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Djrajio Dating Thread/Advice Column

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i dont wanna beat up on howl. hes a good looking guy, obviously smart. also good at football. howl you will have no problem dating whoever you want really, if you can just figure out how to talk to women. 


also, you're super young so its not surprising that you act like this, i definitely acted like a goof when i was that age. 

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i dont wanna beat up on howl. hes a good looking guy, obviously smart. also good at football. howl you will have no problem dating whoever you want really, if you can just figure out how to talk to women. 


also, you're super young so its not surprising that you act like this, i definitely acted like a goof when i was that age. 

yeah i think u were a fuckin dork, but sufu really helped u.lulz

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nobody is even bullying him wtf

yeah word aint nobody pickin on howl.  we just playin


agree with ed tho.  i know alota people consciously or unconsciously talk diff online than irl, but something tells me that howl write and talk funny.  if u wanna stunt for some literary or philosophy major, then yeah maybe talking like u smart or something is all good.  for random hook ups i dont think it necessary.  infact its often detrimental.  they just think yr a weirdo.


even fashion bzs.  dont talk to them like you're at an art exhibit.  dont talk to them like ur on some fashion shit.  i'm sure they've heard it all b4 or read it online.  when i am at fashion show and wanna talk to bitch i just ask them if they wanna grab a hotdog or do coke.  

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hey howl, are you in school?


i found that when i became less calculated it actually worked in my favor. this occurred during university when i was around people i was comfortable with and alcohol also helped. 


i remember 15 years ago or so when Yahoo! chat rooms were quite prevalent. I use to get on the mic in chat rooms and blast music or do some karaoke. i did voice chat and spoke mandarin to this chick at school frequently on aim, but between the pauses i still had time to think about what to type or catch my breath since my mandarin not so good. i have not used any of the web services or apps available nowadays but i imagine the pace is much faster. you should try responding with your first reaction but an honest one rather than dote on an "idea" then be filled with regret after you send the message. you may find that you'll come off as sincere, to the point, and if you're caught off guard relative to being in the middle of something at least you respond back and say 'hey, was grabbing something to bite in the kitchen, what's up?' without feeling like you are telling a white lie. that is a bad example but my point is when you get back to the chick you're talking to you will have a genuine reason why you texts suddenly stopped especially during a "heated exchange". 


people like to know that you are keeping yourself busy.




my point was also response to conquerors' post. you still young, it's all good. the EB games comment made me laugh inside.  

Edited by gettoasty
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yeah word aint nobody pickin on howl.  we just playin


agree with ed tho.  i know alota people consciously or unconsciously talk diff online than irl, but something tells me that howl write and talk funny.  if u wanna stunt for some literary or philosophy major, then yeah maybe talking like u smart or something is all good.  for random hook ups i dont think it necessary.  infact its often detrimental.  they just think yr a weirdo.


even fashion bzs.  dont talk to them like you're at an art exhibit.  dont talk to them like ur on some fashion shit.  i'm sure they've heard it all b4 or read it online.  when i am at fashion show and wanna talk to bitch i just TALK TO THEM LIKE A NORMAL HUMAN BEING


honestly, i just think howl takes himself too seriously/self-consciously.

 not everbody cares about heidigger or existential philosophy, and even if they did, talking about it all the goddamn time is boring.

 loosen up, wear some normal shit (read cheap and won't stand out) and go skateboarding.

 cheep's a good example of one of the few sufuers who i could probably crack a beer with*.

Edited by po_boy_fuuma_hatesbürgerz
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the concept "tpo." was a conceived  post war japan by the real jap fashion godfather.  when japan was a "fashionless" nation.  the acronym stands for time, place and occasion.


howl, in yr case i think applying this to not only what you wear, but what comes out of yr mouth would be a good idea

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the concept "tpo." was a conceived  post war japan by the real jap fashion godfather.  when japan was a "fashionless" nation.  the acronym stands for time, place and occasion.


howl, in yr case i think applying this to not only what you wear, but what comes out of yr mouth would be a good idea




tru and good point but on the other hand not sure about taking his advice bc might be slippery slope to dressing ivy style

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tru and good point but on the other hand not sure about taking his advice bc might be slippery slope to dressing ivy style

tpo is actually still utilized today in modern japan.  so it does not just apply to ivy

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i feel like chinese guys get the short end of the stick....

I dont think thats universally true, if you're good looking you're good looking and can pull girls no matter what. i did notice at dinner the other night in shanghai the staggering amount of western men with local girls- would probably be pretty infuriating to be on the other side of the fence but hey that's life...

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  • 4 weeks later...

honestly, i just think howl takes himself too seriously/self-consciously.

 not everbody cares about heidigger or existential philosophy, and even if they did, talking about it all the goddamn time is boring.

 loosen up, wear some normal shit (read cheap and won't stand out) and go skateboarding.

 cheep's a good example of one of the few sufuers who i could probably crack a beer with*.

I care about Heidegger, fuck you! Some of my finest moments are explaining Heidegger completely drunk to randoms. Probably not some of their finest moments though...

If you can't talk about some #deepartshit to get the convo going you'll have to avoid fashionable coke parties forever cause you'll be talking about yourself and the next few days will be spent cringing about the stupid shit you said. If you made the link between Turin's horse and Deleuze's movement-image you'll be A+ok and still have got some #fuumaizthefunsmart.

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Plenty of Chinese people get girls you just gotta be semi gangsta/hood/masculine/bro n not be a dork there are girls into dorks just not many of em are. This applies to Asian ppl aswell

I like dorks, as long as they're cute ones.

Actually I seem to have a thing for people who are confident but in a humbling way. There's something super attractive about someone whose so sure of themselves, but at the same time isn't about putting themselves above you, while excluding a quiet elegance at times. And smile, awesome smile and can laugh at themselves.

I care about Heidegger, fuck you! Some of my finest moments are explaining Heidegger completely drunk to randoms. Probably not some of their finest moments though...

If you can't talk about some #deepartshit to get the convo going you'll have to avoid fashionable coke parties forever cause you'll be talking about yourself and the next few days will be spent cringing about the stupid shit you said. If you made the link between Turin's horse and Deleuze's movement-image you'll be A+ok and still have got some #fuumaizthefunsmart.

Deep shit, deep art shit, the world we live in today, philosophy...pretty much is ace.

The point is not to be boring. Be able to teach her something. Be able to connect on a deeper level. Even if it's a passing bang. Rarely does one get with someone initially and thinks, "this is forever".

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Anyone who starts dropping Capitalism and Schizophrenia at a "fashionable coke party" needs to go back to their grad school tenure position and writhe around in their own satisfaction with their real friends, books.

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Anyone who starts dropping Capitalism and Schizophrenia at a "fashionable coke party" needs to go back to their grad school tenure position and writhe around in their own satisfaction with their real friends, books.

That's why you mix it with movie or other more arty or accessible stuff. You do a Zizek.


Lacanians do it better.


Edited by Fuuma
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