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shit you hate


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e-stalking your ex girlfriend is pathetic.

nah depends what for imo. if it's to try to find out if she still loves you, yes that's pathetic. i do it sometimes to check her party picture, just to check the kinda place i wouldn't like to be or her new friends... i find it ok.

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I hate when I meet someone really cool, have awesome chemistry with them to the point where our conversations are fucking hilarious and I get to really like them, and then having them turn out to be a humongous flake as soon as I actually try to organise to do anything.

Oh and I hate liking something awesome and being completely unable to get people to even check it out, food, movies, music, whatever, people are so fucking apathetic about shit.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck both of these things.

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hahaha you know whats even worse? a little flying insect fucker who decides to go kamikaze and target your nostril. no lie, a fucking fly went straight up my nostril, it was insane.

whats more insane is driving with the windows down and a bee landing on your neck and stinging you as you drive. I almost swerved lol, but luckily there were no cars around me.

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I hate missing packages at bad times.

I was at school on Friday, and missed the package from BiG containing my PBJ XX-009 jeanz. The slip the mail person left somehow got lost between when it was left there and when I got home. This meant I could not fill it out and submit it to USPS Friday before closing to have the package get delivered on Saturday (my post office is closed Saturday, so I couldn't just go pick it up then), so now I have to wait until Tuesday because of the long weekend... Damn. Sorry about the confusingness of that, but I feel better now.

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when your best friend tells you to never speak to her again because she's sick of dealing with your problems.

i wanna get hit by a car


to make things worse she sent me a text to say i wasted her life.


thats rough shit man

i will pity rep u when i regen

shit mayne that sux

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i hate it that no one else saw obama's wife duck after that speech...i hate when people cover up teen pregnancies for politics. i also hate when people actually care if someone's daughter got pregnant, and the fact that it looks bad on their resume . i also hate that obama is frontin' like he doesn't have any personal($$$) interests in this game... hate when i start liking a politician, and then i realize he was trying to make me like him...i fucking hate politricks.

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