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WAYWT shit talking thread


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Since when did everybody in supertrash become such a hyper-sensitive little crybaby? Nobody knows how to joke around and have a good time here anymore. Everybody takes everything so seriously now. It's so boring. You're all so fucking boring.

have you had the chance to meet McNulty or Bubs???

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Since when did everybody in supertrash become such a hyper-sensitive little crybaby? Nobody knows how to joke around and have a good time here anymore. Everybody takes everything so seriously now. It's so boring. You're all so fucking boring. Nobody can talk shit for fun in the shit-talking forum without some little fatso pounding his stubby little yellow fingers away on the keyboard trying to defend himself for god knows what reason while typing in ebonics.

I have a feeling that superfuture has become 85% easily offended little secret internet fatty.

There ya go, bitch about this place being boring, that will make it really entertaining. Go outside and pick a fight with some douche bag on the corner...leave the fatties alone, their skin is thinner, they can't help it.

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What I meant was,

You're all gay and I had a dream about T-1000 that was more fun than y'all.

speaking of the T-1000, I have a morning ritual that I need to share. I call it "The Terminator". First, I crouch down in the shower, in the classic, "naked terminator travelling through time", pose. With me eyes closed, I crouch there for a minute, visualizing either Arnold or the guy from the second movie (not the chick in the third one because that one sucked) and I start to hum the terminator theme. Then I slowly rise to a standing position and open my eyes. It helps me to proceed through my day as an emotionless, cyborg badass. The only problem is if the shower curtain sticks to my leg. It ruins the fantasy.

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speaking of the T-1000, I have a morning ritual that I need to share. I call it "The Terminator". First, I crouch down in the shower, in the classic, "naked terminator travelling through time", pose. With me eyes closed, I crouch there for a minute, visualizing either Arnold or the guy from the second movie (not the chick in the third one because that one sucked) and I start to hum the terminator theme. Then I slowly rise to a standing position and open my eyes. It helps me to proceed through my day as an emotionless, cyborg badass. The only problem is if the shower curtain sticks to my leg. It ruins the fantasy.

someone in this thread reads vice magazine

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the gay and stupid comments come from deep angst from living in baltimore. I'd feel the same as a **Nerdy white guy.

**This may or may not be true. Haven't seen pics of jetlinor

Edit: But I assume I'm right.

pretty much. i knew of wiggers who owned guns who weren't even the wiggers that hang out with black people. and kid who graduate at magnet school even tho he was well known for drive bying town houses wtf so I dont doubt jet's collection of arms

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pretty much. i knew of wiggers who owned guns who weren't even the wiggers that hang out with black people. and kid who graduate at magnet school even tho he was well known for drive bying town houses wtf so I dont doubt jet's collection of arms

My orignal post concerning guns was 100% joke. The problem is that this thread has become more of a red-faced, tear-driven playground slapfest instead of a big, macho pro-wrestling shit-talking fest like it used to be and should be now. Nobody know's how to relax and have fun. Sucky Cloud actually took offense to the gun post. People actually get offended when I call them gay and I get an infraction. People actually get offended that I made fun of that penis-wrinkle's RIDICULOUS ironheart shirt/stiff ugly jeans and that I wasn't "harsh" enough about Cyber-Jane's ugly Joey Lawrence jeans.

Here's a little sing-song with some advice that some of you mud babies really need:


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yes, that is the way to prove someone wrong, rather than answer what it was in my post opinion or not, you make a personal attack, an unsubstantiated one at that given that you don't yourself have access to the demographics of the website or any details on my personal life.

i am sick to death of hearing what you think about everything.

did you notice that there was a announcement the other day concerning the use of racial/homophobic slurs?

are you really so stupid to think it is a good idea to take cheap shots at someone who has the ability to ban you?

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yes, that is the way to prove someone wrong, rather than answer what it was in my post opinion or not, you make a personal attack, an unsubstantiated one at that given that you don't yourself have access to the demographics of the website or any details on my personal life.

i am sick to death of hearing what you think about everything.

did you notice that there was a announcement the other day concerning the use of racial/homophobic slurs?

are you really so stupid to think it is a good idea to take cheap shots at someone who has the ability to ban you?

Craptronic never asked a question.

Stop getting all stuffy because you dress like a creep and I made a crack on you in another thread. Deal with it and stop being such a crybaby. It's the shit talking thread. If you don't want this kind of hubbubery in supertrash then lock the thread or shut up and stop trying to intimidate me with the comical notion that anybody gives a shit about your being a moderator.

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my guess is that this guy didn't understand a warning.

i would like to remind you all that supertrash is but a part of the glory that is supertalk, if you come here to post only in trash and prove what a hero you are by attacking others then your time on the site will be short.

i just remembered how much i enjoyed minya's posts.

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my guess is that this guy didn't understand a warning.

i would like to remind you all that supertrash is but a part of the glory that is supertalk, if you come here to post only in trash and prove what a hero you are by attacking others then your time on the site will be short.

i just remembered how much i enjoyed minya's posts.

Is minya gone forever? Why has he forsaken us

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good choice hap

2nd this.....You know there's a poblem when Hap gets involved, or let alone replies...particularly in an agitated manner.


Craptronic never asked a question.
BTW, an answer doesn't have to specifically reply to a question. That's my educational tidbit for the day.
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guys i'm kinda with jet on that one, where's the shit talking ? i'll end up posting one of my fit so you can shit talk on it.

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