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Denim Wiki


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There was a little talk in the evolution thread about having a denim wiki for people to put photos of their worn jeans all in one place; sort of like the sticky in this forum except it'd be updated constantly by you guys instead of just tweeds. I had some free time today and some cash so I bought a domain. A friend of mine helped me set up all the technical aspects of it and there's still a bunch of coding and clean-up that I have to do, but I think the site is ready for the most part.

The site is http://denimwiki.net/wiki/

You just have to host the photos somewhere(ie. flickr) and use the syntax that I put in the "Help" page and we could get this ball rolling.

I added one set to the APC page as an example (http://denimwiki.net/wiki/index.php/New_Standard)

[jeans weren't worn by me, but I don't have decent photos of my eternals yet so I'll use those.]

Anyway I think it'd be pretty neat to have a little wiki like this so hopefully some of y'all can contribute.

I don't know how well you guys know wiki formatting and syntax, but it's pretty straightforward for the most part. If anyone has trouble getting their entry up, just post here or PM me and I'll try to help you out.

big ups to Baeyer-Drewson for the idea.

edit 7/22/09

sup guys

So i pmed cottonduck about a possible sticky for the DenimWiki, and while he's said he will consider it, he brought up some very good issues about the site that I will begin to address.

Ideally, this site is supposed to be a medium between superdenim and the "general population" for lack of a better term. When you have friends that ask you about your raw denim, I want this site to be the go-to place where you can find the philosophy behind it, along with many different progress pics from users around the world. Currently, the closest thing we have to that now is either the evo thread and the xxx-gallery, both of which sort of immediately delve into specific aspects of denim rather then the general, so that would probably confuse most outsiders. Cotton has suggested looking at this from an outsider's point of view, and doing so I realize that there is a ton of information still to be added, as right now it is pretty much a photo-only site with very little info. I'll be going around and asking members if I can use their little write-ups for certain subjects on this site for the wiki. It'd also be greatly appreciated if anyone would like to write a little something of their own for either specific brands or on a new, "philosophy of raw denim" page which I can add to a new information section.

Cotton has also suggested including raw pics of every denim model in addition to all of your faded pics. Initally I was opposed to this, but realized that from an outsiders point of view, it would only make the connection easier, and therefore these next few days I will be adding raw pics to every model from every brand that is currently on DenimWiki. I hope some of you can take just a little bit of time out and add raw pics to just a few brands and models, and with enough help it will be easily finished in a couple of days.

Sorry for the essay, i just think that with these issues addressed, DenimWiki can really take off and create much more interest in people that do not know about communities like superfuture and the like.

Thank you.

-amardeep s.

For those that ignore lage blocks of text:

We need more info pages!

Raw pics for each model!

Keep bumping this topic so it gets more exposure!

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Right now I think I locked the brands page cyz it gets a little complicated coding after that. If you need me to add anything jyst poat here, ill be gping through the forum, se, and big to find brands not listed and add them

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this could be very useful but its going to take some work to get past "critical mass" where people start contributing and get it really rolling.

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also, is there a way to get images hosted by the wiki instead of having to use photobucket? Thats going to be a major problem in the long run.

Edit, I added my STF's 8)

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Yeah, that's the main thing. Images hosted on the wiki can't be more than 2MB each, and theres no way to upload more than 1 at a time. I looked for a different site format that was more image based but I couldn't find one.

I could make my own uploading code and have the domain hosted someplace like dreamhost or something but with no funds, I'm not really ready to do that. Maybe if it takes off and I can get some donations or something eventually, then I will.

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yeah money is a problem, but stability is important if its going to be popular in the long run. Maybe think about selling some advertising spots down the road?

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thanks for all the messages, rep, and posts everyone.

erk, would you mind adding the wear, wash, and sizing info to your photos? i'd like to keep the format wherever possible.

thanks for the wiki entries and big ups to sayocean for his contributions

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  amardeep said:
thanks for all the messages, rep, and posts everyone.

erk, would you mind adding the wear, wash, and sizing info to your photos? i'd like to keep the format wherever possible.

thanks for the wiki entries and big ups to sayocean for his contributions

I didn't even think about that. I just finished editing the page.

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in IM SOLE CRAZY's defense, he put it in "model 1" and it showed up in all the "model 1" links for the different brands. this of course doesnt excuse him for talking about his penis and doing stupid shit like that. its a database, not a place to express yourself. grow up.

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oh right, that was my fault for putting 'model 1' on all the pages. my bad. fixed that.

ban only prevents you from editing anyway, you can still view everything. doubt you have anything else to add but if you do, pm it to me.

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  liewbaysea said:
in IM SOLE CRAZY's defense, he put it in "model 1" and it showed up in all the "model 1" links for the different brands. this of course doesnt excuse him for talking about his penis and doing stupid shit like that. its a database, not a place to express yourself. grow up.

It was a joke, I knew he'd change it, lighten up. I mean I was the first post in there right after he notified people of it.

Anyway I do have more stuff to add but eh....do you amar...do you...

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This site could be a potential good place for all things denim - background on the manufacturer and fit suggestions along with just pictures.

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I'm too lazy to read the rest of the thread, but if you guys need a stable web host I can help you out. I also think a template for each model should be made for people to follow so we have consistency within all the pages.

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