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New York vs. California


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we don't want him

i would never consider florida so you're fine.

I might move to the city this or next year, thats if we sell the house. if that happens i'll get a good feel of what it's like. I'll probably apply to a lot of the UC's and some colleges on the east coast and decide from there. how about food? better on the west coast right? its really important for me as well.

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most people from san diego think this, which is beyond me.

It's probably because as much as I do enjoy Los Angeles whenever I get up there my view of it is tainted by the fact that I have to spend 5 hours driving each way. I'm sure if I lived in Los Angeles I'd think pretty differently - actually living somewhere tends to give you a lot of advantages. If I had to live in San Diego without the advantages of being a 'local' (i.e. close friends and knowing people who throw house shows / parties around here, etc...) it'd be fucking awful.

Really though, I like Los Angeles. I just love living in San Diego.

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youre from pasadena... not la.

pasadena is where burnt out rock stars go to live out the rest of their days grazing in old town and popping little poser hardcore kids.

i resent that =P i'm from pasadena, theres really not much here except old town and even then theres not too many great stores, but it's kind of picturesque in some places

the rose bowl games and rose parade are nice though

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yeah seriously san diego fucking blows unless you like fraternity kids with STD's. even san francisco is questionable... everyone there has a bone to pick... like something to prove, it's the place where the rest of california moves to get away from mommy and daddy and prove that they are unconventional. its one big urban cliche.

i moved to NYC recently from LA, different. that's all. i love them both for different reasons. depends what you are looking for.

-rep. your hanging out with the wrong people and not enjoying what goes on inside the city and probably too young to enjoy the great beer san diego has.

i dunno what you're talking about prof,

SD sucks balls

didn't you live in torrance.

back to CA vs NY


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good. new yorkers dont deserve so cal weather anyway

son chill the fuck out. LA fucking blows. take your tanned up cheesy "movie stars", your no culture havin asses and get the fuck outta here. nothin but fake ass trickery, up in socal. SF is dope and shit but LA is one giant, corny ass wasteland. vintage tshirts and and the land of von dutch. sheeit.

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That said, I've had a lot of fucking fun in New York. I'm liking this moving back-and-forth from west-to-east coast business.

Join me in my quest to be bi-coastal-e-famous.

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LA for the most part is dope. weather is OK. i get tired of 70-80 every fucking day. i personally have a undying attraction for fat booty hispanic girls so NY wins the bid. (and i cant believe all these sf heads are talking shit about LA, when so many of them come down here for school) guess we know who got rejected from Berkeley.

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-rep. your hanging out with the wrong people and not enjoying what goes on inside the city and probably too young to enjoy the great beer san diego has.

didn't you live in torrance.

1. i'm 23.

2. since when is san diego the magical beer land possessing the beer fountain of youth? are you fucking kidding? if you're life revolves so heavily around drinking beer that you literally think a city is awesome because of the amount of beer it has, (which i doubt is better than new york OR LA.. how many bars in san diego literally have chimay, or other beligan monastery beers? or limited brewed cider?), then you are a douche.

3. you're a boner for negging me because i dissed your douche factory of a city.

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