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good excuses for missing a test/class


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teachers say make up tests wont be accepted without written documentation of illness or personal emergency

i think it would be a good idea to stockpile some excuses to use when i need them

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in a smaller classroom setting, you can show up to the exam, make sure that the professor sees you there, and when its time to hand in the exams, dont submit yours/throw it out, and when she hands them back, put the blame on him/her, and be like "yo wtf, i studied 3 dayz for that exam, and you lost it?"

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and theres always a doc in a uni/college town that'll write one up for a price.

I used one this year cause i missed a pop test type of thing or something?

i said my house was having trouble paying our bills and the hydro got shut off the night of the test so my alarm didnt go off to wake me up.

and i just forwarded him something my landlord sent us about having to pay for a bill he got from the city (it was actually for a garbage cleanup fee)

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in a smaller classroom setting, you can show up to the exam, make sure that the professor sees you there, and when its time to hand in the exams, dont submit yours/throw it out, and when she hands them back, put the blame on him/her, and be like "yo wtf, i studied 3 dayz for that exam, and you lost it?"

A professor actually lost one of my tests once. I had an A in the class up until then, and totally bombed the test, but she just gave me a grade she "thought" i would get.

I often forget about papers until the teacher asks for us to turn them in durring class. At the end of class I say "I don't have my paper." They usually assume I forgot it, and tell me to email it to them, so I go home and write it and usually get at least an A. I try to never lie...almost always works out...

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for missing classes (back in high school, mostly for English) i would just use random stuff like, "i had to take a crap" or "i was busy fighting crime." but then again, my teacher was retiring so he didn't really give a shit

in university just this past term, i missed a 20% midterm because i had food poisoning. i had to get proof, cost me $10 at the doctor's. from my experience, you can almost certainly get one from the doctor without really being all that sick.

...i ended up vomitting and clogging 2 sinks, though. shit wouldn't go down the drain. why wasn't i facing a toilet? our school facilities are sensored, so it'd randomly flush and piss me off

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I mixed up my conditioner and shampoo. aybay bay
for missing classes (back in high school, mostly for English) i would just use random stuff like, "i had to take a crap" or "i was busy fighting crime."

these are pretty solid

i didn't go to class for 2 weeks and decided to wear a neck brace, so i won't get shit from my teacher. i think you should do that instead...

thats nxt lvl. using walking stick(s) could work as well. or make a cast which you can easily throw on when going to talk to the teacher. or fake bullet wounds?

I use work as an excuse constantly, I've even used it at a time when I wasn't working. now that I work pretty free hours, I don't even need to feel bad for it :o

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I wouldn't even say a relative died, too suspicious. walk up to your teacher after class and say exactly the following:

"I'm really sorry, but I have a family emergency and I'm going to be out of town/not available on [test day]"

family emergency is the magic key. no teacher is going to ask what/where/why, just make sure they don't schedule you to take the test before you're supposed to (and also that you don't run into them on the day of the test)

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I'm actually sitting here with my bowl of cereal debating whether or not to skip class right now....you guys are bad influences and now I'm leaning toward the yes side of the fence...

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i got let out of work early once by tellin em i was shitting blood. funny thing is, it wasn't that far from the truth :(

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