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I hate living in a town full of rednecks. (story time)


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So tonight at around 1:00 AM I was on my way home from a friends house and stopped in an Exxon to get some gas. When I was done fueling my car I went inside to grab a drink. I had noticed a jeep parked out front that was taking up about 3 parking spaces because the guy was obviously wasted. When I went inside I saw the guy who owned the car. He was wearing sandals, a yellow Ralph Lauren polo, and some shitty cargo shorts. Keep in mind this man looked to be about 30 years old, I'm 18. He immediately started asking me questions like "You got a shotgun in there?" as I was walking up to pay for the drink. I wasnt sure he was talking to me so I said "What do you think I'm going to rob this place or something?", to which he replied "No..just like shoot everyone or something". I assume he was talking about what I was wearing, which was a plain, well fitting black t-shirt, some dark blue RAF skinny jeans, and some black dress shoes. Meanwhile the cashier who was an old black women in desperate need to a dental plan just laughed. I just laughed, paid for my drink and said "Have a nice night".

I really should have said something to him but I wasnt trying to get killed outside of a gas station at 1 AM by a drunken retard. Apparently now a black t-shirt and skinny jeans constitutes serial killer where I live. I cant wait to move out of this shithole.

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drunk white dude in ralph lauren polo?

you're scared of dat shit?

dude, they're like the easiest group of people to hustle!!!!!!!

man you shoulda bought some cups n' done the hidden ball trick

$100 n' shit dude. right there.

opportunity wasted man

there are advantages to living with "bro." you just gotta hustle!!!!

i live in souf mang u gotta get money tha hard way


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drunk white dude in ralph lauren polo?

you're scared of dat shit?

dude, they're like the easiest group of people to hustle!!!!!!!

man you shoulda bought some cups n' done the hidden ball trick

$100 n' shit dude. right there.

opportunity wasted man

there are advantages to living with "bro." you just gotta hustle!!!!

i live in souf mang u gotta get money tha hard way

We were both alone and he was much bigger and older than I was. He was also drunk and I was sober. Comments like his from a person of his age really surprised me.

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Ooh, I have one. I go to school in Humboldt county. The town I'm in is Arcata, very liberal/hippie/friendly place, but every town around here is full of horrible rednecks. My friend and I were at Safeway picking up late night grub, and my friend almost bumped into this guy, but did not. This guy was about 30, 5'6", beer belly, camo hat, shitty shoes and ripped up costco jeans, he smelt of Natty Ice, and had a trashy kinda hot girlfriend with bruises and sweatpants. He kinda mugged my friend who didn't notice. This guy checked out before us.

When we went out into the parking lot, we heard the sound of a shitty old truck starting up. He pulls up along side us, driving slowly and says "what are ya, a couple a FAGGITS!?" and proceeded to bitch at my friend for almost bumping him. Then he drove away, but at the end of the parking lot, flipped a screechy bitch, and drove fast straight at us, then screeched to a stop right in front of us and yelled some more and tried to pick a fight, we didn't give him anything, so he left.

Of course, afterwards we were like "we shoulda said this and this..." blah blah blah, but he probably would have shot us or drugged and raped us. For clarification, we're not "faggits" but we do dress well for people in the boonies, haha.

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imma tell you a story.

this one time i was minding my own business in a kroger grocery. i was wearin dbss. yes, i laced em. and dis fella gives me double take. says to his wife "when did gay folks decide it was ok to live in the souf"

im like wut dis du say??? I turn around to give him the kunk stance and the I'mmafuckyouup stare. the du doesn't notice, but he slips on his cart while trying to pick up some life cereal at the top of the rack.

he crashed. trying to get some life. but couldn't. his wife had to grab it.

keep in mind none of this happened, i dont even shop at kroger mothafucka, but im still waiting for someone to trip while grabbin' for dat particular cereal.

hence y i gots my cc (crap cam) in my manmessenger just in case.

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Of course, afterwards we were like "we shoulda said this and this..." blah blah blah, but he probably would have shot us or drugged and raped us. For clarification, we're not "faggits" but we do dress well for people in the boonies, haha.

Exactly. At the time I wasnt going to say shit, I just wanted to get a drink and not talk to douchebags, not get into a fight.

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great story man. reminds me of this one time, I was playing pokeman..and for some reason all I fucking had with me was metapod (the cocoon before butterfree) and i fucking ran into a battle with someone who just had a Kakuna (the cocoon before it turns into beedrill) and of course the only fucking attack either of us had was " Harden " which was a defense, Did no HP damage at all..Lol..We just kept hardening, Eventually I had to reset the game because it was a never ending battle.

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i would hardly call that a fucking redneck. anyone who is civilized enough to wear a polo (or who can fit into one with the obligatory/stereotypical beer gut) isn't necessarily a redneck.

mr. foxworthy isn't going to pull some "you might be a redneck if you wear a polo shirt..." shit any time... ever. if so, that one user (diplo i think his name is) is a fucking REDneck.

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i would hardly call that a fucking redneck. anyone who is civilized enough to wear a polo (or who can fit into one with the obligatory/stereotypical beer gut) isn't necessarily a redneck.

mr. foxworthy isn't going to pull some "you might be a redneck if you wear a polo shirt..." shit any time... ever. if so, that one user (diplo i think his name is) is a fucking REDneck.

