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accepted a new job yesterday, something that really challenges me and has huge capacity for growth + lots of travel, beyond excited.

watching my 4 year old move up to his first real belt in Karate this afternoon and he can't wait to get there.

taking a girl out tonight to this amazing spot for dinner and drinks.

leaving for Kauai Friday morning for a week.

about this life.

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started new job this week, super easy and making semi decent money and coming home every night with cash from tips.. feels good after not having a paycheck in like 4 months. stayed out with fine azn beezy and others till about 3 last night and woke up early today and got out of this 100 degree weather and went fishing at a lake a couple hours away where it was 70 degrees. just me and my dog chillin on a dock reelin in fish all day listening to good hip hop... shits good for your soul.

Edited by BearCousin
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Finishing up my first month of that insanity work out plan. I got it for free so thats something good & it just feels really good to stick with something. haven't done that in awhile.

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almost done 2 months of stronglifts 5x5.. deadlifted my body weight, felt good.

started playing squash about a week ago, beat my buddy for the first time yesterday, almost beat our other buddy but i gave it away (had him 7-2, then lost 9-7 ha)

getting back in shape feels great.

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saw all 3 batman movies in theaters with a bunch of my friends last night. regardless of how the movies were (amazing), it was a great time. I've been so busy this summer and the only time I've really spent with most my friends is time drinking/partying so it was really good to hang out with people sober.

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Today is my birthday. Woke up to a bj+sex, going to get brunch at one of my fave' spots, watching the new batman, got VIP for a music festival my boy is playing at and then hitting up an expensive japanese joint I been trying to go to for a minute. And this is all before going out later tonight, again. Also, the shop got 1st delivery of Geller and I said fuck it because I couldn't decide between the two dip-dye's so I'm just gonna cop both, (:

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Today is my birthday. Woke up to a bj+sex, going to get brunch at one of my fave' spots, watching the new batman, got VIP for a music festival my boy is playing at and then hitting up an expensive japanese joint I been trying to go to for a minute. And this is all before going out later tonight, again. Also, the shop got 1st delivery of Geller and I said fuck it because I couldn't decide between the two dip-dye's so I'm just gonna cop both, (:

ki lounge?

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about a year ago I made a supertrash post regarding staying at a well paying yet unrewarding job to open a restaurant venture with a friend, I wound up choosing the latter.

after a year of seventy hour work weeks, giving up my social life and basically living in fear on the daily - I straight up walked out of that bitch with a box full of good beer and some neat kitchen gadgets. Still don't know how to process all of this but it feels great, going to spend the next few days until I start my new job playing with my dog and hanging out with good people.

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^ sup Choice.

I know that motherfucking feeling man. I just made a similar choice an the last 2 months have been the most relaxing ever. Sleeping at night, not thinking about the business at 3am, actually took a real vacation and ENJOYED IT???

Good on you man, not everyone can say they did it, and not everyone appreciates the work and sacrifice it takes.

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so i've been working in a lab this summer for credit. i need two semesters worth of research credit for my major. today i brought it up with my boss that i wanted to continue working in the lab in the fall and he said that he'd been meaning to talk to me about that as he was approached by another undergrad inquiring about working in the lab in the fall but that he'd rather keep me. even if he'd only rather keep me so he doesn't have to waste a few weeks training a new person, it still feels good that he isn't looking for an excuse to get rid of me. now i just need to get some data that's actually good and i'll be feeling even better.

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