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What are your jeans doing today?


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X-post from Roy x Cone contest thread.

Off to my psychiatry rotation - today was pretty relaxed, some cross-cultural/indigenous sensitivity training in the morning and learning about art therapy for mental health patients in the afternoon.





The Cunningham Dax Gallery, showcasing art work by sufferers of mental illness.

Located next to the very beautiful Royal Park.






Managed to snap a pic of the gallery's inside:


The theme was maternity - there were very provoking, and some quite disturbing, works.

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  ranonranonarat said:
the pictures on the previous page were beautiful -z-. i really enjoyed them. my favourite set from you in a long time!

thanks a bunch ranon. i'm still fighting with my 17-40L...and that set was definitely an example of why i should keep it.

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Not today, but a few people have asked for more pics of the trip, so here’s a brief account of what my jeans did last week.

On the next day after we landed in Tokyo, we caught the Shinkansen (bullet train) to Nagoya and then to Takayama, (literally means 'tall mountain') a historic city in the central japan about 4 hours out from Tokyo.


Nice journey through the country with Mt Fuji in the background.


Arriving at Takayama, gently snowing. Snowman nothing like the size of the one in lefty's pic but enough to thrill my daughter nonetheless.


Taking a stroll through one of the many temple complexes and shrines we visited.


Looking back at the temple gate from the inside.


Soaking in the sights of the ancient old town. It is lined with old houses which are cultural artifacts of the city. Many of Takayama’s carpenters have been known to be great craftsmen, of whom built many of the important temples throughout japan.




Buying miso paste from one of the traditional shops.


Then we trekked to a high point in the hills to get a view of this.


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From Takayama we headed to Shirakawa-go, a unesco world heritage site, for a day trip.

This is me and the crew waiting for the bus which would take 50 min to get there.


The scenery was just spectacular. We had to cross a suspension bridge to get to the village.


I posted a pic of me wearing my eternal contest jeans here :


This was what I saw at the other end of the bridge.


The village is characterised by the predominance of ‘gassho’-style barnhouses that resemble a pair of hands in prayer. The roof forms and heavily thatched roof are thus shaped to withstand and shed the large amounts of snowfall in this region.


Navigating was relatively easy with a fairly detailed map of the village.


The snow was so deep but luckily the signages were all still visible.


More snow and what the ingenious local folks did. Our kids absolutely loved it.


Not only were they creative, they were brave as well.


Also spent some time in a local museum of historical artifacts housed within one of the gasso houses. Some have been converted to ryokans which offer accomodation but you’ve got to book some time in advance.


Then grabbed some lunch before heading off back to Takayama in the late afternoon.


Hope you enjoyed the pics. Have a good weekend.

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Great pics Finn and Ninja.

Thanks for all the great comments and rep on the pics.

Yep, snowmen were someone else's. We'll stop and pose for any roadside oddity. I apologize for any misunderstanding and will refund any rep received by aggrieved parties. :)

The beard needed adjustment, which required a (mostly) fresh start. It's always strange to see my natural jaw line.

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Thanks, ran - I got it done by a blacksmith - needed something wider and stronger than the regular brackets you can get at home depot - plus, they all look like crap..so he made these for me in 1 day , for 20 bucks a piece. Talk about cheap and best..

Hangers are pants hangers ..


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