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^^interesting! what are they?

The second one appears to be james dean in maybe rebel without a cause. The first one is tricky. Maybe a drowning ophelia?

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Past two weeks



Ann Demeulemeester shirt and vest

Rick Owens tanktop and l/s

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also snagged these ysl boots pretty recently and wore them for the first time the other day:


Not a fan of the jacket, but those boots look great. What type of jeans are you rocking with it? Great fit.

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Guest spazzz
Not my picture, couldn't get the bloody thing to stay still


Can't afford a super red yet so a silver will do.

hope you have a good lid. mine jumped and broke through the top part of my old aquarium and i found it when i got home from work. yeah, they're sweet fucking fish, but very active

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Guest spazzz
^^ what's the deal with those fish? i remember one of my friends had a big ass tank with one of those... and the damn fish was like over 2 feet long!

they're pretty mean too

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