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Damn nice paintjob. What kinda paint did they use? I guess im gonna try to do it myself...

I really wouldn't recommend it. It might seem easy but after seeing them paint mine its really difficult and takes alot of practice. Also if you mess it up its going to look rubbish. You always have the choice of posting it to Savile Row to have it done for you.

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I really wouldn't recommend it. It might seem easy but after seeing them paint mine its really difficult and takes alot of practice. Also if you mess it up its going to look rubbish. You always have the choice of posting it to Savile Row to have it done for you.

quoted for truth!

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I have a pair of Evisu (31W) lot No 2 denim with custom "Tokyo Blue" painted arcs on both pockets. Picked em up at the main Evisu store about half an hour walk from Shibuya.

They have been hemmed (chainstitch in-store) to about a 31 inch inseam. If anyone is interested then let me know.

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I have a pair of Evisu (31W) lot No 2 denim with custom "Tokyo Blue" painted arcs on both pockets. Picked em up at the main Evisu store about half an hour walk from Shibuya.

They have been hemmed (chainstitch in-store) to about a 31 inch inseam. If anyone is interested then let me know.

What LOT number? Where are you in the world? Pm me if you wish might be interested.

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I have a pair of Evisu (31W) lot No 2 denim with custom "Tokyo Blue" painted arcs on both pockets. Picked em up at the main Evisu store about half an hour walk from Shibuya.

They have been hemmed (chainstitch in-store) to about a 31 inch inseam. If anyone is interested then let me know.

pics would be useful, message me - i'm interested. :D

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When i got my No.2 they were probably one size too big (Take5 suggested i get them abit bigger due to shrink). After soak they fit perfectly but with wear they stretch out back to normal really. I wish i went for my size though.

I wouldnt size up 2 on the NO.2 MIJ though they would end up too baggy. Size up 1 if you dont want them to be uncomfortable for the first few times wear and i get away without wearing a belt as well.

So check my fit pictures previously on the thread.

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the hand painted arcs are so much better because they have a different shape(more angular per se) than the screen-printed ones. its more personal, too imho. hiroko is sooo cute! id'd paint her pockets....

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the hand painted arcs are so much better because they have a different shape(more angular per se) than the screen-printed ones. its more personal, too imho. hiroko is sooo cute! id'd paint her pockets....

Now now shes a married woman!

I think im going in this week (maybe tomorrow) to get my girlfriends Yamanes painted.

Has anyone here been wearing the half NO.13 half NO.2 jean?

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a potential buyer asked to see fit pictures with converses of my no. 1 lot 2001 and i know a couple of people had asked me about fit pics before so here they are~ i really kind of like the fit--its not like the jeans i usually wear so its good for a change and the denim is obviously ridiculously nice.

sorry about bad quality pics--all i have for now is my macbook camera--and my messy place--im just figuring out how to work the tv right now haha. sized up 2 to a 33





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You decided on what you're having done on the jeans?

She just wants a white gul as well.

a potential buyer asked to see fit pictures with converses of my no. 1 lot 2001 and i know a couple of people had asked me about fit pics before so here they are~ i really kind of like the fit--its not like the jeans i usually wear so its good for a change and the denim is obviously ridiculously nice.

How much are you thinking of selling them for? Also what possessed you to mount your tv so high. You going to be standing up all the time?

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im selling them for $190 shipped to the continental US, which is a freaking steal--im really honestly surprised no one has bought these yet

as far as the tv goes, this isn't actually my place--my friend lives here and im just using it for the summer--but he didn't even have local tv set up for his tv and doesn't pay for cable or anything.. what a waste. i think the tv came with the place though

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