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Went by the Whole Foods Beer Market today in LES.. would've picked up more but my car is north of the city and didn't feel like carrying a bunch of beer back... still got Allagash Four, Hoppin' Frog B.O.R.I.S., and The Bruery Mischief. No pics, sorry, didn't bring a camera with me.

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Wasn't planning on drinking tonight, but it happened. I think that's every time I go out. Anyway, Blue Point Rastafara Rye on cask, Green Flash Le Freak, and St. Louis Framboise. The cask was good but would like to drink it from a keg, think I would like it better.. the Le Freak was strange at first but good after I got used to it.. took me forever to pinpoint the style because I kept going back and forth between IPA and "some kind of Belgian beer", then realized it's a Belgian IPA.. the St. Louis Framboise is absolute shit that I would never recommend to anybody, tasted like Lindemans.

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Ok well, here are the three bottles I bought in the city.. wanted to buy more but I didn't feel like carrying beer to my car (parked an hour train ride north of the city).


Also, just drank the Pliny zak sent me. Tasted amazing as expected, thanks zak! :o


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just sent my package off to my buddy. sorry I'm late. also post office only had medium sized boxes and express large boxes.

shufon. I like that the Pliny bottle is exactly a pint. though sometimes I wish there was that extra 4 oz.

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beer swap buddy. I hope you like aggressive beer because you have some decently ones sent your way.

shufon. I'm waiting to open that sour for a night i can sit back and relax. today is an IPA night with pure hoppiness in my cup.

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  Happy Hooligan said:
what is indian brown ale?

Indian Brown Ale is a hybrid style: grain bill of an American Brown Ale with hopping of an India Pale Ale. What this means is a beer with slightly sweet, toasty, chocolately malt mixed with citrusy, piney, resinous American hop aroma and flavor. It's similar to a Black IPA, but with less roast and more toasty, caramel flavors

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Haha damn soonami, that was a nice description.

Ren-- let me know when you drink the sour, curious to hear how you feel about it. It doesn't have the barnyard funk of most sours so it's slightly different from the norm.. it has a somewhat zesty side to it, makes it very drinkable. I love the stuff :o

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  soonami said:
Indian Brown Ale is a hybrid style: grain bill of an American Brown Ale with hopping of an India Pale Ale. What this means is a beer with slightly sweet, toasty, chocolately malt mixed with citrusy, piney, resinous American hop aroma and flavor. It's similar to a Black IPA, but with less roast and more toasty, caramel flavors

Had a couple of the Indian Browns last night, always a great drinking beer.

Also had some BBC Coffee House porter on Nitro. Love stouts and porters on nitro, like dessert in a glass.

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I found two bottles of Stone IX anniversary in my fridge...

I looked it up on ebay and seems it's worth more to me to sell them then crack them open.

anyone interested?

I really should check the back of my fridge more often....

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