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  dibadiba said:
I was stuck in traffic one day and just kinda thought it would be funny to masturbate. It was sunny and clear out, so I was worried one of the other drivers would see me, but my jeep is pretty high off the ground, so I think no one noticed. I busted a nut and aimed it down, ruining my tweety bird floor mat. I felt kinda stupid after and my mom kept silent the rest of the drive home. It was awkward and I regret it.

Wait your mom was in the car with you?

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Cell pics I took at that kindda asian store (in a really non-asian area, so it gives you an idea of the shop). All those jesus clocks/ things were flashing, it was really hallucinating. And those lamps... I think they're the ones Michael Jackson had in his Neverland domain...

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  Augustus said:
When handshakes go wrong. For an example, one of my friend's dad was chillen on the couch watching TV and I went for a greeting handshake, but he wanted a pound, so I changed it to the fist at the last second, but then he too changed from a pound to a handshake and things got a bit awkward for a couple of seconds.

Damn I hate that! Shit always gets you off to the wrong start!

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You want to say hello to someone whose passing by you while you wait for something, although you said "bye" to them a few minutes ago. At my last job during closing, I would get off work before my co-workers and wait at the bus stop but sometimes after closing up shop, my co-workers would walk toward me. I used to say hello to them if they walk by but it felt awkward and afterwards, I didn't say anything if they pass by.

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  superBobo said:
im always super confused when someone trys to do something else than a normal white handshake.. whats wrong with keeping it simple?


what a funny term. normality is nothing more than what you make it;;; for many, what you consider a normal handshake may seem alien.

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  bernt said:
I have the worst fake laugh. It's generally a "heh..." accompanied by a facial expression that I am told can make any person want to hang themselves because they feel so stupid.

Actually, most of my facial expression cause awkward moments. My default facial expression generally looks like I am thinking, "Why the fuck are you talking to me?" If I am the slightest bit annoyed (like at work, most of the time), I'm told I look like a serial killer.

  branespload said:
When people accuse me of lying, I find it hilarious and I smile.. which makes me look like I'm giving myself away.. I think it's ridiculous because I consider myself a very honest person, so I smile/laugh at those kinds of things and it makes matters worse. :[

i feel you on this. im also bad at telling stories im pretty sure no one believes a word i say because i always get questioned after.

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this threak makes me want to take a xanax just to get past the first few pages

dude nailed it on the head earlier:

Seeing a dude your current gf fucked. Thats pretty awkward.

Or when someone says hello to and you have NO IDEA who they are so you do the "heeeeey whats up.......you" without actually saying the last part

edit: ORRRRR......when youre walking on the appropriate side of the sidewalk (stay right) and theres that one person who is on your side walking towards you and you guys kinda both do the move right/move left at the same time. Those suck and are embarrassing for both parties

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  superBobo said:
NO, really?

In my white middle class university context, normallity should atleast be a straight hand shake.

i'm just playing advocate, but unfortunately you don't have the ability to define what normality should, or should not be.

salary - i thought that was supposed to be our secret handshake? i'm heartbroken.

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