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video games ruined my life


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I am playing fallout 4 after having not invested at all in previous games of the series outside of a handful of gameplay hours. 4 is still a ton of fun, easy to get into. I have a hard time sticking to the quests but the main gameplay is lots of fun. Im not huge on the sanctuary stuff now that mine is built its just used as an adhesive factory. 


edit: I have about 34 hours of gameplay so far

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  On 11/23/2015 at 1:32 AM, itsbenhere said:

What blows my mind is how every professional reviewer said the game was perfect... I loved MGS4, and I literally hate MGS5. 



The gameplay is amazing but who cares when you don't know about the story... I had no clue why I was doing anything in the game and after each mission the only thing that seemed to progress was that I have completed more missions. Except who gives a shit when there's no tangible effect in terms of plot development, or talking with characters, etc...


Fuck that game!!!

What also annoys me so much is how much you have to wait before you get to do any mission. Go to mother base which takes like 2 minutes because your helicopter flies around forever, pat the dog, shower, go into the mother base menu, do a bunch of farmville shit in there, select a new mission, do your loadout, wait for the helicopter to arrive, get in, spend a minute flying out of mother base, loading screen, spend 2 minutes flying to the landing zone, get out of the helicopter, then spend another 2 minutes running through the desert where either nothing happens or you get killed by a bear out of nowhere. 


Before every mission.


MGS always had fun new things happening all the time. This game just feels like the same routine over and over. I paid full retail instead of ordering a half price copy online because I had a free afternoon and didn't want to wait for shipping. What a waste of money.



On another note Forsaken for N64 is very fun, one of the best single player Descent clones out there, really fun ship movement and great soundtrack. Some of the timed missions are a bit trial and error, other than that nothing to complain about.

Edited by ProfMonnitoff
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Though I do think MGSV is a not-so-great game, I think it sounds like you've been approaching it too rigidly.


You don't have to do any of the things you keep mentioning. You don't have to go to the base or pet the dog or play the game solely based on stealth and sneaking around. You can play it however you want. One of the few pros of the game IMO was the variety of ways you could tackle the missions. Each of my friends would beat missions in completely different ways than I did. 


I think you're pigeonholing yourself too much and making it too formulaic. The shame is that it sounds like you're spending way too long on missions in the beginning (if you've taken hours to get to mission 5 or w/e) when a lot of stuff does come into play later in the game (D Walker, more weapons, a lot more customization options for your weapons, etc.).


Again, I agree that the game has a lot of flaws, but maybe you should also change up the way you're tackling it and have a little fun with it. Do a level all-out guns-blazing then switch it up and do an all-stealth level or snipe everyone or grenade everyone or whatever. Some of the late game cut scenes were pretty funny and over-the-top. Reminiscent of past Metal Gears.

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all the black friday deals kinda suck so i just bought wolfenstein the new order for ps3 for like $14

maybe xbox one will get cheaper closer to christmas. not really much incentive to upgrade currently

Edit: aww word, Hotline Miami 2 is 50% off PSN Black Friday special, $7.50

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  On 11/22/2015 at 3:58 PM, btford said:

Anyone played the new Fallout yet?


I really want to get it, but I had such a hard time trudging through Fallout 3. I'm curious how accessible the new one is to someone who hasn't really invested in the earlier games.


I decided to buy fallout 3 for $8 aud and get a feel for the series first.

I'd have to say i love fallout 3.. 

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Fallout 4 is amazing, I got it on release day. I have barely cracked the main storyline and have had so much fun just doing side quests. The weapon and armour modification system is awesome, and I like cleaning up old tires from settlements and being nice to ghouls. 


The only things that bug me is that building structures isn't ideal, and the citizen management system kind of sucks-- they'll probably patch that stuff, or fix it with an expansion. It's such a minor complaint, the game is totally worth buying. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

well i finally gave into the peer pressure and swooped on a PS4 this weekend. was gonna go xbox cause i like the controller a little more, but easily the vast majority of my friends are on PS4 so the choice kinda made itself in the end


still spending a massive amount of time in GTA online, living on my yacht cause i'm fucking riiiccchhhh. pretty great how character/stats/money all transferred over seamlessly. on a similar note, many of my PSN purchases were also available on PS4, like hotline miami 1+2, resogun, and ollie ollie. so while not the same backwards compatibility as XO, that's still pretty cool


Rocket League is amazing,  my psn sn is JAYROCK_STEADY for anyone who wants to rumble. also not very good yet, but it's fun as hell

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Joining the PS4 wagon.  Got my hands on the Uncharted Bundle and Final Fantasy Type-0.  Still been spending most of my time on Origin and Steam since Aviary Attorney came out last month.

