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i hear you, i had a little piece of like a breaded chicken strip. couldn't say no. my brother works at outback steakhouse so he got us dinner tonight ended up getting seared ahi and a side salad instead of steak. trying to ease up off red meat too.


want a raspberry sammie. or anything raspberry actually.

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canned dace with black bean

doesn't look good at all if you've never had it.. but this is the shit. think it's discontinued due to health reasons but if you had chinese parents that neglected and loved you at the same time then you've experienced this as a meal. pop a can with a bowl of rice and you're in heaven.

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there was a ban iirc back in like 2005 from something called malachite green being found in our delicious fishy goodness. I still see dace in stores but apparently our favorite black bean variety has yet to recover in sales in North America.... :(

too long fucking source: http://tastyislandhawaii.com/blog/2009/09/25/fried-dace-with-salted-black-beans/

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Tang soo yook

i dunno how i feel about this

tang su yuk is alright but whenever i eat it i wish i was eating gu lo yuk instead (og chinese version)

but sometimes i prefer jajangmyun over zha jiang mein

anyway, this is my 1000th post... and im using it on curry motherfucking fish balls (octopus and pig skin optional)


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