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WAYWT shit talking thread


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When I first saw this, I almost negged him, but then I decided not to, because thats obviously what he wants. Just look at this shit, naked dude surrounded by fur, home decor circa 1932, the mohawk. He must be trying, there is no way he isn't.

hahaha yeah, I've been dying to get that picture in a waywt. It's the dude that used to have my room, it was his 'gift' to the apartment. fucking love it

edit: yeah the apartment is crazy though. my roomates don't really allow anything in here post 1975. and this mohawk is 8 years strong, it's staying till it balds off my fuckin head

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JohnnyRed will you be coming to the superfuture x self edge party? I will be waiting with a vidal sasoon electric clippers... do you want a "1" or a "0" ???


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Yeap, just cleared that one up. And yes, I am the mod of the growing dry denim section of authentic forum.

Yes, people wear "shit denim" there.

Yes, we like our bootcuts.

We were "invaded" a few weeks ago by a bunch of you guys, much to the dismay of the mods over there (and here I should imagine). You grabbed some of our WAYT posts and posted them here I think. I believe I was one of those.

Truth be told, I found the antics to be pretty funny, so I started posting here. Cool place, no nonsense. It's a nice change of pace even if it means every one of my outfits will be posted here because I wear Bootcuts with bizzare stacking. I can get used to that much.

i dont get people who are on like 20 forums .. where the fuck do you find the time, energy, motivation for that?

even people on here who post on styleforum, hypebeast, the fashion spot, etc etc etc. .. like i just dont get it

maybe it's cause i work 12 hours a day

but i think it's more because im not a fucking loser

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i dont get people who are on like 20 forums .. where the fuck do you find the time, energy, motivation for that?

even people on here who post on styleforum, hypebeast, the fashion spot, etc etc etc. .. like i just dont get it

maybe it's cause i work 12 hours a day

but i think it's more because im not a fucking loser

dont knock the hustle.

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i dont get people who are on like 20 forums .. where the fuck do you find the time, energy, motivation for that?

even people on here who post on styleforum, hypebeast, the fashion spot, etc etc etc. .. like i just dont get it

maybe it's cause i work 12 hours a day

but i think it's more because im not a fucking loser


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Pretty much the full fit of my last post.

There's only three types of people who still wear nova check... chavs, ironic hipster wannabes and millionaires. Unless you're rolling in dollar bills every night I'd lose the scarf.

Also match your leathers for god's sake.

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There's only three types of people who still wear nova check... chavs, ironic hipster wannabes and millionaires. Unless you're rolling in dollar bills every night I'd lose the scarf.

Also match your leathers for god's sake.

I think the brown leather shoes w/ leather jacket is fine. But yeah, the hats + the burberry scarf screams "fashion victim". I really wish people would stop wearing those stupid hats.

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My dad found the scarf on the NYC subway, new and all --- finds a lot of things working there. I know the scarf is the accessory of choice for corny asians everywhere, but you know, I just really, really like the pattern. Its handsome to me. And to be honest, its the only scarf I have at the moment. I'm not trying to be ironic or anything. Irony isn't a sentiment I like to wear with me.

And I need a hat so my hair doesn't go all over the place in the wind.

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i'm not exactly defending his fit, but a perfecto and fedora(together, but especially seperate) are bad? really?

i understand rajio that you've been expressing your dislike for fedoras lately, but for me a hat is an essential part of a wardrobe, kinda like the way it used to be for almost every man.

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i'm not exactly defending his fit, but a perfecto and fedora(together, but especially seperate) are bad? really?

i understand rajio that you've been expressing your dislike for fedoras lately, but for me a hat is an essential part of a wardrobe, kinda like the way it used to be for almost every man.

it might be essential but it wasn't essential for leroy to make it look that shitty now was it?

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