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Playing Snatcher for Mega CD right now, just finished the first act. The gameplay mechanics feel very clunky by today's standard obviously, but there is so much story and atmosphere in this game. Definitely a must play. It's making me very excited to see what Kojima will come up with now that he doesn't have to keep churning out Metal Gear games.

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Just bought Divinity: Original Sin to play co-op PS4 and it's super fun, beautiful graphics and the dialogue is hilarious. 


I also got a couple of indie games on Steam Sale-- The Beginner's Guide was a short play, but I've been thinking about it for the past few days. Would absolutely recommend it. 


AND FINALLY I started on Pillars of Eternity, which I've had forever. It's the closest game to actual D&D I've ever played, and it's absolutely amazing. 




Oh, also I finished Fallout 4 and sided with the Brotherhood, just because it's the absolute opposite of what I usually do in games. I feel dirty.  

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Yo for real tho. What if every minute you spent playing video games was used making the world a better place? I got a nintendo for Christmas in 88 and a nintendo power subscription. Was invited to test new products by the company like Super Scope 6. Before that I had a commodore 64 in my bedroom entering code to boot floppies.


Not no mo monte. 


There's a big world out there. It needs you. If you want to mess with electronics buy a synth and bring people together at a warehouse party before they all fill up with people dressed like star wars or hook ups skateboards characters. Create an app that generates environmental clean ups as needed. Not only are you wasting moments playing games but you type about them online. Connecting with people just to kill their effigy digitally. This isn't living. It isn't culture. It isn't art. And all of those things are dying. Get real. 


Also I started posting on here 10+ years ago under youwish.. I pulled the plug on the computer as well. 

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  On 1/5/2016 at 7:04 AM, SSchadenfreude said:

Stayhandsome, did sum thing happen? What catalyst b makin u b intolerant of general tv and video games? How's yr penmanship? If u get off the internet and write me some letter(s) I'd maybe consider ceasing video game and tv.

Stayhandsome, did sum thing happen? What catalyst b makin u b do intolerant of general tv and video games? How's yr penmanship? If u get off the internet and write me some letter(s) I'd maybe consider ceasing video game and tv.

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  On 1/5/2016 at 7:04 AM, SSchadenfreude said:

Stayhandsome, did sum thing happen? What catalyst b makin u b do intolerant of general tv and video games? How's yr penmanship? If u get off the internet and write me some letter(s) I'd maybe consider ceasing video game and tv.

 He's lost it

  On 1/5/2016 at 4:39 AM, stayhandsome said:



I used to be into fashion. Now I just try to find goods second hand that are made in humane ways. 


People use clothing as a way to divide themselves from one another for the sake of being unique.


The light on my forehead is in a lot of my pictures. With it I see more than what you wear. 


Now I am into what cannot be seen. 


Every day I further my spiritual progression and fashion has nothing to do with it.


Although some hold turquoise and other minerals in high regards.


Be yourself, an evolved organism of definable substances fueled by light.

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  On 1/5/2016 at 7:04 AM, SSchadenfreude said:

Stayhandsome, did sum thing happen? What catalyst b makin u b do intolerant of general tv and video games? How's yr penmanship? If u get off the internet and write me some letter(s) I'd maybe consider ceasing video game and tv. 


PM me your address and only nice things will happen as a result. 


If you live close by I'd be willing to jive with ya.


Video games contribute to honing great skills which I cannot deny. But at some point said skills must be used for positive to counterbalance the pendulum swing created by the amount of energy and resources they demand. TV does not contribute to any sort of skills but does help maintain a status quo that damns us from creating a real life civilization of social engagement and progress. 

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  On 1/5/2016 at 7:57 AM, stayhandsome said:

Video games contribute to honing great skills which I cannot deny. But at some point said skills must be used for positive to counterbalance the pendulum swing created by the amount of energy and resources they demand. TV does not contribute to any sort of skills but does help maintain a status quo that damns us from creating a real life civilization of social engagement and progress. 


Your arguments are so fucking broken its ridiculous. Videogames, like any other vice if overused, can be counterproductive. Who's to say people cannot learn about culture, fantasy, grow their imagination, learn, or create based off of playing video games?  There's diminishing returns for people who play video games everyday, but same can be said for those who compulsively watch TV, workout, party, etc etc. It's about finding a balance- life is too short and nobody is truly a workhorse 24/7. TV also has created industry, defined culture, provoked conversation, driven innovation technologically- I don't understand how you are missing that completely. 

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