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whats the best way to get over a breakup?


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Yeah, I don't know. I try to avoid asking girls how many guys they have been with because I never like the answer.

Once I asked a mexican girl I was seeing how many guys she had every been with, she said 30 and I immediately lost all respect for her. I just couldn't stop thinking about it, but I didn't want to be an asshole and bring it up, so I was just silently bitter for a long time. One day we got in huge fight and I was like "well I think its pretty disgusting that you fucked 30 guys" and she looked at me confused and said 'THIRTEEN you asshole. THIRTEEN."

Nowadays I don't want to know. Plus, you can usually guess a ballpark figure anyway, no?

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Yeah, I don't know. I try to avoid asking girls how many guys they have been with because I never like the answer.

Once I asked a mexican girl I was seeing how many guys she had every been with, she said 30 and I immediately lost all respect for her. I just couldn't stop thinking about it, but I didn't want to be an asshole and bring it up, so I was just silently bitter for a long time. One day we got in huge fight and I was like "well I think its pretty disgusting that you fucked 30 guys" and she looked at me confused and said 'THIRTEEN you asshole. THIRTEEN."

Nowadays I don't want to know. Plus, you can usually guess a ballpark figure anyway, no?

True, its like digging your on grave. Since no matter what the answer is, you are never gonna like it anyways. But as a rule of thumb, you should always multiply it by 3.

dismal, when she said "biggest one on a Korean dude...", did you ended up asking her how many Korean dude has she been with...

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I once dated this girl from Sophia that would always insist in talking to me in English but she was such a fucking dizzy airhead. I hated talking to her and she always insisted on calling me every night to "talk" about her problems, which were so trivial and stupid. The sex was also bad since she always complained that it felt like a knife was piercing her. I could never get off cuz the friction hurt her.

you're straight?:confused:

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This is a weird one for me because since I was 20 every girlfriend I had bled over into the next one. I always met the new girl while dating the old one and when I got tired of the old one moved on the the new one. Even current my girl (who I am going to marry) I met while with my last gf. She wasn't too happy to hear that - and I understand why. Point being, however, I haven't had to 'get over' a girl since I was a teenager.

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fall in love again... seriously-if the break up hurt that much to where you have to ask for advice online, it's going to be a while for the sting to go away. so just date around until you find someone better... or get a hobby.

edit: dating should not be a hobby.

Bullshit........dating should be a hobby, fuckin should be a job, a job you enjoy!!!

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...biggest one on a korean dude. so you're an all-star little leaguer...way to go

Is this your backhanded way of trying to get me to send you pictures of my cock? It worked for dibadiba and conan, and now they have a great long distance interracial relationship. My only request is that you get rid of dani, I don't really like that hoe.

re: backburner girls, I usually find that I'm either gonna have none or tons when the moment of freedom arrives. I get pretty lazy and don't bother to meet girls, but sometimes I get on a hot streak where I have a few lined up all ready to knock down. In those cases I'll get straight to it and become a complete dickweed, knowing I will just hop to the next if one girl isn't 100% perfect, ahaha. Pretty much how I act all summer because of the heat, but there have been some winters like that as well.

Asking a girl how many dudes she's been with is pretty much sure to backfire on you, but you're gonna ask it anyway, because I know the curiousity kills me and it slips out. The number is either too low, and you're gonna lose respect for them because you know they're a lying sack of shit, or too high, and you lose respect for them for being naively honest and a stupid cumguzzling slutbag. When they got their mouth locked on your knob and they're doing some advanced swirly thing with the tongue plus some hand action, with some highly developed skills on the sack, and they take a moment to say something like 'oh, like 2, you're the 3rd' sometimes you just need to leave it at that, and respect her for being a lying shitbag, and smart enough to answer the question the right way and hope that maybe her being a lying ho might work out for you in the end somehow. It doesn't, but you must hope.

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depends what kind of breakup it was.. but..


- take care of yourself physically. she'll notice. and so will other girls.

- talk to other girls

- talk to her only when you feel it's right and completely necessary. If you ban yourself from ever talking to her, then eventually you may crack and say something stupid. By allowing yourself to talk to her every now and then (when she contacts you), there isn't this barrier that you're dying to break.


- hook up right away. She will find out and she will be pissed.

