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Warehouse Denim Contest [pics and discussion]


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I've never been a fan of stacking, but I'm also kind of short. I don't think having a bunch of extra fabric folding up at the bottom of my legs helps me. I feel like it makes me look like I'm borrowing a much taller person's pants. But I also think it looks better as the fabric softens up. Maybe I've just never given it a chance.

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I've never been a fan of stacking, but I'm also kind of short. I don't think having a bunch of extra fabric folding up at the bottom of my legs helps me. I feel like it makes me look like I'm borrowing a much taller person's pants. But I also think it looks better as the fabric softens up. Maybe I've just never given it a chance.

I'm really short too (5'4-5'5) and normally I'm not a fan of stacking because depending on the cut it'll just make me look shorter and stocker but I did stack a pair of slim jeans and I think it looks fine although it doesn't make me look taller either. I think for anyone around my height they shouldn't stack these pair. The legs are a little wider all the way through and I'd imagine the stacking will just emphasize your height. But for tall people where these jeans actually look pretty slim on them it'll look just fine. In the above picture I think just a couple inches less of stacking and it would look just as good as cuffing.

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i'm about 5'11" and i wish i hadn't bought these in 36" length. stacking doesn't work well either because the denim softened so much after the 2 hot soaks and 2 hot dries... the hem is also too wide to keep them from dragging, but i guess that's because i wear low profile sneaks. i should get them hemmed and tapered :\

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I'm 5'10" and I normally get my jeans hemmed to 31.5. I had these hemmed so they'd shrink to a 32, and I'm happy with the stacking on mine. IMO, it only works due to the small hem. My w38's ended up with a 8.5 inch hem, half an nich below what BiG's say they should be. If they'd only shrunk to 9, they probably wouldn't look as good.

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I'm really short too (5'4-5'5) and normally I'm not a fan of stacking because depending on the cut it'll just make me look shorter and stocker but I did stack a pair of slim jeans and I think it looks fine although it doesn't make me look taller either. I think for anyone around my height they shouldn't stack these pair. The legs are a little wider all the way through and I'd imagine the stacking will just emphasize your height. But for tall people where these jeans actually look pretty slim on them it'll look just fine. In the above picture I think just a couple inches less of stacking and it would look just as good as cuffing.

Im the same height and feel like im going to have to chop of more than half of the length below the knee.

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Yeah, it's it's own look. It's kind of funny though, when I am riding my bike sometimes my pant will get stuck on my bike crank arm due to it, it should make for some interesting wear.

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actually this contest is

"about coming up, and staying on top,

and screaming 187 on a motherfucking cop"

tell me you all know that.

Wow, quoting Sublime playing with a quote from Snoop Dogg in a Dr. Dre song, then saying you hope we know it right after someone quotes the original in the thread. Postmodernism in action, folks.

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