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  Mixture said:
people who do curls in the squat rack smh

dude didn't you know you get 10x stronger doing curls with an olympic bar!

I hate when people excessively grunt and throw weights around as well. I understand sometimes it is necessary, if you are going to failure or something, but usually it isn't necessary and just a vie for attention.

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^^ mostly agree, but at the same time i'll never understand why we give some people a free pass for being raised by shitty parents (lets just say "disenfranchised youths" for p.c. sake), but we don't afford the same sympathy for others. if your parents raised you on mcdonalds and pixie sticks you're gonna get fat, and it is really really hard to slim down once you've hit a certain point.

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  rgray said:
dude didn't you know you get 10x stronger doing curls with an olympic bar!

I hate when people excessively grunt and throw weights around as well. I understand sometimes it is necessary, if you are going to failure or something, but usually it isn't necessary and just a vie for attention.

Those are usually the guys with the imaginary lat syndrome.

Also, people who do more weight then they can handle. Like bro take it easy.

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Holy shiit the most frustrating thing ever.

My dad needed my spare keys so he could take my car in tomorrow while I am out of town. I lost my spare keys for a while but I went to look for them, and after a while I found them.

Now I have no clue where the keys that I originally had are, and I have been looking for an hour and still can't find them.

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  haploid said:
i fucking hate fat white girls

especially the bratty ones who won't shut the fuck up in class

i also hate when fat white girls complain about being discriminated against. the "i was born this way" argument is such bullshit. your mother pushed a 300 pound ball of lard out of her vagina? hell no. there are people in this world who are digging through the dump to find food for themselves and you actually have the audacity to whine about being discriminated against for being fat? i mean i understand genetics plays a part, but unless you have a major metabolism problem, obesity is not really a natural phenomenon.

yeah a lot of fat girls have a serious complex where they figure everyone is going to treat them bad so they just come at the world like total bitches. I was in class and I jokingly said to this fat girl that was in my group, something about how we as English majors didn't have job security. She went on the total defensive and said in some snarky tone how she was going to law school. And yeah, there's kind of a reason overweight people are discriminated against. In a lot of cases (not all) being overweight is caused by a lack of self-control or discipline, so in a way their outward appearance can reflect their character. I mean, genetics can be stacked against you but not heavily enough to be severely obese. I have to give credit to younger kids cuz yeah, bad parenting contributes to their habits, but once they grow up and become a little educated they should be able to form their own opinions or realize why they are the way they are, but Idk, maybe the bad eating habits are just too hard to break by then. This sounds bad, but if there's any case for justified discrimination (and I don't campaign for this or anything) then it's against people who CAN control their conditions, not those that are inherently born with that which is discriminated against.

edit: and I probably would not have even written that but I'm waiting to move out of my apartment and my external HD is packed so I can't watch Twin Peaks.

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my fucking landlords live on the floors just below me. they're like this couple in mid fifties. man seems to have no balls, no authority. can barely talk to me and look at me in the eyes. his wife's a total bitch, she's always giving me shit. calling all pissed on the 3rd of the month if she doesn't have her fucking rent.

the other night she came ringing at my door (it was 8pm) to tell me to "shut that BOOM BOOM" when it was far from being loud, anyways, far from being as loud as the special effects in the stupid movies they seem to enjoy watching at night time.

then the other day i was just drinking on the balcony with my friend when she came to tell "was that your cat in the backyard?" and yes, it was, little girl was just discovering the grass!! well apparently old bitch doesn't want the cat to go there either.

and now they're in the backyard, and i just want to go on my balcony and smoke some trees and flaunt some skin to get some colors

i might just do it anyways.

see how they like it

can't pay her rent today either ha haaaaa

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having to listen to other people's dreams

also i'm sick of having to sit through student presentations about lucid dreaming

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sometimes I get bummed because I never remember dreams. I say I don't dream and everyone always says that I do, I just don't remember them. What's the difference at the end of the day.

why do you have to listen to students talk about lucid dreaming?

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  rgray said:
sometimes I get bummed because I never remember dreams. I say I don't dream and everyone always says that I do, I just don't remember them. What's the difference at the end of the day.

why do you have to listen to students talk about lucid dreaming?

What a coincidence. I just had my first lucid dream this morning. Made myself turn into Hulk and jumped through the hallways of the mall. Shit was intense.

I believe the reason why you don't remember your dreams is due to you finishing them. Basically you get enough sleep. Try setting an alarm to wake yourself up and hour or two after you've fallen asleep. Dreaming occurs 1-2 hours into the sleep cycle. If you interrupt the dream you'll remember when you wake up.

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Dus who fuckin ruin movies because they cant keep their fuckin mouths shut. Especially when you didnt even ask them about the movie. The fuck is that shit? Obamas coming for you spoilers next.

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fucking dorm internet. it used to be ok though i sometimes had to juggle between filehost accounts to download stuff because some got blacklisted, and most adult website were blocked too. but now there's no filehost left and for some reason they're blocking imageshack as well. fucking scholars...

i'm getting a vpn.

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  SDES said:
'Dirty', 'filthy' dubstep (i.e. the only dubstep people seem to know about).

if you mean this : WOBBLE WOBBLE WOBBLE WOBBLE *break/calm part* WOBBLE WOBBLE WOBBLE WOBBLE WOBBLE WOBBLE, well I agree with you. The amount of people into this is incredible, too.

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