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Gud Lookinq


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My kid is damn cute.

JMATSUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU. I'm bored at work, entertain me with your meaningless remarks.

uuuh, you're the guy who created a thread claiming to be "gud looking." i, like many other members here don't find you decent looking in the least. i mean, are you that much of a moron to not have forseen the repurcussions of such a stupid thread?

nigga, of course you gonna think your own offspring is cute.

meaningless? just saying that if your offspring resembles your side of the family, that i would not think it to be that attractive.

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Of course I knew the thread was going to backfire.

It's ok though, that's why I made it. I love to see you hate me.

I'm surprised you weren't the first reply, it kind of made me sad.

why do you like being hated on? i hope your kid doesn't like being hated on as well, cause that would BE SAD.

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You're actually the only one that really does hate me, which is why I find it so very entertaining.

I'm godlike everywhere else.[/quote]

i don't hate you. you are a stereotypical filipino hypebeast specimen who's kind runs rather rampant all across america. nothing special really...

it's just seems as though you have failed to evolve with the rest of your like-brethren.

not to mention you say an abundance of ridiculous things. your kind is better whilst in hibernation or in a docile state.

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You know what, now that I think of it...

Jmatsu, why do you critique peoples outfits so hard?

You don't dress well at all.

how many braincells did you burn thinking about shit?

why do you keep changing the subject (this is like the 3rd time in this thread)? aren't we talking about your "gud looking" or "ugly" face??

anyway regardless as to whether my critiques of members' shit is positive or "so hard (btw you talk funny)," and regardless of my outfits, i don't see why i wouldn't be allowed to...

famous, you are entitled to your opinion, and while mine is obviously the polar opposite, i too have this right. it's just that your's lacks much of the legitimacy in comparison.

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you fits aren't good,

your website is a joke,

why don't you go take care of your kids?

I'm sure people at these sites will love you:




your fits are a joke

your website is a joke

your face is a joke

sure, you arent completely out of shape so the shit you wear might fit you in a decent manner...but the pieces you wear and how you wear it isnt any different from the next guy who wears a pair of slim jeans with any tshirt. ie, you look like any other guy who shops at Urban Outfitters.

As a matter of fact, im gonna disagree with Jmatsu when he says you look like the epitome of a hypebest...cuz to be honest, i dont even think you're there yet. you look like the quintessential wannabe hypebeast. one who desperately tries hard to get a grasp of the hypebeast culture but always one step behind.

plus. youre short and youre ugly as fuck.

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As a matter of fact, im gonna disagree with Jmatsu when he says you look like the epitome of a hypebest...cuz to be honest, i dont even think you're there yet. you look like the quintessential wannabe hypebeast. one who desperately tries hard to get a grasp of the hypebeast culture but always one step behind.

i stand corrected this time, though i do not see hypebeast as a "culture," but rather just a long-winded consumer phase.

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