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Because it is a beautiful fall day in LA, I passed on the sours and ended up drinking Bourbon Country Stout and Old Rasputin. A wonderful way to wind down for bed.

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Forgot to mention; a couple off weeks ago, my local did a Stone night and had in some of their Chipotle Smoked Porter. It was not bad for a pepper beer. I am a huge fan of the Rogue Chipotle Red, and in comparison, this felt not quite balanced. Many of the pepper beers I've had have been kinda gimmicky, and though good, the Stone still felt like it was trying a bit much.

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thanks to Atzec and fardin i stopped by a local dealer halfway back from work.I pass it everyday but it looks very unspectacular so i never stopped there.after getting a recommendation for Tegernseer Hell i searched via google and got linked to this little shop.very small but stuffed til the roof with different beers.so this is my current line up for tonight,in no particular order:


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i'm not much of a beer drinker, but when i do i can't go for anything other than guinness. maybe boring, but i'm a trad in that sense

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thanks to Atzec and fardin i stopped by a local dealer halfway back from work.I pass it everyday but it looks very unspectacular so i never stopped there.after getting a recommendation for Tegernseer Hell i searched via google and got linked to this little shop.very small but stuffed til the roof with different beers.so this is my current line up for tonight,in no particular order:


yum:) nice. im not gonna have a drink for a while though...not after yesterday

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just realized that Tegernseer Hell makes a totally different meaning to native english speakers! so hell in german stands for a blond type,no dark beer.i am close to finish number 3 from above.i will let you know tomorrow,their might be some thruth in "hell",after finishing the lot...

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Pay someone to ship a growler in February. That's about the only way.

As of late...

Old Rasputin on nitro


Oskar Blues Old Chub Scotch Ale and friend's bird Joey


Cantillon Saint Lamvinus Merlot grape lambic, local bread, salumi from SF, and Cowgirl Creamery Pierce Pt. moscato washed herb rolled cheese


St. Louis Gueuze Fond Tradition on tap at Monk's Kettle


Way too much doppelbock next to my friends weak ass pint of Pliny at Toronado


Friends and my beer haul from SF weekend, top to bottom, left to right:

Gueuze Girardin 1882 unfiltered, New Belgium La Folie, RR Consecration, LA Bourbon bbl Angel's Share, Cascade The Vine sour beer w/grapes, RR Beatification, Odonata Rorie's Ale (quad aged in wine bbls with sour cherries), Nectar Ales Black Xantus (imperial stout with coffee aged in various bbls and blended), Jolly Pumpkin Oro de Calabaza, Nogne O Tyttebaer lingonberry lambic for my Swedish friend, more RR Beatification, Temptation, and Consecration, Cantillon Rose de Gambrinus, LA Cuvee de Tomme, North Coast bourbon bbl Old Rasputin XII, Green Flash Le Freak, more Black Xantus, Vertical Epic 09, and more Gueuze Girardin


Jolly Pumpkin Madragura Obscura Dark Dawn Stout, aged in oak with funky/sour bugs. Definitely an interesting beer, though the light character from the bugs blended well with the roasted flavor for kind of an espresso-like acidity


The Bruery bbl aged Autumn Maple, the only beer my girlfriend has liked! It was delicious, but it was a strong one in all facets. Way better than the non bbl aged version.


Bourbon bbl Santa's Little Helper. No carbonation, but still a very nice sipper. Can't get enough of them barrels.


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Went to an oktoberfest on saturday.

Had 4 oz pours of:

Allagash Four

Stone Sublimely Self-Righteous Ale

North Coast Red Seal (cask)

Sierra Nevada Edge of Darkness

Ska Modus Hoperandi

St. Arnold Divine No. 8

Dogfish Head Burton Baton

Boulevard Smokestack Tank 7 (Saison)

Most were very enjoyable. The North Coast Red Seal was a little bland to me, though my palate wasn't exactly in perfect condition by the time I got to it.

I really liked Ska's Modus Hoperandi...lots of grapefruit and pine flavors, and a great, but not too overpowering, hoppiness. Would love to find it on tap somewhere or get some bottles.

The Boulevard saison was one of the more grassy beers I've ever had. Pretty interesting.

The Stone brew was pretty awesome. Pours dark, but has lots of IPA-style bitterness. Finishes with a really roasty flavor.

bored of typing about them now, but if you want to know what I thought about any of them other than those 4, ask.

Was a fun afternoon.

Random picture of the Boulevard Smokestack Tank 7:


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