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btw, I've never heard of people checking ID for credit cards. the only time they do anything is if the card has been canceled.

where are you from? america's full of thieves. i remember at my old work some guy came in trying to buy a drink. guy was straight up mexican but his debit card said like "HUY TRAN VO" then he scattered away with the card because we found him out

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where are you from? america's full of thieves. i remember at my old work some guy came in trying to buy a drink. guy was straight up mexican but his debit card said like "HUY TRAN VO" then he scattered away with the card because we found him out

in england we now have Chip and Pin, so the customer doesnt even have to show you the card, but they do have to know the pin. When this just started a few years back i had like an 8 year old kid come in to buy some jeans for her dad who was waiting outside in a car..she knew the pin so its all good.

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my office is moving to another location so essentially my current position ends in april

should i seek another (boring) position in my company that i'll probably hate but pays decent for what ive had in the past

or should i let my job end, and enjoy myself.. get a part-time job and slowly find what i really want to be doing in life

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how does one go about finding a new look? i'm 22 so i feel too old for streetwear and want higher quality goods. i'm also way too large for skinny-style gear. i need a tasetful, refined look that matches my age and lifestyle... help.

As for finding new overall aesthetics that you start buying your gear based upon, I hate to sound trite but going to new places where people do things differently helps. More on that below. The quickest/easiest way to find new clothes and looks that you like, is well, seeing them firsthand on somebody, and there's no harm in falling in love with looks and making them your own. For a lot of clothes, they look boring in photographs, but seeing them worn on normal humans with personal swagger gives them more dimension. Chances are, though, you will are going to find something that you really love, and once you have your heart in it, it will show.

Budget/time-limited street jocking can be done via magazine/streetsnap sites if you are dedicated enough to pore over them. Asian kids have no creativity/resources, hence the million and a half fashion rags out there with articles on exactly what brand is approved, how long and wide and what color clothing needs to be each month, and 30 ways to style it, and then of course the multiple language ripoffs.

I was walking in Tsim Sha Tsui slightly drunk once and walked past Tamaki Hiroshi in head to toe Dior Homme FW05, then gave his face a second look and realized it was an imposter with a monkey face.

BTW, I still wear streetwear elements (what streetwear is, I'll let you decide, I'm not wearing Crooks and Castles or anything like that) and I'm a few years older than you. I have tended to pick up more varied and expensive pieces as time goes on of course, but the basic tee, jeans, and sneakers have their place nearly everyday.

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my office is moving to another location so essentially my current position ends in april

should i seek another (boring) position in my company that i'll probably hate but pays decent for what ive had in the past

or should i let my job end, and enjoy myself.. get a part-time job and slowly find what i really want to be doing in life

You need to do the destructo list and prioritize, there sounds to be more than just 2 conflicting things/possibilites here. Then devise schemes and choose the winner based on most desirable outcome. You are unhappy with your job, so why pain yourself any longer? Personally I'd use the opportunity of a cleanly ended contract as your way out, because resigning from jobs is less fun.

You do need to find something to do though, so put your interests all in the hat and choose one, or give them all a letter and rank them everyday for the next couple months til one comes out on top. You don't have to decide overnight, but put a decision deadline on it.

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Alright, to make long story short...two years ago I fall madly in love with a girl, we date for a few months, apparently she loves me aswell, and says so. She abruptly, suddenly breaks up with me, saying she never actually loved me, and simply was too blind to realize it. I am heartbroken, I cant get over her...its two years now and her phone number is still etched into my mind....UNTIL

I meet this girl, I like her, she's cool but nothing serious. We begin dating, and now she is madly in love with me. Now the thing is, I hardly feel for her like she does for me. Basically this time the tables have turned, i'm in the exact same situation I was in before. Except now i'm the one who knows I dont love.

But what makes it terrible, and I feel kinda bad. Is that it makes me feel good to be doing this to someone else. And i'm being so loving and appearing so into her because all i'm doing is setting up a breakup, where I tear her heart out and stomp on it just like my ex did to me. Because I know I can.

And even though I w ant to breakup with her now, i'm not going to. Its just too easy keeping her happy, and the sex is great... plus i'll get supreme closure and will honestly feel happy and fulfilled when I break up with her.

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Well, problems may persist and I can understand where he is coming from. It is just as nice to want as to be wanted, real love happens when it works both ways though. At the end of the day though, you gotta decide how much you're in it for, and what you want ultimately. Personally I like to think there are indeed perfect matches out there waiting in the world, but if the key is not fit to the lock, then you might as well not stand there trying to jam it in if it's not working lest you bend your key up.

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As with most ethnic restaurants, a good sign would be if it is full of Korean people. Korean people also like to tend to hang their menu on the walls (Chinese/N. Korean 차림표 steez), so if there is one and it's in Korean, another good sign. Decor and location have long been known to be independent of taste when it comes to ethnic food.

