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What are your jeans doing today?


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@ riff

The next issue of Inventory Magazine has the Flat Head feature and I believe Farhad took the photos for the piece if memory serves me correctly.

Inventory's a terrific magazine. I'm trying to stop myself from reading this newest issue so quickly. Glad we have a stockist in Calgary now.

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this is somehow turning into a photography-thread, but i love it :)...

great stuff there guys (denimjunky, Z, joelz, bennnny and all others!)...can`t rep!

Hmmm. I agree with this, and there's already a thread for that in superculture, is everybody cool with the direction this thread is evolving (foxes please weigh in...it's your creation)? I obviously feel everybody is fine otherwise we'd hear about it, but maybe we should come up with a way to distinguish it from that thread...

I personally love it, and think we have a good mix of posters, some who happen to photog and some who document their days / weeks in other ways. I just wanted to run off what Finn said, see what people thought. Have a good Wednesday everybody!!!

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im not complaining about how its turning out but there are some posters who are able to tell fantastic stories without having to post fantastically well-framed shots (i.e. almostnice, paul t, tg, dkatz, roy6, tvshooter)!

then there are posters who take really great pictures (i.e. -z-, farhad, riff, eltopo, joelz, fabgeek). i really enjoy looking at those high quality pictures and the technical aspects of it.

i am guilty of posting pictures which should be from "what are you eating today thread" but that's another story altogether ;)

all in all i do enjoy this thread very much but it's taken another direction and sometimes i do miss the early -z- days where you went around shooting on your 450D and kit lens or farhad's iphone pics days and riff's days where he used to stay in the ski lodge alot and told great stories of his trips. i do enjoy a lot more reading what people did and having simple pictures to accompany them without being too technical about the composition of a shot :)

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haha hope you guy's don't mind ;)

went to the park yesterday, about a 30 minute drive from our place, very nice first time here was told by a work friend anyways..



lots of wildlife..




my wife thought she was dr doolittle haha, it did try to eat her hand lol..


the one who was hungry..


did wear jeans ;)


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Just a quick and dirty update... with a guest, who's been too busy tinkering with his time machine lately...

Had the normal jaunt with the nipper sunday morning...


there's a huge bangladeshi festival in brick lane which was really buzzing.


It was wonderful to see lots of local kids having a great time


After a brief stint back in Greenwich I went back to more or less the same area: the Ten Bells, an old pub in the centre of Spitalfields - the place where a couple of Jack the Ripper's victims used to drink, and according to legend the man himself.

Today, it played host to another celebrity:


I was asking where the time machine was and he explained it was heavy and he couldn't afford the excess baggage charge. For all that, his jeans were looking pretty good.

They've updated this pub (altho they've kept the old tiles), and put in a new bar. Bad.

But they've re-introduced a beer from the legndary, local brewery, Trumans, home of the chimney, at the top, that dominates the area: Truman's Runner. Good. We tested one and a half pints IIRC and proclaimed it most satisfactory.

A quick walk round the rest of Spitalfields, round the old Weaver's houses, spying in their windows... then up near Columbia road, by the old flower market and to another pub I've discovered recently, which wasn't as trendy, nor as packed, with some real locals, called The Marksman.


One pint of Meantime London Pale ale, and a half of their London Lager, IIRC. Then off in a cab to a Pakistani restaurant in wHitechapel, for a pretty convincing curry, which at a tenner a head must surely stand as rnr's best-value recent meal, if not the best.

Then at the bottom of the street was this beautiful bit of history: London's last bell foundry - makers of Big Ben, and the Liberty Bell.



Sorry for lousy photos - hands are obvously getting shaky, too much caffeine.

The restaraunt was dry - probabyl a good thing. By now it was 11, we'd been yakking nonstop for nearly five hours - shared character notes and information on all of you folks, of course - most of the pubs were closed, but there was a swish new place called the Hoxton Bar and Grill still open. Selling dull generic beers at heart-stoppingly high prices, but the Guinness was bearable.

rnr didn't look too bad for a guy who'd arrived on the redeye this morning. Hope you made the morning train, Chris, and I hope you had a blast. I did.

I missed the last train back, so it was a bus thru some of the more interesting, winding bits of London, then a walk home through Deptford.


