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bitch about your wife/girlfriend/significant other


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i picked up the mrs after she had been away for 5 days this morning at 6am from the airport without a kiss or thank you!! bitch gonna ride the bus next time... very sick of her lack of motivation and laziness too. being a person who is constantly busy, i'm slowly growing to resent her lack of drive!

go on, vent, tell us some stories where you've wanted to brick your significant other.

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Spends too much. Buys ephedrine from Canada like she's still in study-late college mode. Thinks a few good years means we're rich, despite the realities of independence in a shitty economy.

Mostly good though, we're usually both on the same page.

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Is late ALL THE TIME and I personally take being on time as a matter of personal pride. I've told her a billion times "just do the shit you need to do to get ready to leave BEFORE you sit down to drink coffee, relax, pet the cat, read your book, etc so that you dont end up rushing to do shit at the last minute."

Been telling her that shit for 8 years and am starting to think it's a fool's errand.

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my problem is i am usually on time for whoever i meet, if not early! so, when i show up early, and they are on time, it feels like they are late, and i still get mad even though they have done nothing wrong... not like im talkin about my GF now though, this is just people.

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considering my wife is still a university student, the fact she doesn't work is really getting on my fucking nerves. sick of spending double for everything. "that is a marriage", whatever. got animal collective tickets for a friend and myself then come home to her cracking the absolute shits for not getting her one! she doesn't even know who they are! fuck..

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Girlfriend lives in alternate reality world sometimes, after years of being insanely rich. Doesn't really care about anything, and doesn't do anything. She buys really really cheap clothes and shoes for herself (for me she buys Junya and Raf) and doesn't wear makeup half the time, because living here with me in Korea is kind of her long vacation I guess, she came here with like a suitcase, bought all her clothes here, and is gonna throw everything away when she leaves. She looks good naturally but she could look a lot better if she put some effort into it, her body is this really finely tuned machine and she is really a genetic cut above the street meat out there below me walking around. I miss having a girlfriend who tries hard though, I like a girl who dresses up and does mad Japanese hair arrange and shit. Well, my girlfriend doesn't do any of that, she chopped her hair off kinda short at the beginning of summer and I didn't like it (it's shorter than my hair even)... she went back and got extensions and looked really good, but she got sick of taking care of them and ripped them out like a month later, so her hair is short again.

She is really nice to me about 20-25 days of every month and then whatever she has bottled up usually comes out once every couple weeks and she goes insane, runs away at like 3am to a coffee shop or something. treats me like dog shit, she bursts into tears. Pure crazy sometimes.

She says she is gonna do various stuff, try new stuff, then gives up on them in like 30 minutes (literally) sometimes. The only thing she really does is watch Youtube and read Japanese beezy blogs all day, with the dog on her lap. We sit her next to each other all the time and I sufu and do the TOJ stuff while she does that.

She always rags on American stuff, she thinks everything is crap. She thinks Japanese everything is better, and she is a Belgium otaku. If we lived someplace with better dining (ie Japan) she would bust out the camera and take pictures for her blog. I hate that shit. We often eat separately because I like junk food and she hates it. I am a person of routine and I take her to eat like the same 5 things every week here: Indian curry, Japanese curry, katsu, tacos, K-BBQ or hotpots. She hates it and bitches about it but there isn't much choice here.

She went to Cordon Bleu and did the French program and she thinks she is an amazing cook, but most of the things I've tasted of her cooking are not that great, some are ok but her curry rice is too salty and too fancy, her chinese is kind of weird, I don't really like Japanese homestyle that much either. Her mom is a tests chef or something so I don't know what's up with that.


We've been together for like 10 months now and although we break up and then make up every week, I don't know what I'd do if we really did break up. When she is gone I miss her and I feel bad if I start thinking in terms of life without her. She is actually gone right now, she left on Friday and was supposed to be gone for 10 days but I think she misses me too and is coming back early, like the day after tomorrow. It's not a burning passionate love like I've had before, and not a long-lasting crush, this is one of those relationships where I like her more and more every day and she is my best friend, and I can rely on her for a lot of stuff. It's hard to give that up.

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some real honest shit, dis. I can appreciate that. i definitely feel you on a lot of it too. none of it's black and white

she is my best friend, and I can rely on her for a lot of stuff. It's hard to give that up.


can't rep unfortunately. did they implement a new rep system in the last few months? seems like it takes forever to refresh now

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