Korean food is all similar. I am appreciative of a good doejangjjigae, though finding one you like is akin to finding your favorite pho. Bijijjigae is a goodie as well, it's made from the dregs cast off in tofu-pressing, and it's a satisfying colder weather dish.

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I have a 9-day spring break coming up in April.

I have not made any plans.

I was initially thinking of going to the japland for a week or so but I realized

that it would be a bad idea cause i will get really fucked up from jet-lag, and not concentrate on my studies at all (I almost failed a class because of the post-christmas-break jet lag in january). I'm not in undergrad any more and I can't just fuck around and recover.

Instead, I decided to go somewhere with little time-zone difference.

I've been to NY, LA, SF, and pretty much all the major cities in the US.

I could go to my friend's place in Irvine, CA but I feel like it's gonna be hella boring

and I don't want to be HIS burden.

Any suggestions? I just wanna get out of middle-of-nowhere USA for a week or so.

If there's nothing good, I might just go to NY and chill.

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I have a 9-day spring break coming up in April.

I have not made any plans.

I was initially thinking of going to the japland for a week or so but I realized

that it would be a bad idea cause i will get really fucked up from jet-lag, and not concentrate on my studies at all (I almost failed a class because of the post-christmas-break jet lag in january). I'm not in undergrad any more and I can't just fuck around and recover.

Instead, I decided to go somewhere with little time-zone difference.

I've been to NY, LA, SF, and pretty much all the major cities in the US.

I could go to my friend's place in Irvine, CA but I feel like it's gonna be hella boring

and I don't want to be HIS burden.

Any suggestions? I just wanna get out of middle-of-nowhere USA for a week or so.

If there's nothing good, I might just go to NY and chill.

I was just asked this question recently by some exchange students from Osaka, looking to do a week for $400 (haha, yeah I know.)...

Anyhow, 9 days is a nice stretch of time. I assume you have a car, correct? Why not round up a ladyfriend or two (exchange students/visitor-types with limited chances to go sightseeing usually like to jump at these opportunities) and entice them with a master plan. If you've been to the major cities of the US and can't be fucked with jetlag, use your week to go someplace you've not been to, and don't plan on going to ever again, and then put an objective on your trip. When else are you gonna get the chance to eat a pork roll sandwich for breakfast in Philly, when you get older?

Start from home, plan out three meals a day of the best local cuisine/specialities you can pick up on the way, and try to get as far as possible in 3-4 days, then plan a way to do the same coming home on a different return path. Take some pictures and see some sights, do some things at night.

Good memories are not built upon single elements, and don't expect too much from one single thing, just use them as a backdrop for a bigger experience.

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Ah, coldrice, good question. I don't profess to know much about picking up lesbians, but I'd say that casting your net where you think there might be fish is the general idea of any game you'd like to win.

You need to determine values and see which ones she'd be keen on; this may include you having to drop the stuff in your repertoire you are comfortable with and just running with whatever you have that might interest her, as something is always better than nothing, right? I find that offering up whatever a girl wants/would like to experience but doesn't have is fairly safe.

If all else fails, then maneuver a way to get a like minded second girl into the mix and try to ploy the first lesbian with the second and try get in on the action before the bedroom door closes.

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Guest jmatsu
I have a 9-day spring break coming up in April.

I have not made any plans.

I was initially thinking of going to the japland for a week or so but I realized

that it would be a bad idea cause i will get really fucked up from jet-lag, and not concentrate on my studies at all (I almost failed a class because of the post-christmas-break jet lag in january). I'm not in undergrad any more and I can't just fuck around and recover.

Instead, I decided to go somewhere with little time-zone difference.

I've been to NY, LA, SF, and pretty much all the major cities in the US.

I could go to my friend's place in Irvine, CA but I feel like it's gonna be hella boring

and I don't want to be HIS burden.

Any suggestions? I just wanna get out of middle-of-nowhere USA for a week or so.

If there's nothing good, I might just go to NY and chill.

come to hawaii. let's go skiing.

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I should add, coldrice, that no matter who that girl is or what way she swings, she is still a woman. Let her talk about herself until she is oozing with self satisfaction. She will go home to write about you in her pottery barn diary as being a 'good listener and interesting guy' whilst smoking a Parliament light, maybe while a live bootleg mp3 of Jewel plays on her iTunes.

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I should add, coldrice, that no matter who that girl is or what way she swings, she is still a woman. Let her talk about herself until she is oozing with self satisfaction. She will go home to write about you in her pottery barn diary as being a 'good listener and interesting guy' whilst smoking a Parliament light, maybe while a live bootleg mp3 of Jewel plays on her iTunes.

word. good advice. the common ground is music, so replace Jewel with 90's emo for her haha. she's actually got the upperhand in that department, which is rare... but i'm sick of the games already.

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