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shit you hate


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Scott, the fuck you know about yen?

How much pain my sinuses are causing me right now.

Annoying people who can't understand when to quit. But I guess if they understood then they wouldn't be annoying.

Missing something that doesn't exist

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So I'm chilling on a Saturday morning (well, almost 1pm actually). Not showered, not dressed, just lounging in some shorts and the same tee I've worn for 3 days now. Baby's asleep, the Wife is having lunch with a friend, and I'm watching Armageddon. It's kinda cool outside, the dogs are sleeping on the couch beside me. Got a cup of coffee and just relaxing. Decide to pop in the last roll of cinnamon rolls with that orange frosting (hope you know what I'm talking about). They start to bake and the house smells super good. Timer goes off and I'm stoked. Pull them out, and they're black. Not even edible burnt, like charred. What the fuck. I thought I set the timer correctly. Go to pour another cup of coffee, pot's empty. And Comcast just cut out. Decide to make toast instead, the last of the bread is moldy. Are you fucking kidding me?

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sorry to hear that^ my pt told me I had to do knee exercise for the rest of my life and can't wear shoes without arch support "..heels? dream on" I still sort of cringe when I see people with knee braces.

I hate how some companies only make 32 up to b.

people that look over your shoulder. nosy.

sticky fingers touching my keyboard :mad:

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my new fuckin job don't do paychecks instead they use credit/debit cards where they charge you .50 cents everytime you use debit and takes 4 weeks to switch to direct diposit.

the person who my phone line is under didn't pay there bill this month and i can only recieve but can't send out calls.

it's raining like a hell and everyone is driving slow

i'm gonna killamotherfucker today. believe that.

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my new fuckin job don't do paychecks instead they use credit/debit cards where they charge you .50 cents everytime you use debit and takes 4 weeks to switch to direct diposit.

the person who my phone line is under didn't pay there bill this month and i can only recieve but can't send out calls.

it's raining like a hell and everyone is driving slow

i'm gonna killamotherfucker today. believe that.

my work switched over to this and made me do direct deposit. i like going to the bank to deposit in my checks tho.. :/

but this way i never misplace a paycheck so i guess theres something good in that. they also do that "credit/debit card" but its stoopz for the reason u just stated.

i believe you

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i love going to the bank and depositing checks myself. it's assurance and gives you a sense of pride like damn that money was all me. it's also such a damn hassle to switch over because i'm a cash person. it's like they're pushing you to use credit so they can make money off the interest payments. imo that's not a company that i can be apart of for very long.

ohh well, if this interview goes well i won't be working here for much longer.

and thanks. i believe you too.

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i love going to the bank and depositing checks myself. it's assurance and gives you a sense of pride like damn that money was all me. it's also such a damn hassle to switch over because i'm a cash person. it's like they're pushing you to use credit so they can make money off the interest payments. imo that's not a company that i can be apart of for very long.

ohh well, if this interview goes well i won't be working here for much longer.

and thanks. i believe you too.

i like it cos i have some friends that are tellers.

the cc thing is worst with cellular companies that give you rebates in the form of a cc. so you can't get cash for it basically you have to spend it. i guess i wouldn't mind but i like to be able to decide. plus ya'll know they get a percentage of whatever you spend with that anyways cos cc companies charge merchants x% every time you pay credit instead of cash for stuff. so they get back x% of money from those rebates cc instead of just giving a good ol' cheque that of course, wouldn't yield anything back.

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I fucking loathe my roommate. He sets his alarm for 7AM every morning and it wakes me up. I have class at 12:30 and I cannot get back to sleep. The whole last week I have been in a daze of complete shit. This morning it went off at 7AM and he didn't shut it off. Went off again at 7:30 after I shut it off. Apparently he had two alarms set. He ended up sleeping til 9. Had no reason to get up. I have been up since 7. He is black and pretends he is jamaican by saying "yeah mon" and shit like that. he's absolutely retarded and listens to the same 5 songs over and over again on his stereo.

I put in a room change request and it cannot come sooner.

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