Yeah I thought about that after I made the thread, I did some mislabeling. Should have been "bros".

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great story man. reminds me of this one time, I was playing pokeman..and for some reason all I fucking had with me was metapod (the cocoon before butterfree) and i fucking ran into a battle with someone who just had a Kakuna (the cocoon before it turns into beedrill) and of course the only fucking attack either of us had was " Harden " which was a defense, Did no HP damage at all..Lol..We just kept hardening, Eventually I had to reset the game because it was a never ending battle.

dibadiba, i will try not neg repping you anymore since i feel like you've had enough, but man, you're testin

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Ooh, I have one. I go to school in Humboldt county. The town I'm in is Arcata, very liberal/hippie/friendly place, but every town around here is full of horrible rednecks. My friend and I were at Safeway picking up late night grub, and my friend almost bumped into this guy, but did not. This guy was about 30, 5'6", beer belly, camo hat, shitty shoes and ripped up costco jeans, he smelt of Natty Ice, and had a trashy kinda hot girlfriend with bruises and sweatpants. He kinda mugged my friend who didn't notice. This guy checked out before us.

When we went out into the parking lot, we heard the sound of a shitty old truck starting up. He pulls up along side us, driving slowly and says "what are ya, a couple a FAGGITS!?" and proceeded to bitch at my friend for almost bumping him. Then he drove away, but at the end of the parking lot, flipped a screechy bitch, and drove fast straight at us, then screeched to a stop right in front of us and yelled some more and tried to pick a fight, we didn't give him anything, so he left.

Of course, afterwards we were like "we shoulda said this and this..." blah blah blah, but he probably would have shot us or drugged and raped us. For clarification, we're not "faggits" but we do dress well for people in the boonies, haha.

One time, after paintballin', Daisy an' me decided to head to safeway to pick up some hot dogs. We always eat hot dogs on tuesdays cuz thats the night we watch a tape of last year's Indy at Daisy's cousins.

But halfway to the store Daisy 'cided to git mouthy with me 'bout my drivin' and stopped passin' me beers. So I pulled the truck right over and roughed her up a little til she promised never to back talk agin. Daisy gets out of line every now and again, but nothin I can't handle. Two summers ago at her 16th birthday party I gave her a black eye because she let my brother Jim touch her titties.

By the time we got to Safeway I was fuckin starvin. Was mindin' my own got dam bisness when a couple of queers pull their cart right up next to me, no doubt giggling about how they could see my dick in these sweatpants. They got those ol' hungry little boy eyes, watching my dick swanging in the pants as they picked out peanut butter no doubt to smear on each other later that night. I do my best to ignore 'em, but they can't take they eyes off me. Now, one of the two had pants to tight I couldn't believe it was man, the other was the spitting fucking image of Richard-I-like-anal-Simmons. They were 100% HO-MO-SEX-uals.

I'm looking for the hot dogs when out of no where, one of these fairies ups and walks right into me. The kid damn near drops on his knees trying to get a mouthful of me in the cereal aisle. Now, Jim told me he liked my new camo hat I was wearing but I never knew it'd attract his kinda 'ttention from pretty boys. Anyway, I got the fuck right outta there because I knew what happened last time Jim and I roughed up a Chinamen for trying to swipe the last bag of chicken wings in frozen foods.

Was ready to head home when I realized I couldn't let these two little faggies take off without showing 'em whose boss. So here they come prancing out of the store hand in hand, probably laughing about how much fun they have eating asshole.

I wait to they get in the car and go over and give a piece of my mind. Now you shoulda seen these two gals, huddling together, damn near weeping from fear. They just looked at me and didn't say nuthin back. Now this made me even more madder cuz they kept those pretty boy eyes on me, like they was beggin' me to hurt 'em. I pulled the car around one last time to give 'em a real scare and they just giggled their little homo faces off like Anna Nicole Smith fucked by a horse.

Got home late, and everyone had already watched half the race and finished the natty. Was so mad I spent the rest of the night punishing Daisy in Jim's bunkbed.

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going to Dark Knight the other night i was wearing black patent hi tops and some rotund tourists on the bus pointed at my shoes and started talking very loudly in high-pitched german. Vancouver is so freakin' closeminded, i can't wait to get out of this FUCKING HELL-HOLE and move to a city where im not persecuted because of my jawns

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Guest Hopfer

I hate living in a town full of spooks.

I get it from spooks and rednecks a lot. I get gaybashed a lot. The worst part is that I get gaybashed by total homos (the repressed kind).

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ahhaha my existence is coupled by frequent, verbal and violent reactions to my clothing choices or something pertaining to them. I live straight back woods, so if its not Carhartt its extra, extra gay. I have been followed for about a half mile walking home from a party while a car full of hicks threw bottles at my head and told me I was a faggot. I hurt my ankle once and was limping to the bus and some dude told me that mabe if my pants weren't as tight I would be able to walk right...faggot, which is fair enough advice I suppose. I just kind of expect to get called a faggot at least once while im out now, its not really a big deal though if you consider who is saying it, and that those people will be smoking a crack pipe in a trailer park 4 years from now, if they arent already.

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this one time this redneck came up to me and was like "we don't take kindly ta faggitz in this here town"

I walked over to him and ripped his dick off with my bare hands, then shoved it down his throat. i rubbed salt all over his penis-stump.

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