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WAYWT shit talking thread


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jmatsu, for every coherant argument you make, you follow with a shit for brains statement like this.

What's with your need to throw all your vitriol with a side of overreaching personal insult.

It makes you sound dumb, and bitter, and petty.

Fashion doesn't encompass culture.

You don't define a persons level of insight.

Doing so should probably be beneath you, but time and time again you turn the internet into very serious business.

I can't wait to hear how much you don't give a fuck, and you know what? I could give half a fuck what you think, you're just some angry man with a computer somewhere in the pacific, but your bullshit detracts from any decent rapport we ever get going on here.

why do i make statements such as these? cause that is what i really think/feel. and i find them amusing. fashion doesn't encompass culture, i never meant to imply that it did. i just simply said that a certain member is uncultured, and that remark wasn't based soley off of this one conversation.

i'm not angry at all. like i mentioned there are those in sufu who i am fond of/respect, others i am oblivious to (you fit in this category), and those who i don't like very much.

what? did you just feel sorry for those i lump in the last category and decide to speak up? good for you!

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To me it looks jacks got some sort of matching a chick would do w/ the polka dot tops..not some next level matching as he thinks. Oh and those shoes suck, he's no influencial individual for wearing ugly ass prestos combined with those other brands/pieces that should never be worn together. Too bad he doesn't have grey diors on to put the icing on the cake, but he's probably just wearing those thinking he's cutting corners or some shit.

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are those frees
To me it looks jacks got some sort of matching a chick would do w/ the polka dot tops..not some next level matching as he thinks. Oh and those shoes suck, he's no influencial individual for wearing ugly ass prestos combined with those other brands/pieces that should never be worn together.

Sweet, thanks Rutan.

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i had more of a problem with jmastu's holier than thou attitude bragging about his knowledge of progressive Japanese fashion, yet never giving any examples of labels , looks, or even upping his own fits to a more "progressive level"

honestly all i see from him are tees and white hi-tops which is cool but if you have all this knowledge, why not share it instead of hating on every "peasant" who posts here

you seem decent enough so i will continue to humor you.

i think you are mistaken by accusing me of the holier than thou attitude. i know where i stand and i recognize/respect other members who are knowledgeable in certain fields that i am not. i enjoy conversing with my sufu contemporaries. let's face it, we're not going to get along with everyone here.

for instance if there were a wrestling thread/whatever, i'd probably go to clopek for advice and not try to talk nonsense about a subject that i don't know about and couldn't support. i mean, i know hes probably your toronto friend and all, but still....

how did i brag about my knowledge of labels? i just said that a certain member don't know shit. but as a matter of fact i do know jap fashion labels/fashion probably to a greater extent than half this fucking board. no shit. i have posted many times about various japanese labels ("progressive" and contemp).

i have contributed (and do) alot to this forum, whether it be about various labels, "culture," whatever. i didn't give any examples of labels in this last conversation cause it never fit the context nor did anyone ask.

i don't hate on people who don't get stupid. not specifically you, but it just annoyed me

that certain members who don't know what the fuck they are talking about say shit they can't support. or if they just dickride another members post.

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To me it looks jacks got some sort of matching a chick would do w/ the polka dot tops..not some next level matching as he thinks. Oh and those shoes suck, he's no influencial individual for wearing ugly ass prestos combined with those other brands/pieces that should never be worn together. Too bad he doesn't have grey diors on to put the icing on the cake, but he's probably just wearing those thinking he's cutting corners or some shit.

Wow, shut up. I've never seen you contribute anything useful to this site, you just migrated from HB/NSB/whatever to here to peddle your overpriced sneakers, I get the impression that you only post so you don't appear to be here only for sales. Your hating is weak... "as he thinks?" What are you, a mind reader? This might not be JackPhotography's best fit [or a good fit at all], but at least he's changing up his style from what he usually wears, unlike you who probably still wears head-to-toe Supreme while thinking you're above all the other hypebeasts.

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Wow, shut up. I've never seen you contribute anything useful to this site, you just migrated from HB/NSB/whatever to here to peddle your overpriced sneakers, I get the impression that you only post so you don't appear to be here only for sales. Your hating is weak... "as he thinks?" What are you, a mind reader? This might not be JackPhotography's best fit [or a good fit at all], but at least he's changing up his style from what he usually wears, unlike you who probably still wears head-to-toe Supreme while thinking you're above all the other hypebeasts.

just to let you know, rutan is no hypebeast and he dresses well. anyway you can't be faulted cause you just joined, right?

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did you just feel sorry for those i lump in the last category and decide to speak up? good for you!

It's this constant condescending attitude that runs a common thread through you, and the queeniest of fashion kids, that I find totally uneccesary.

The fact that you use the dumbest and most common excuse in the history of internet assholes, "I find it amusing", just makes what you do more typical and annoying.

Pure econmics Matsu-san, all the hi-top knowledge in the world doesn't make up for the fact that most of time you're being a little cunt.

But hey, that's my opinion, and I guess I'm off your radar.

So I look forward to you reading this and us leaving it as "I think you're an annoying little internet hate-monger" and you not caring I am.

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It's this constant condescending attitude that runs a common thread through you, and the queeniest of fashion kids, that I find totally uneccesary.

The fact that you use the dumbest and most common excuse in the history of internet assholes, "I find it amusing", just makes what you do more typical and annoying.

Pure econmics Matsu-san, all the hi-top knowledge in the world doesn't make up for the fact that most of time you're being a little cunt.

But hey, that's my opinion, and I guess I'm off your radar.

So I look forward to you reading this and us leaving it as "I think you're an annoying little internet hate-monger" and you not caring I am.

it wasn't meant to be condescending...you might have some self-esteem issues.

is it so difficult for you to believe that i do genuinely find this amusing? is this wrong? you're one to talk, because your commentary does not strike me as unique. on the contrary many similar turds have crossed my path (and crushed under my hi-tops). your senitments are just as, if not more typical/annoying.

pure economics? various info and knowledge i've dropped on the board were for those who've contributed something that i've learned from. it was in return, or at the request of my contemporaries. info-sharing at leisure. obviously people who dislike my posts/persona are going to scream "little cunt," or whatever. again, similar turds...soiling my footwear. you'r attitude is typical, but you are silly for thinking that i would even bother to "try and make up for..." anything.

lastly why should i really care about you and those i am not interested in?

it does seem as if you do want some validity here because you actually go out of your way to respond to an issue that really had nothing to do with you...but again i am used to it...it helps me understand just what kind of boy you are.

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color coordination would be useful here. im a fan of the pieces/brands individually, but:

1. black +grey +red = ???

2. as a general rule, i wouldnt wear patent red with a pastel(ish) color, nor with any earth tones

3. really? pinrolling grey selvedge? maybe its the angle of the photo or it just being really close up, but it doesnt seem to work here

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unfortunately, that's probably the only shoes meda has, (only ones he ever posted). so he never lookin' good.

no. he has others. he just rocks yohjis for special occations. i.e. waywt pics.

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I think the only real difference is the angle of the pic. being that i have hella useless knowledge i remembered his other post and he has posted teh scarf before and it looks dope, this new one looks good to but the angle of teh photo isnt as flattering as his other shots. i think teh fact that after 8 pages we are still talking about it means that at least its a thought evoking pairing of items.



ok, now no more talking about it.

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