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edc [everyday carry] shaved my wife


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Well, I give up. Bumped all the way down into 3rd place. Looks like all of Maryland is voting for the 2 photos beating me. They got about 30 likes each today and its still climbing.

Winners are the top 5 photos, so it looks like I'm still in the running. Although being 1st was definitely fun while it lasted.

Again, thanks for all the support, SUFU EDC BRUTHAS

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About the chopsticks a couple of pages back, they are illegal in CA?

I'd cop... parents from China say they will change colors if the food happens to be spoiled/toxic. Anyone else know of this? That alone I would buy them for EDC. Aunt also used said pair with first newborn in order to check for any toxins (but I think that maybe ivory chopsticks).

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Not sure of that ^^ but I believe theyre probably just stainless steel chopsticks. So unless the steel type has any characteristic that reacts in the presence of toxic ingredients, etc, I doubt it does what youre describing.

The one advantage that a 2 part screw-together type chopstick would have over retractable is that it can be cleaned easier. The retractable type would bring food residue up into the barrel if not cleaned before putting away. The retractable are definitely cooler though,

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Well, Leatherman contest is over. Thanks for all the votes guys!

My photo came in at 2nd, with the prize of a Juice S2. Dont know how to feel about that, because I already have one. But it's still a great prize.

Kicking myself for not trying harder to get more votes, though, because that girl's picture of her pink Leatherman Squirt next to the flower won first place. And first place was a Leatherman Wave engraved with Tim Leatherman's signature. Even her husband said she won't know what to do with it. I can't say I "deserve" it more, but I kinda feel like I would have atleast appreciated it more.

Anyone want to buy a brand new Juice S2? (5)

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as an advertising photo...their target market is 100% male, so it's shit.. from a technical perspective...it's even more shit. apparently if there's a flower in a shitty photograph it's "artistic"..hah.

F50 you should have won!

(solix i know you were being sarcastic)

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lmao thanks for the support guys. I know I should have won, but the winner got their all of their family and friends and friend's families in Maryland to vote for her. What can you do right? Wish there was some way that they could make it more about quality and less about who has the most friends on facebook, but its pretty much impossible on facebook.

and LOL thanks wild style, but voting ended yesterday.

Anyway, Im alright with winning the Juice, because I thought about it, and I wouldnt know what I would have done with the Wave. I'd feel guilty about using it, since it would sort of be a collectors item, but I'd also feel guilty about not using it because after all it is a tool that is meant to be used. Plus I really want a Wave. lol.

I think I may end up giving the new Juice to my uncle, who's birthday is today. He's an auto-mechanic for the state and a fisherman by hobby, so I think he'll get some good use out of it.

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  f50fan said:
He's an auto-mechanic for the state and a fisherman by hobby, so I think he'll get some good use out of it.

damn right he'll get good use out of it!

yardsale...that knife looks really clean...dig the clip too. sorry you had to throw away your griptilian :( i'd probly cry if I lost my bm.

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  jbphoto23 said:
damn right he'll get good use out of it!

yardsale...that knife looks really clean...dig the clip too. sorry you had to throw away your griptilian :( i'd probly cry if I lost my bm.

I consider myself lucky

i went thru the scan and didn't even realize i had it in my backpack

only when i was at the hotel i was like holy shit...

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Carabiner looks kinda cheesy and could quite possibly pop off for someone who uses their knife enough. Clip version >

Edit: Looked it up. Didn't know it was interchangeable. Looks nice tho. RAT does make some quality knives for a good price.

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  Yardsale said:
I consider myself lucky

i went thru the scan and didn't even realize i had it in my backpack

only when i was at the hotel i was like holy shit...

Wait, it went through the scan and to the hotel?

The last part about the hotel confuses me.

When did you throw it away? Did they find it during the scan, and make you throw it away at that point?

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Yeah the Izula folder is probably going to be pretty popular when it gets released, but as it has been said on the ESEE site for a while, "This knife is not being manufactured at this time."

The Izula's full blade shape will be nice in a folding option. Izula fixed already has so many fans.

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  f50fan said:
Wait, it went through the scan and to the hotel?

The last part about the hotel confuses me.

When did you throw it away? Did they find it during the scan, and make you throw it away at that point?

It made it through the scan. Well the lady ran the backpack through again and then said it was ok. I didn't discover the knife until that night at the hotel, and i was only spending a night in new york. in the morning i was going to mail it back to myself but didn't have time and ditched it in the trash at the airport before I went inside.

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  Yardsale said:
It made it through the scan. Well the lady ran the backpack through again and then said it was ok. I didn't discover the knife until that night at the hotel, and i was only spending a night in new york. in the morning i was going to mail it back to myself but didn't have time and ditched it in the trash at the airport before I went inside.

Ohh I see, so you didn't have checked in baggage then.

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