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Lots of touristy things big wheel, soho etc, he was talking about somewhere called "Samuel smiths pubs" in the west end where real beer is sold for 2.03 a pint, will defo be taking some photo's but with my phone (blackberry) :)

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Sam Smith's pubs are indeed great - there's a good one, the White Horse off Rupert Street right in the centre of Soho, my old local, the Champion, behind Oxford St, I've posted photos of the (beautiful) Princess Louise, in Holborn, but do not go to the John Snow on Broadwick Street, it's run by homophobic assholes.

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my friend Alex Foster and I are working on a solar / battery powered tricycle

made of 100% recycled materials

we will be travailing across the country using the tricycle in order to raise awareness of the importance of alternative energy.

Also, Alex will be wearing his Pure Blue Japan XX-005 Jeans during the whole trip. I will be wearing my Iron Heart Beatle Buster Jeans.

Some serious evo soon to come : )

more information to follow

visit and join our facebook page

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just back from a little trip to the countryside.after a 1,5 hour drive we finally reached the little house of our friend and her family in the deepest middle of beautiful nowhere:


its encircled by 200 years old oak trees


lots of space everywhere,a trampoline and a hammock


enough to keep the kids happy



we did some strolls in the nearby village of ca. 100 dwellers


passed this abandoned builing


went inside and finally found the loo of doom.after this my bowels had an obstruction for two days.

dkatz,i've beaten you at the toilet-front,right?


went back into the idyll.


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cross post from ROY comp thread

just in case you all were crying yourselves to sleep due to lack of pics of my kayak, here she is sanded up and ready to paint



and heres me masking up mr's one


mr love in the background working on his ugly boat


looks crooked but its not


one battleship grey kayak with a carbon nose


getting mine primed tomorrow, mine is only getting painted up to the chine

now we are cooking 3 way cow, roast sausages and ribs [no homer]

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Holidays! First stop: Singapore for a few days.

View from our hotel room. The Parkview is the most amazing art deco-inspired building I've seen. More pics to follow.



Went cruising some malls. The food courts in Singapore are so awesome. DIY Yong Tau Foo stalls are wicked.


The Arab Quarter, obligatory mosque. Haji Lane and around had lots of cool boutiques and some street art.




Did the most cliche tourist activity possible and had a token Singapore sling at its place of origin:



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X-post from Roy x Cone contest

Euston station, 9pm. ScotRail Sleeper train (the guy on the far right got on without a Reservation. Just back from Afghanistan. The woman he's chatting to, Sheena, was an absolute darling).


Accommodation for the night. Lady t and the nipper had their own adjoining cabins.


A great, surreal night's sleep, dreams about strange places. Six hundred miles later... it's dawn.


We're on the way to Aberdeen, about 600 miles North of London, on the East Coast, facing the North sea. Check out the little abandoned stone cottages etc.



Coming into the city - Margaret Atwood and Iain Banks are in town already, I heard, ...


Looking for a coffee place before our hotel room is ready. Check out the little Victorain street leading down to the harbour:


Now for a shower...

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Second night in Singapore we cruised through Little India on our way out for the night. The colour and detail on these temple displays was ridiculous.


Headed down towards the water past the grandeur of The Fullerton Hotel...



...And eventually reached The Fullerton Bay Hotel. You can see the enormous Marina Bay Sands complex in the background. It has several floors comprising a faux ocean liner at the very top connecting all three towers. Hard to capture the sheer size of this building.


There is a rooftop bar at The Fullerton Bay Hotel called Lantern where you can drink cocktails like this,


Whilst kicking back in your own private wicker bed/couch and taking in the view.




If you are a guest at the hotel you can also swim in the infinity pool, situated above and behind the bar, during the day.



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^lovely pictures, Paul T.

I met a good friend of mine, to shop for Records (ended up buying a Cock Sparrer Picture disc) and have cake and coffee in this lovely place.



Then we stopped by at an antique market, trying on old hats.


Later we visited Sven and the Riders Room. Forgot to take pics, though. Later at the Reeperbahn we made a plan which bars we will visit next time. And we came past the stage for the Song contest prize ceremony or something like that.


When I came home, this beautiful green Flat Head Shirt waited in the mail. No customs this time :D

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