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for starters, don't listen to what your friend has to say about weight lifting ever again lol

that routine has WAY too much volume and unnecessary bs. you're also just asking to run into rotator problems with the amount of front delt work involved.

try something like this:


Squat or box squat 2-3 x 5

Glute/Ham Raises or pullthroughs 3 x 10

Bent Row or Chest Supported row 4 x 6

Barbell or Dumbbell Curl 3 x 8

Calf Raises 3 x 15


Bench Press or low board press 3 x 5, or 3 x 3

Incline Dumbbell Bench Press 4 x 8

Military or Dumbbell Shoulder Press 3 x 8

Skull Crushers 3 x 10

Ab work 3 x 10


Deadlift or rack deadlift 2-3 x 5

Leg press 2 x 10

Chin or lat pull-down 4 x 6

Barbell or Dumbbell Curl 3 x 8

Calf Raises 3 x 15


Incline bench press or Incline Dumbbell Press 3 x 5, or 3 x 3

Dumbbell Bench Press 4 x 8

Military or Dumbbell Shoulder Press 3 x 8

Tricep pushdowns 3 x 10

Ab work 3 x 10

Wednesday - repeat from the beginning

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I'm a true ecto finally looking to gain some significant mass (10/15 lbs). I haven't seriously lifted weights in over a year which was when I was doing Bill Starr. I'm looking to pick up the WS4SB routine, but would you guys advise to start Bill Starr again prior to doing so? I feel like I'd get some minor gains and much needed strength back so that I can lift heavier for WS4SB.

Thanks in advance

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  ke1 said:
I'm a true ecto finally looking to gain some significant mass (10/15 lbs). I haven't seriously lifted weights in over a year which was when I was doing Bill Starr. I'm looking to pick up the WS4SB routine, but would you guys advise to start Bill Starr again prior to doing so? I feel like I'd get some minor gains and much needed strength back so that I can lift heavier for WS4SB.

Thanks in advance

Id say jump into WS4B.

Then after that you can jump into a more serious routine focusing on size or strength, depending on your goals.

Just like WS4SB because it tackles many areas people will overlook, (mobility and speed mainly) and will help you later on especially if you trying to go towards a strength route.

Plus its pretty simple to follow.

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  dunkin deeznuts said:
thoughts / experiences with Crossfit?

There seem to be pretty polarizing views of CF, which I understand. As Kuck once said, it's "Jack of all trades, master of none." That's generally true. I used to powerlift, and at 185 I could bench 350 and pull 470. I definitely don't do those numbers any more. But I'm much stronger and faster than I used to be. On a treadmill, I'll run a sub 6 mile (prob 6:30 on the street), and my lats are much stronger.

So it's all about what you want to get out of it. I like the competitive aspect and the speed. Right now I'm competing in the Open Sectional where you tape your workout and send it in. Here's what I did yesterday:

As many rounds as possible in 15 Minutes

9 Deadlifts (155 lbs)

12 Pushups (hands release on the ground)

15 box jumps (24")

I got a little over 10 rounds


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im a skinny dude too, read the post a few above about WS4SB and went on their site. do you guys agree that this is a good program?

im 6'0 150lb. id like to put on 10+ of muscle and look slim/shredded. any tips/pointers/etc would be highly appreciated. this will basically be my first real routine since snapping my c4, c5, c6, playing hockey my soph year in 2005.

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  Leeacto said:
There seem to be pretty polarizing views of CF, which I understand. As Kuck once said, it's "Jack of all trades, master of none." That's generally true. I used to powerlift, and at 185 I could bench 350 and pull 470. I definitely don't do those numbers any more. But I'm much stronger and faster than I used to be. On a treadmill, I'll run a sub 6 mile (prob 6:30 on the street), and my lats are much stronger.

So it's all about what you want to get out of it. I like the competitive aspect and the speed. Right now I'm competing in the Open Sectional where you tape your workout and send it in. Here's what I did yesterday:

As many rounds as possible in 15 Minutes

9 Deadlifts (155 lbs)

12 Pushups (hands release on the ground)

15 box jumps (24")

I got a little over 10 rounds


How's the form adherence? That's one of the things I'm most worried about with Crossfit, all these kids doing heavy lifts with shitty technique.

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  Just Another XY said:
How's the form adherence? That's one of the things I'm most worried about with Crossfit, all these kids doing heavy lifts with shitty technique.

Real Talk.

I hurt myself bad as I pushed myself harder and harder with Crossfit. Finally getting back into lifting like a year later. It's a great platform, but you gotta take it slow and make sure you are doing all of the olympic style lifting properly.


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Yeah, this is true. But also, they try to make sure you have correct Olympic form. If they didn't care, I'm sure you wouldn't see Mike Burgener all over their site.

I think a large portion of the CF community is personal trainers (not me). So they may just figure you know what you're doing or you'll get the proper coaching to learn.

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ok first of all: you arent pushing your hips through on deadlifts. honestly as far as powerlifting competition is concerned, none of those would get a good lift.

apart from competition standards, you are setting yourself up for injury.

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  knucks said:
ok first of all: you arent pushing your hips through on deadlifts. honestly as far as powerlifting competition is concerned, none of those would get a good lift.

apart from competition standards, you are setting yourself up for injury.

Sure. I know proper 1RM form, since I've been in competition before. 155 is also light enough weight that you can speed through it in this format.

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I am definitely over-training then.

I think I fall into a pretty big category of people who aren't disciplined enough in their diet, and feel guilty about off days.

Right now I'm lifting four times a week, and doing either long-distance cardio or judo two more.

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Guest walter_is_lame

Anyone want to help me devise a bulking diet, or point me in the right direction, or give me a simple calorie/macronutrient breakdown I could follow?

I'm 5'8'' 190lbs....16-20% bf , skinny fat, for reference.

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