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Stuff Asians Hate


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  dismalfuture said:
idrawdinosaurs, I got mad love for my Taiwanese people, but there are some ooga-booga looking Taiwanese natives who can't possibly be the height of Asian evolution man.

No doubt, just stating some theories I learned in school to explain the heirarchy.

But, Taiwan is much like the US.

General Chang's fallen army went to Taiwan to escape defeat. While there they took on a imperialistic role by enslaving the indigenous Taiwanese. Indigenous Taiwanese are pretty small, and resemble most Island from the Pacific.

Generally, the prevalent look in Asia is to be skinny. Achieving this look meant under eating, especially during times of development.

And of course Asians in general are just not tall compared to the white brethren.

As for their looks, I think white people got way more average looking people then Asians, but when you got a good looking Asian B they can pretty much smash down a white b.

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when did my thread go to shit? I think when idrawdinosaurs started posting.

Asians hate that asians will never be white.

Why cant you guys just give up the fucking dream already? It offends me when I see asians create a list of asian hierarchy, because if you goons do it for your own hemisphere imagine the racism you transmit naturally in regards to other cultures.

It reminds me of a Nirvana song that went,

"When I was an alien, cultures werent opinions"

makes me sick (big fat fucking 0)

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  mass said:
hong kong chinese hate:

mainland chinese



mainland chinese hate:

hong kong chinese



'american'-chinese hate:


taiwanese hate:

hong kong chinese

mainland chinese



right? right?

i love myself. i just hate my acne. fuck acne brings my confidence down to a japanese geek.

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I love this thread.

A note about nice cars in high school. I got a new WRX the day i got my license. I paid like 10k with pretty much all the money i had ever made/received and my parents were cool enough to cover the rest. While I assume this would be sufficient for pimp status at your average high school, my parents had to send me to a 30k+ a year private school with a 40% asian 40% south asian 20% white population. (the economic and racial demographic of the school alone creates enough relevant shit to write for pages.) Anyways my car was prob like bottom 10 worst car in the parking lot and i got shit for having a "rice rocket". Im not complaining (or maybe i am?) but i guess my point is shit is all relative.

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This mightve been said before, but it happened to me again yesterday. My mom and I got into the topic of schools again and she keeps on bringing up names of my friends who went to MIT and Yale and the one thing I got out of it is that "I suck because I go to a college in SF." I fucking hate it when asian parents talk about education. Especially the korean ones!

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  Augustus said:
This mightve been said before, but it happened to me again yesterday. My mom and I got into the topic of schools again and she keeps on bringing up names of my friends who went to MIT and Yale and the one thing I got out of it is that "I suck because I go to a college in SF." I fucking hate it when asian parents talk about education. Especially the korean ones!

what? all asian parents talk bout education in the same light, how you supposed to only pick out the korean ones.

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heh, it's true...i hate when people think they have asians figured out. we're all still individual human beings.

kinda like men who think they have an IN with asian women just because they've dated an asian woman before. like the whole:

"my ex-girlfriend was asian"

oh yeah? good for you, what the fuck does that have to do with me?

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  cutebutdeadly said:
heh, it's true...i hate when people think they have asians figured out. we're all still individual human beings.

kinda like men who think they have an IN with asian women just because they've dated an asian woman before. like the whole:

"my ex-girlfriend was asian"

oh yeah? good for you, what the fuck does that have to do with me?

well theres your problem, your dating guys with yellow fever. What you want is a guy that can give you a fever (;

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  Augustus said:
This mightve been said before, but it happened to me again yesterday. My mom and I got into the topic of schools again and she keeps on bringing up names of my friends who went to MIT and Yale and the one thing I got out of it is that "I suck because I go to a college in SF." I fucking hate it when asian parents talk about education. Especially the korean ones!

"Why did you go to that medical school, you should be going to Oxford or Cambridge instead, your medical school isn't good enough, yadda, yadda, yadda"

I used to get that from my dad when I was still picking universities. Thank God I don't get it anywhere near as much anymore.

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I hate the Asians that are rediculousmart and make everyone else look bad (ex: my cousin who got accepted to just about every ivy league school and got pissed off that she didn't get into Yale... which wasn't even in her top 3 choices, she's going to Harvard now)

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  Akira said:
I hate the Asians that are rediculousmart and make everyone else look bad (ex: my cousin who got accepted to just about every ivy league school and got pissed off that she didn't get into Yale... which wasn't even in her top 3 choices, she's going to Harvard now)

I love asians like your cousin who overachieve throughout their teens only to end up working retail or waiting tables.

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  Augustus said:
nah man. I think the Koreans are more uptight when it comes to their children's education.

oh yeahz? you've got no clue what singaporean parents do to their kids. there's a whole new trend now. parents send their preschoolers to a "mind training" programme, supposedly improving the kid's concentration, compartmentalising of knowledge, memory, and shit.

Having school from 8am-3pm is bad enough, tuition from 3pm-7pm? then maybe later art classes on weekends/dance classes/drama lessons. driving lessons by the time they're 18.

you think you've got the worst of it. Singaporean kids just grow up like robots. the bad kids in singapore aren't even THAT bad... (yeah so they've had sex since they were 14, but so the fuck what)

niggas in singapore can't even get weed let alone drugs.

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