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werd, oldboy is korean...pretty ill, especially if u like violent movies, you should check it out

love foreign movies, not alot of good new american movies imo

however, not pictured is the indiana jones trilogy set...an american classic, cant wait for the new one in may

thanks for the comments

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Oldboy was a pretty good film, so are most of the others directed by Chan-wook Park. Takashi Miike is also someone to keep a close eye on. If you're interested in Asian cinematic horror, I have some great recommendations.

werd,,,miike is sick, audition, DOA, ichi the killer

and asian horror movies are pretty good until the american directors get their hands on them and put sarah michelle gellar in them :(

i'm interested to see how "the eye" with jessica alba is going to be..from the commercials it looks like they did a pretty good job....

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I really enjoyed the movie. If you go in expecting Godzilla 2008 you will be dissapointed. If you go in expecting the blair witch project, you will be dissapointed. The movie was a great addition to the alternate reality game that cloverfield fans played, and I am a big fan of JJ's work.

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i heard that movie sucked royal balls and if you were dissapointed with blair witch project then you'd be dissapointed with this just as much. so i dont know if i should go see it? most likely will wait for it to hit the internet. hehehe.

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I really enjoyed the movie. If you go in expecting Godzilla 2008 you will be dissapointed. If you go in expecting the blair witch project, you will be dissapointed. The movie was a great addition to the alternate reality game that cloverfield fans played, and I am a big fan of JJ's work.

I can't believe corporations are still getting you guys to play alternate realty games.

Jump through the hoop, puppet! Jump, jump!

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