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Our Legacy Navy Waxed Macintosh at Winn Perry 1225977-rescaledpic-375x564.jpg (image from Tres Bien)

Nice pickup. I wish they had my size when that sale hit

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J Lindeberg blazer:


Fit pic:


Gotta do a bit of tailoring, especially in the sleeves, but it otherwise felt good for a pretty basic piece. I'm trying to find a simple shirt for it as well (collared), here's a pic of the pattern:


I never have to dress up so I'm pretty much a dunce when it comes to matching suiting and shirts. Ideas?

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Nah...this was my first Oki-Ni purchase actually.


have you been keeping up with the tasks at all?

i havent and my discount was declined last week when i tried to make a purchase

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My Vespa is already painted white....see here: VespaSS180.blogspot.com

that thing looks like it has absolutely no guts, even for a bloody scooter.

the helmet looks like shit, with all that shit on it. i've never understood the fascination with stuff that looks like other people have scribbled random shit all over it. the plain white always looks a million times better.

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that thing looks like it has absolutely no guts, even for a bloody scooter.

the helmet looks like shit, with all that shit on it. i've never understood the fascination with stuff that looks like other people have scribbled random shit all

over it. the plain white always looks a million times better.

It's like the Cy Twombly of helmets, don't hate

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