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Scientists say menstrual blood can repair hearts

The monthly discomfort many women see as a curse could pay off someday as Japanese researchers say menstrual blood can be used to repair heart damage.

Scientists obtained menstrual blood from nine women and cultivated it for about a month, focusing on a kind of cell that can act like stem cells.

Some 20 percent of the cells began beating spontaneously about three days after being put together in vitro with cells from the hearts of rats. The cells from menstrual blood eventually formed sheet-like heart-muscle tissue.

The success rate is 100 times higher than the 0.2-0.3 percent for stem cells taken from human bone marrow, according to Shunichiro Miyoshi, a cardiologist at Keio University's school of medicine, who is involved in the research.

(does this mean we'll start seeing used tampons on ebay?)

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^^^ not a fan?

in other news.

Binge drinking death raises red flags

Police warn young people of danger after man, 20, chugs a bottle of whisky after 10 beers and dies

Allison Cross, Vancouver Sun

Published: Thursday, August 28, 2008

On a bet with a friend, a 20-year-old Burnaby man gulped down a 750-ml bottle of whisky, having already drunk 10 bottles of beer earlier that evening.

He passed out shortly after and, the next morning, he was found lying dead on the floor.

His death was likely the result of acute alcohol poisoning, police said.

The B.C. Coroners Service is investigating and plans to perform an autopsy and toxicology tests.

The Aug. 22 incident should serve as a reminder to students returning to university and college next week about the deadly ramifications of consuming massive amounts of alcohol in a short period of time, Burnaby RCMP said Wednesday.

The "healthy" young man moved to Metro Vancouver from northern B.C. six months ago, said Cpl. Alexandra Mulvihill, adding that police would not release his name.

He was not a student, but his situation is still relevant to young people eager to party on and off campus with new friends, she said.

Some are away from home for the first time in their lives and don't know their limits.

"[binge] drinking is common this time of year," Mulvihill said. "Students are seeing everyone again and there are lots of parties. It's easy for people to get caught up in the moment. You might agree to do things when you're a bit drunk you wouldn't normally do."

Mulvihill urged students not to put themselves in these situations and to look out for one another as much as possible.

"You can have three drinks and still make judgment calls," she said. "But when you drink [excessively], how much fun are you really having?"

Police will have a presence on the Burnaby campus of Simon Fraser University as school gets going, she said.

The environment fostered in on-campus housing at SFU is one of responsible drinking, according to Chris Rogerson.

"Drinking itself is not a bad thing, but it's a question of how you do it responsibly," said Rogerson, assistant director of residence life.

The first week of orientation for first-year students is alcohol free, he said, and includes peer-led seminars on responsible drinking and sexual health.

"We focus on concepts of not drinking alone and not leaving your drink alone," he said.

Community advisers, who take on leadership roles in the residence buildings, are trained on what to do if they find someone significantly intoxicated.

Living at the school isn't all about drinking, Rogerson said, and students have many opportunities to join clubs and activities that do not involve alcohol.

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California Cokehead Tries to Amputate Own Arm at a Denny's

MODESTO, Calif. — Police say a man tried to cut off his own arm at a restaurant in Modesto, Calif., because he thought he had injected air into a vein while shooting cocaine and feared he would die unless he took drastic action.

Authorities say 33-year-old Michael Lasiter rushed into the Denny's restaurant late Friday and started stabbing himself in one arm with a butter knife he grabbed from a table.

They say that when that knife didn't work Lasiter took a butcher knife from the kitchen and dug it into his arm.

Police Sgt. Brian Findlen says Lasiter told officers he thought he needed to amputate his arm to keep himself from dying from the cocaine injection.

Lasiter was taken to a hospital for treatment of severe cuts.

The Denny's closed for the night.

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i love the part they wrote, "but upon further investigation of the doll, found that it had been 'used' heavily."

maybe they could do a DNA testing just to find out and embarrass the owner.

i never thought of this though. what do you do when you're done with your real doll? meat grinder? cement boots? a big jar of acid?

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A best man, allegedly raped by a stripper with a sex toy, had stepped in for the groom who "wasn't interested" in his bucks' party's strip show, a court has heard.

A witness told the Melbourne Magistrates Court the alleged victim had been egged on by a cheering crowd of up to 30 men to perform with the hired stripper, Linda Maree Naggs, after the groom sat down after spending less than a minute with her.

"All the boys were there wanting a show," he said.

Naggs, 39, has been charged with raping the best man who told police he was sexually penetrated with a vibrator during the party on the Mornington Peninsula last September.

The alleged victim, who cannot be identified, had his pants pulled down to his knees and his top off when Naggs was passed a vibrator by a female assistant, the court heard.

One witness said the best man had looked uncomfortable throughout the performance and was forced on to all fours by Naggs who was naked and wearing a sex toy.

"She went behind him and pulsated to push him to the ground," he said.

The witness said he heard the man scream and get to his feet.

"'Why did you do that for ... you didn't have to do that,'" he said the man yelled.

The court heard the man then pushed Naggs in the chest who retaliated with a right-hook punch but missed and threatened to "come back with my bikie mates".

"She was a little bit hysterical ... she thought she was a boxer," the best man's brother told the court.

He said Naggs had been riding his "very conservative" brother like a dog or a horse before the alleged rape.

"I don't think he could see what was going on. I don't think he knew what was going to happen," the witness said.

The brother denied seeing drugs at the party where two strippers performed and topless waitresses served drinks.

He said the men had been loudly cheering in a "mature way" during Naggs's act that began with her whipping the man next to him in the groin.

The witness said he could not remember Naggs saying she would call the police or being struck in the head in an upstairs bedroom.

The court heard the best man told his brother in the toilet that he was bleeding after the alleged rape.

The court was closed to the media and public while the alleged victim gave evidence for just under two hours.

Biswaden Mitra, from the Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine, said the alleged victim had injuries the day after the bucks' party.

But when shown photographs of the sex toy, Dr Mitra said he could not say if it had caused the minor injury.

The committal hearing before magistrate Elizabeth Lambden to determine whether Naggs, of Rosebud West, should stand trial continues.

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shits is wild...:confused:

Psycho hammers subway passenger

Without uttering a word, police said, the unidentified man whipped out a double-claw hammer and began bludgeoning a 20-year-old man who was dozing off in his seat.

For five long minutes, SEPTA surveillance cameras captured the deranged attacker - who was still on the loose late last night- digging his hammer into the man's head and neck.

Through it all, disgusted investigators said, at least 10 passengers stood by and did nothing as the random attack moved from the train to the platform, when the hammer-wielding maniac tried to push his victim down onto the train tracks.

When the beating was finished and the suspect fled with the little boy, the victim staggered back onto the train, bloodied, confused and alone, said Detective Kenneth Roach, of Central Detectives.

And even then, no one tried to help him.

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