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my mouse.

fuck it.

my desk has a lot of paint spots and shit so it's not smooth enough to be comfortable to use my mouse. So I use this free BMW mousepad I got. I'm not sure if it's the picture on it or the shiny surface but it makes my mouse jump around the screen all the fucking time. If I'm clicking it can grab shit on the way up/down and it sucks. I've closed shit I was working on and dragged shit out of my dock without realizing it.

fuck it.

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  ProfMonnitoff said:
im white and if i had a sister i would never want her to get into a serious relationship with someone whose life is going nowhere

not just an asian thing

totally agree with this guy. my friends from maghreb or middle east and/or with parents from here are stricter, and also i haven't always lived with her, but if my 18yo was to date a looser or a guy well over her age (and even more if he's a looser), i'd try to separate them first (because i'm usually a chill dude) but wouldn't hesitate a second to use force.

Love is something, but love at those age never stay forever (i say never because the probability is too close from 0), but regreat and bitterness do.

And whatever people say, scaring the shit out of someone at a bar or something is very easy (well except if the guy's a 6"5 boxer, in this case wear you perfecto and bring your homies). use your creativity. there's a glass and a hard table ? break it on the side of the table ! most 15-20 hipster loosers would wet their a77/cm and vans in a second.

(didn't say i did it tho)

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jeep, he doesn't even let you have the remains of models ? gotta be better than mrs burger from wagner college or a random cwg.

  Pandemonium said:
dude sleeping is not wasting time.

sleeping from 1am to 5 every day with the same routine is i don't know like 100x better than sleeping from 7am to 3pm with a fucked up routine. of 2 exact same sleep in the same and good conditions, the one that will last 5 hours is better than the one lasting more than 10 hours.

at least that's what i read once in a magazine. science of sleep is so interesting. so much things we don't know and probably never will...

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  heartofsawdust said:
biting my nails/cuticles

my fingers is all sorts of fucked up

biting too low or accidentally biting in public... horrible habit.

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  freecat said:
jeep, he doesn't even let you have the remains of models ? gotta be better than mrs burger from wagner college or a random cwg.

this is a long time thing, he's been doing it since high school... it's just part of his personality and it pisses me off.

But I got pretty high standards and I only had the good ones at my former institution of higher learning... NOT including Ms. Burger hahahahaha

  ProfMonnitoff said:
whats wrong with dating models

nothing, he just feels he needs to have that fact attached to any girl he dates to make me or anyone else feel inadequate. I'd date models if I found one with some sort of intrinsic of intellectual worth, but I have yet too. There's always next year in NYC.

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mechanics ...i swear to god

they said they fix my car i paid them n they say its good now drove it out n the car starts kickin when it gets to 2nd gear i take car back now they say somethin else wrong wit it i bitched @ em for about 20minutes how its their job, fuckers gettin paid,ur suppose to let me kno everything thats wrong with it,test drive tge bitch b4 givin it back etc.

mechanics r con artist sometimes shits bouta get real virginia tech up in that bitch

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  Bona Drag said:
my mechanic is the shit but i know what you mean

4real mayne dus be tryna play ppl i aint no sucker thats just gonaa hand over more cash to fix a car that u said was just fixed u gonna get a verbal beating n a lawsuit shit dont work im going axe gang on em.

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