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dear supermod [and neto too]


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If anyone is serious about working towards this site being successful, you have to clean up the current environment. And contrary to popular belief, that Doesn't mean me.

The site is not condusive to new members which means it simply will not grow unless the average member here is willing to put up with the million man march of retard harrassment day-in and day-out, just to find some good material. And the site does have alot of useful information and the plague of droolers are ruining it for everyone.

At it's current state, new members are just flung threw a choute, down a slide, into a room full of 12 year olds in flannel shirts peeing on each other and on the walls, and we are in the cross fire. And admins can check the recent history of new members, post quality in comparison to "Vets", and make simple conclusions that there is a large problem.

This is some of the dumbest shit ever said on the internet.

If I'm not mistaken, this site has been successful for over 4 years now, and plenty of new guys become good posters (nf_one, kunk, plenty of others). You just chose to think that you're something special by being some kind of "peace-keeper" because you value your opinion above all others. No one is right on the internet, not me, not you - but, what I can tell you is, you're not gonna make friends or earn some sort of respect around here if you continue with this mindless, useless and frankly retarded behavior. You won't save the internet, so feel free to shut the fuck up. The mods don't care unless you call someone a nigger or a faggot, and you'll get infracted for the first couple offenses, then eventually banned. You on the other hand should be banned for your sheer naivety that somehow you are correct. So, in closing, shut up, pay attention, stop forcing your opinions on others or you'll get flamed in return, stop trying to coerce the mods into action, and generally just chill out.

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At it's current state, new members are just flung threw a choute, down a slide, into a room full of 12 year olds in flannel shirts peeing on each other and on the walls, and we are in the cross fire.

This seems comparatively tame--and legitimate--for a hazing ritual.

I had to have sex with a rabies infested baboon 3 times before I could enter my dorm at university.

Besides, I'm 12 and half, asshole.

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Lots of members under 1 year membership are universally loved. Hell, look at julzkind. She doesn't really dress in a style remotely related to sufu but she's down as hell and it comes through in her posts. Not everyone is as popular here as the forum they came from but if they don't reek of bitchassness, people will end up liking them. Speaking of, there is still a lot of bitchassness going round here

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Just so you all know I was drunk when I posted in this thread last night....

and I stand behind every post.

no addressing supermods?

are they so great that they surpass the next strata of human?

yes, especially CottonDuck™®©

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If anyone is serious about working towards this site being successful, you have to clean up the current environment. And contrary to popular belief, that Doesn't mean me.

The site is not condusive to new members which means it simply will not grow unless the average member here is willing to put up with the million man march of retard harrassment day-in and day-out, just to find some good material. And the site does have alot of useful information and the plague of droolers are ruining it for everyone.

At it's current state, new members are just flung threw a choute, down a slide, into a room full of 12 year olds in flannel shirts peeing on each other and on the walls, and we are in the cross fire. And admins can check the recent history of new members, post quality in comparison to "Vets", and make simple conclusions that there is a large problem.

I love how you naively think that the goal of this site is cancerous growth--SUFU nation or some shit. I think that the last thing anyone here wants is universal access to and control of our knowledge. Long live the aristocracy (in its current configuration). Keep to your shopping mall, for in this community you are the drooling retard. Idiots like you get flamed because you have nothing to contribute and will only spoil what is sacred. MiniW's sentiment in regards to your shoes was spot on, for you are the perfect barometer of whackness. henceforth anything you wear shall be cast into the flames.

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he sent me a box of chocolates, what look like acid wash jeans, and this poem sealed with a kiss:

Kunk no likey chinee shoes?

He no grateful, I confuse.

Lets clean up sufu, make success.

You pee on me, no like my dress?

I Dioru, pretty pretty man.

Lets save sufu, I just know we can!

can you give me his address so I can send a thank you note? thanks in advance.

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So a really hot cwg is at a club. Along comes some asian dude spittin mad game wearin some lanvinz and +++19cm's. They start dancing and soon enough they're at the asian guys appartment fucking. Cwg gets pregnant and is happy because she can now have an asian baby. 9 months later after baby is born, it comes out black.

"WTF" said the white girl

The chinese man laughs, crouches, monkeys appear with musical instruments,




and thats the story of how the baby came to be

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Guest jmatsu

for reluctant diplomacy i initated the first message. we had a talk via pm about forum policy, and my situation. you stopped communication, which was either pussy or pretty rude.

i said i might make our pm public if you didn't respond. you said that you'd advise against it cause it's adminitrative communication/pms whatever the fuck you wanna call it.

for everyone's benefit here, is making pms public against sufu policy? i have yet to come across any written rule that says so. if you stand behind your word/moderation, i don't see why i couldn't make our shit public. you should just come out and ask me nicely not to post shit. either that or be the obvious tyrant and make shit a rule. either way, what the fuck is with your inability to be real about shit? sick of leaving shit up for interpretation. be concrete-specific about shit already why dont you?!?

btw just to let everyone know we are not allowed to say "nigga" anymore. supermods told me so. he is of the personal opinion that its a derogatory/racist word. i guess he speaks for sufu. just sayin so people don't get reprimanded/banned. would never rat-snitch on another -----


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