and this one pants. They were not mentioned on the fed ex waybill. Customs looked through and contacted the gallery askinmg what make they were. We didn't know. Anyway, we just found out they were destroyed-due to a denim import law-probably to protect levis'. Anyway, don't fed-ex jeans into US unless you can verify they won't be chopped up. I am, of course, devestated. They were a trade from a friend and now they are dust.

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Whew, that's pretty harsh.

I have been hit with import duty on jeans I had shipped into the U.K., but they didn't actually *destroy* them... just charge me for it.

It seems the US Customs rationale was copyright infringement, not import tariff per se. Did the jeans have a red tab on the back or something along those lines? I know they can be particular about that. When importing Japanese repros here into the U.K. the importers (usually) cut any back pocket red tabs off before they're shipped. Most U.K.-sold Evisus have the red tab cut off in this way, for example.

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This sounds really sketchy. I find it hard to believe that "denim import laws" exist. If they do, find out more about them, because I'm quite interested to know what they have to say.

--- Original message by minya on Mar 15, 2006 05:28 PM

Maybe thats why some online stores don't allow the shipping of Levi's in Canada?
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It is odd that they were destroyed. There are imexport laws that are pretty obscure and do not seem to make much sense without a deeper understanding, however, the penalty is generally a tarrif. In Canada, to the best of my limitied knowledge, the only time something can be destroyed is when it is a threat to national security or the health and safety fo citizens.


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Correct. I cannot imagine under what circumstances a garment would be destroyed, unless perhaps you had a gigantic shipment of clearly blatant counterfeits (an enormous shipment of fake Louis Vuitton bags, for instance). Even then -- I can't see how US Customs could verify its counterfeit status or not.

It just doesn't make any sense. Was any information provided to you by Customs as to what law these jeans supposedly infringed?

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Yes, it seems to be true. There was a red tab on the pocket and that must have been why they were killed. My gallery really tried to argue for a return( through Fed-ex rep.) but were trhen told about some denim law. The gallery has yet to get the box back so we don't know if they will return the cut jeans. It is unbleivable to me-there were no other clothes in the box, just papers and art. The onl;y thing that makies me feel better is that today I had a first fitting for a pair of earnest sewn customs. If not, I would be inconsolable. When the box comes back I will update this post with any new info. My advice, put gift on the waybill and cut the red tab.

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what if you were flying back from another country to the US with denim in your luggage?? i brought back a few pairs of levis premium and i didnt have any problems about this "denim law"

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In your own luggage I don't know, but if I were to guess at this point, if you came back from Thailand with rip off levi's they could take them. I'm still confused as to what happened, but it did happen and we should all be wary of deim coming into the US. Could be the red tab was all it took to get destroyed.

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What I find remarkable about some of the reactions is that anyone would make this shit up. I didn't post this warning to get assholes saying "bulllshit". If I get a formal letter from customs I will let you know, but it happened. My gallery was severly inconvienced because there box of paperwork was held up-customs appartently had a problem with something on a 20 year old pair of used jeans with the only marking being a red tab. I don't know why, but they did and they shredded them. To who ever dismissed this, I can only hope you have the same situation happen to you.

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