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was looking at the symmetry my legs are too big at 24" and my neck is too small. oh well

according to that chart, all my measurements are too small expect my hips which are crazy big compared to that chart and my thighs which are slightly too big

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I don't see what's so ridiculous about those proportions.. I'm actually pretty close to all of those proportions and all of the ones I don't match are body parts I've wanted to grow (or shrink, like my thighs and hips)..

the only proportions I wouldn't want on that chart is the waist.. too big in my opinion

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seated narrow-grip rows (cable) -- 150 X10 / 170 X 10 / 190 X 8 / 220 X 6

narrow grip lat pull (cable) --130 X 10 / 150 X 10 / 170 X 8 / 190 X 6

standing row / bent over row (freeweight) -- 115 X 12 / 135 X 12 / 160 X 8 / 180 X 8

Iso-Lat Pulldown (freeweight) -- 140 X 12 / 180 X 10 / 200 X 8 / 230 X 6

bent over row (freeweight) - 65 X 12 / 75 X 12 / 85 X 8 / 100 X 8

that's seems a little much since they're all one right after eachother sometimes hitting the exact same muscle group.

I'd go like this:

Week 1: all 3 x 10

*bent over barbell row

*Cable lat pull down (alternate days with standard wide grip and a small narrow grip)

*Wide cable row (can alternate days with narrow)

*Dumbbell rows - try and separate the movement of your arm and your scapula. Begin the row by retracting the scapula and letting that move your arm into position. Once the scapula is fully retracted, then pull. You'll feel a HUGE difference.

*Reverse flys with DB or freemotion cables. If you use cables, the opposite hand goes to each cable, you start with your hands slightly crossed in the middle, then keeping your arms locked at ~ 160 degrees fly your arms back and retract your scapula together. this one is murder with a good cable machine and you can't do much weight. Slightly bent over DB reverse flys are a good substitute though.

Week 2: do 3 x 8 + 10% to every weight. 50 lbs will become 55 lbs, etc. round up or down depending on how you feel

Week 3: do 3 x 5 + (week 2 + 15%) to each weight. it's going to feel easy, but you'll feel it the next day.

Next week: Back to 3 x 10, only now add 5% or so more to your initial week 1 weights.

standard undulating periodization stuff but it's done me and a lot of clients well, I always had strength and size gains, able to go up in weight every 3 weeks.

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hey guys i'm trying to cut and right now im about 185 and 5 foot 10 inch, ive been working out and dieting but my diet needs major help, right now im eating a cup of oatmeal for breakfast w/ fruit, lunch i dont really know what to do so ive just been eating pbj or turkey sandwhiches, and for dinner it usually varies between steak eggs and toast, or whatever else my parents make that night, i know what to do for everything except my diet so some serious advice would be appreciated

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oatmeal is good as long as it's steel cut and not instant. Instant = garbage. You could add a little non-fat LOW SUGAR yogurt with that oatmeal and fruit and it will do you a little better. Lunch is where you're going wrong, deli style meats have tons of sodium and preservatives, avoid them. Eat chicken breasts, they're your new best friend. Make a salad with a vinaigrette dressing and cook a chicken breast, toss some unsalted almonds or pine nuts in there for good measure. If you get hungry before dinner, eat some string cheese, or maybe some baby carrots for a snack. Don't eat toast for dinner. Don't eat bread in general, actually. Steak is reasonably healthy as far as red meats go, but it still isn't that healthy if you're trying to lose weight. Eggs are okay as long as you aren't eating more than 2 a day, and you aren't frying them in butter/oil.

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hey guys i'm trying to cut and right now im about 185 and 5 foot 10 inch, ive been working out and dieting but my diet needs major help, right now im eating a cup of oatmeal for breakfast w/ fruit, lunch i dont really know what to do so ive just been eating pbj or turkey sandwhiches, and for dinner it usually varies between steak eggs and toast, or whatever else my parents make that night, i know what to do for everything except my diet so some serious advice would be appreciated

start off by reading articles on bodybuilding.com.. it'll help you a lot since it seems you don't know where to start with your diet..

here's one example..