- let her see this thread

- go out of your way for her

- be a dick

- hook up with her friends

- whine to her friends

- wine her friends

- force yourself to "let go"

- be a pussy

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I disagree Marie, if you feel like hooking up right away and get the opportunity, do that shit. Who cares if she's pissed? If she's the one that initiated the breakup she can deal with the hurt feelings.

I have to say that listening to Salaryman, Dismalfuture, and Raj is enough to cure any man who has yellow fever and fetishizes about Asian women. I don;t know how you guys deal with it.

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marie was on point. broke up with my girlfriend of 2 years and thats basically the guide i set for myself.

except the hooking up right away part. i have no problem hooking up right away, but i'm not going to drop my standards just for the sake of a hookup.

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Yeah, fuck that shit. Girls will have rebound sex twice as fast as a dude will, guaranteed. Not saying that they will go and do it everyday in the days following like a guy might try to, but girls will leave your house and go directly to another dudes house to cry about their problems and get raped by candlelight.

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i guess time is also the other thing, i keep feeling good for awhile then regressing back into shitty feelings and then stupid little things will remind me of her and make me sad.

i feel too old to be this emo over something small like a break up.

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what the fuck? why would a guy care if she finds out and/or is pissed?


most of them wouldnt. but for someone who posts a "What's the best way to get over a breakup?" thread I figured it's worth telling him.

but I'm just saying (from a girls perspective), that it's going to be a lot harder to carry on a friendship (that's IF he wants one) after she hears about him hooking up with someone.


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most of them wouldnt. but for someone who posts a "What's the best way to get over a breakup?" thread I figured it's worth telling him.

but I'm just saying (from a girls perspective), that it's going to be a lot harder to carry on a friendship (that's IF he wants one) after she hears about him hooking up with someone.


well if they're going to be friends, don't both of them have to get used to things like that? so are both of them supposed to hide their relations with the other sex just to make each other feel comfortable? I'm sorry, but I really don't see your logic. both the guy and girl have to stop being a little bitch and man the fuck up, imo.

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tell them never to talk to you again.

just box up all their shit, drop it off at their doorstep.

next box up everything you have that reminds you of them, i.e. things they've given you, pictures, any other sentimental shit, and take that box and put it in the basement. you'll later throw this away.

next cut off any means that they could contact you by.

hang out with friends and forget about it.

my philosophy is that you've wasted enough of your time on them, so move on as quickly and cleanly as possible so that you don't waste any more of your time. clean break.

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well if they're going to be friends, don't both of them have to get used to things like that? so are both of them supposed to hide their relations with the other sex just to make each other feel comfortable? I'm sorry, but I really don't see your logic. both the guy and girl have to stop being a little bitch and man the fuck up, imo.

I'm not saying to never have sex again, and if that's what you thought I was getting at then I can completely understand why you would not understand the "logic" behind that, because there isn't any. My post said don't hook up RIGHT AWAY - the day after type shit. It can just make things shittier for either/both of them. I hate this thread.

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cyberpunk, isn't that a bit ... FUCKIN EXTREME ?

I mean, it's okay to stay kinda friend (or at least on facebook to see the douche she's dating after you), though harder if you're still heavy on her and she doesn't have feelings anymore and dumped you like an old sock.

but hey, 9 pages for that ?

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cyberpunk, isn't that a bit ... FUCKIN EXTREME ?

I mean, it's okay to stay kinda friend (or at least on facebook to see the douche she's dating after you), though harder if you're still heavy on her and she doesn't have feelings anymore and dumped you like an old sock.

but hey, 9 pages for that ?

haha yeah it's definitely extreme. i just realized that it doesn't apply to every situation. for breaking up with my ex however, it was necessary.

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I think cyberpunk is on point. that's exactly what I do. especially if you're still crazy about her. she doesn't care about you like that, and keeping in contact with her? what's the point in that? the best way to forget about someone is getting rid of every proof of his/her existence.

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especially if you're still crazy about her.

very logical post.

if you're still crazy about her, the most stupid thing is to try to conquer her heart again and act like a little bitch.

if she's still crazy about you and that you don't care anymore, the best imo is to try not to hurt her too much, and ... yes shit that's obvious, there wouldn't be this thread in this case.

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