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for oatmeal ive been eating the quakers oatmeal w/ a little brown suger and cream and a banana, the steak is pretty much completely lean and i never eat more than two eggs, ill stop with the toast and improve on my lunch some more and i use olive oil when i make the eggs but only a little

btw i only drink OJ and water

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just did this chart and my real measures

my hght/inch is 3.224

neck, 17.825, bi's, 18.975, forearms, 15.75, chest 48.675, waist 35.5, hips, 41.75, thights, 27.5, calves, 19.5

mine all works out pretty true to the chart.

according to that chart, all my measurements are too small expect my hips which are crazy big compared to that chart and my thighs which are slightly too big
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for oatmeal ive been eating the quakers oatmeal w/ a little brown suger and cream and a banana, the steak is pretty much completely lean and i never eat more than two eggs, ill stop with the toast and improve on my lunch some more and i use olive oil when i make the eggs but only a little

btw i only drink OJ and water

Don't drink orange juice, or any other kind of non freshly made juice. Just a bunch of sugar, it's crap for you. Worse for you than soda.

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^^^^ qft

anyways, gonna start tightening up my diet within the next week and go on a pretty intense diet/cut

lifting heavy as shit, lots of protein, restricted diet and a shitload of cardio

i'm going to be making a log of EVERYTHING i eat, and every day at the gym for the next 12 weeks, supplements taken are pretty simple - water, multivitamin, fish oil, protein.

starting after week 8, im debating whether i should run a thermo like hot-rox for weeks 8-12 or whether i should hit a clenbutrol/cytomel stack for 2 weeks

any thoughts?

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my roommate and i concocted the motherfucking pre bed snack and it could only get better after a little refrigeration.

-microwave two heaping teaspoons of pb for 40 seconds

-add a half scoop of vanilla casein base protein powder

-po' up about 1/4 cup of milk

-stir until it forms into a thick, pudding type of texture.

add in a little cottage cheese, perhaps some honey roasted peanuts for ultimate grawrrrrrghhhhhh.

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My thoughts is that you don't know what you're doing so stay the fuck away from clen.

you say this based on what?

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Hmm ok...lets see, based on these proportions:

5'10 - 180lbs

w/h - 2.5

neck = 15.8"

biceps = 14.,5"

forearms = 12.4"

chest = roughly 43

waist = 33 :(

hips = 37-38

thighs = 21"

calves = 16

i gues im kinda there...minus small biceps and a bigger waist.

seems like i cant get my biceps any bigger than 14.5. its been consistant for the past 2 months or so...i do roughly 80-90 lbs on seated preacher ez curls but arms are measuring at 14.5 :(

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^^^^ qft

anyways, gonna start tightening up my diet within the next week and go on a pretty intense diet/cut

lifting heavy as shit, lots of protein, restricted diet and a shitload of cardio

i'm going to be making a log of EVERYTHING i eat, and every day at the gym for the next 12 weeks, supplements taken are pretty simple - water, multivitamin, fish oil, protein.

starting after week 8, im debating whether i should run a thermo like hot-rox for weeks 8-12 or whether i should hit a clenbutrol/cytomel stack for 2 weeks

any thoughts?

im a bit confused by this...

are you trying to gain mass? cut fat? what exactly are you trying to do?

if you're gonna be "lifting heavy as shit"...guessing youre trying to bulk up a bit but why even bother runnin on thermo..? i'd say keep it low with the cardio maybe other than quick sprints to get yoru blood runnin.

this is the biggest mistake i see with people...they think any work out and any supplement that is relevant to muscles will get them "buff"

stay off the clen/cytomel stacks and just lift like a normal human being

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umm it usually ranges..i've found that APC's in sz 31 fit me to my liking...Oni Blue's i really liked...

right now i wear a random sample i picked up from my company's defects and samples pile and alter them slightly in the leg opening to the way i like.

problem is, im slowly gaining weight as i haven had much time in the past couple weeks to really work out but my diet is still maintaining which is bad news...i think i was hitting at 184-185 past couple nights and back to 180-182 in the morning

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today i had the worse workout in months... it was so bad i used straps and could not even lift the 330 deadlift for 5 reps. stopped at 3. i almost pass out after the end of each rep my hands wont close grip... maybe too stressed, but its only the 2nd week of a 4 week program.

no emo but when i got home i want to cry and eat a box of fruit snakcs i buy for my daughter's lunch. but i will just take a shower and eat my fishoil...

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hi i am 5'11, i do the conventional deads... but im not a competitor.

hands are shoulder width PR was 405 so 330 for 5 rep should have been easy, but i couldnt today.

when you do the sumo does it feel the hamstrings more? sometimes i do snatch grip for more upperbody training

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hi i am 5'11, i do the conventional deads... but im not a competitor.

hands are shoulder width PR was 405 so 330 for 5 rep should have been easy, but i couldnt today.

when you do the sumo does it feel the hamstrings more? sometimes i do snatch grip for more upperbody training

you'll feel it in your hams and glutes more

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